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is the future in perth?

Guest pilch

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Guest pilch

Hi all,


My partner and I have been discussing moving to perth from the uk for about six months now. It all started when her brother and his family moved back from NZ last year, and since moving back have regretted it. Next year there emigrating to Perth and have been trying to convince us to move with them.


Having looked on the Internet I know my partner wouldnt have a problem getting a job, she's a nurse, but as I am unskilled i was wondering what jobs were out there for me. At the moment I work in a warehouse and delivery although I do have hgv class 2 licence.


We also have a two year old daughter and another concern would be schools. What is the education like?


I am almost convinced it would be the best thing we ever did but my girlfriend is still prob 20% unsure


There are so many questions to ask... cost of living etc but will ask these later



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Having just been back to the UK for a fortnight I'm utterly convinced moving to Perth was the best thing we ever did. But I know it doesn't work out for everyone.

The light is different, the temperature's warmer, the space is amazing, the economy isn't screwed - I could go on.

We took the view that we didn't want to be sitting around in 10 years saying "I wonder what would have happened if we'd gone to Perth when we had the chance?". We'd rather risk having to say "We gave Perth a go and it didn't work out".

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Guest pilch

Thanks for the reply.


You've hit the nail on the head... I dont want any regrets in ten years time wishing we had moved.


My other issue is my daughters future. The way the UK is going she won't have one here, we struggle now, I cant imagine in 20 years what it will be like.


My GF understands what the future holds here, for her its missing the rest of her family that is the biggest issue.

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Don't underestimate the pull of family, it leaves many unsettled and is one of the main reasons for returning. With the opening of Fiona Stanley there will be a need for more nurses in WA, I would suggest coming on a PR visa though.

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My Great Grandparents didnt emigrate as they found out that they were pregnant with my Grandad (and their Trunk was packed!). 60 years later with a twist of fate my Grandparents didnt move because they were looking after my Great Grandmother.


They have all lived their lives with regrets. My other Great Granparents made the move when they were 80 and I was about 5. They spent their happiest years (although not many of them) living in Brisbane and I got to go and visit their graves for the first time a couple of years ago.


I am determined to make sure that my family do not have the same regrets of not doing or not having done it sooner.


I dont think that there is a 'perfect place to live' but you get out of life what you put in. If emigrating to the other side of the world means that you can spend an extra 5- 10 minutes every day doing the things that you enjoy the you should go for it. For us it would be having a walk down the beach after tea and watching the sunset over the Indian Ocean and watching our girls running around freely not bundled up like eskimo's hadly able to move because they have so many layers on.

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Toatally agree, we are in the process of applying for our visa to move to perth, my husband will be 45 next year and if we dont do it before then he will loose points for his age and we will not be able to apply for the visa we want. I will miss my good friends and family but i get so down in the winter here as im not good in the cold and neither is my little boy, we feel the cold a lot and this yr we are in april and it still didnt get above 5 degrees here today!!! Me and my hubbie have been on a reccie and stayed in mandurah and looked round secret harbour,rockingham, baldivis etc and loved it!!! i do think you will regret it if you dont try it!!! Everywhere has its pros and cons, i love where i live in lancashire and it is a beutiful place and very scenic etc but 6mths of the year its too wet and cold to enjoy it!!! We had a look round a primary school in secret harbour, it was fab, 1000 children which i thought was amazing but it didnt feel like it as they were seperated into different blocks and all had their own outdoor play area etc, cookery room,art room, music room etc, i was very impressed. My children go to a very small school at the moment with hardly any room to playout etc, they would love the school in secret harbour so much space and even though 1000 children the class sizes were actually smaller than theirs in england!!! i do worry a bit about high schools. my daughter is in class 4 at the moment so by the time we get to oz she will prob be in her final yr in primary school??? Im sure the schools are still as good just different! Hope you make the right choice :)

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Guest pilch

Thanks for your input everyone. I have a friend in Sydney, who is australian and when I emailed her about moving one line in her email summed up why we should move. It was.... Australia is an awesome place to live.... if the roles we're reversed I would never put that about the uk. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy life here but opportunities are few and far between and it will get worse before it gets better.

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