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Everything posted by clairej456

  1. We have also just got passed this stage! Now applying for the visa,the end is in sight!
  2. hi thank u. the passport arrived today!! So I have submitted the health declaration now on the immi site and we all have HAP ID numbers now, so Im guessing I just go ahead and book our medicals now. Will be doing so tomorrow! The deadline I mean is the date we have to have everything submitted by (31st Oct) its just I cant find anywhere to upload our documents or is it staring right at me!! I will keep searching about the job!! thank u for the help xx
  3. Thank you so much for the replies and advice. I'm feeling pretty stressed now with it all and rushing about gathering everything! I thought I was organised until I realised my new born doesn't have a passport and we need her details for the forms hoping it arrives soon! Can't apply for the medicals without it. We have both just finished filling out the form 80. So I submit my online visa app and health declaration alongside all of the required documents by the deadline or do u have extra time to attach documents? I'm still unsure about my employment and whether to send lots of information if I'm not claiming points for this thanks everyone x
  4. Hi there, I have just been invited to apply for visa 189. I am confused about a few things so be nice please ) So I have started to fill in the online form, the online 'health declarations' form, the form 80 (me and my partner have done this) and also the health form that we take to our medical. I just have a few questions! * once I have submitted the health declarations online form will it then give me the ID so I can book medicals? * evidence of relationship so far I have a few letters in both names, photos, that's all so far. Did anyone get statements from family/friends? * I am not claiming for points on my work experience but do I still need to include evidence of job, reference etc or not if I am not proving the points for this ? * and finally who can certify documents? thanks for any help with these questions )
  5. I did my test 16th July and test results were put on hold due to an investigation until a couple of days ago. Luckily I passed finally! Eoi in ? good luck with your results
  6. I am also awaiting test results. It's been nearly 3 weeks of waiting so far and still no information or updates.no one knows anything about how long it will take or what is actually going on. Ielts is a joke. Is it worth just re sitting it ?
  7. Hi all, so which licence do you think my OH needs to get here so he can do some driving jobs in oz, is it class 1, or do you do a few different ones? Claire
  8. hi i am going to follow this !! my other half is going through the process here of taking his hgv test and we not sure of what will happen when we move. do you have to retake tests there? thanks
  9. Ok thank you for the reply. I am slowly getting there with it all! For the CPD what do we actually have to provide for that as I cannot find any information on their website, unless I have missed it somehow ! Claire x
  10. I'm just starting mine also so this all may come in handy! Does any one know....for the cv where u have to list your skills , do you just put a list of do you have to provide a certificate for each thing as I have done a lot of training but don't have a certificate for them. Thanks
  11. As far as I am aware you can apply to aphra before you get anmac x
  12. Thank you for the replies. I think I may have to just put in it what I can and just hope for the best! Although there is a lot of information on their site some parts are still really unclear so without the help of these groups I would be totally stuck! I will carry on until the next hurdle )
  13. Hi there i am at the beginning of the APHRA process and so far haven't got past doing my CV! I am just wondering if anyone can help please. For the section were they require details of clinical/procedural do you have to provide a certificate for each listed thing. I work in ICU and do a lot of clinical things on a daily basis however I do not have a certificate to say I can do each thing. I included mandatory training here also but again we just attend training but do not actually get a certificate for each thing. Is is anyone else in the same situation as me who can give any advice ! Thanks Claire
  14. Hi there I asked for a re mark but for me came back as the same, very annoying as more money wasted. But it is maybe worth a try considering some people do get there marks changed. I got the 7's now I need 8's for visa points Claire
  15. I have just completed my top up to degree and passed so I am awaiting certificate. I applied to anmac ages ago however it was put on hold due to the changes and them saying I need aphra to say I am eligible before they begin to process it. How do I get them to prove I am eligible, Do I need to apply to aphra first ? Help !!! Thanks x
  16. Wow kelly which area do you work ? Sounds fab, I not going to be there for a while due to the whole process !! X
  17. Thanks for the reply. I thought that may be the answer ! We have been looking at the licences are all different names so it's difficult to figure out which one is which on comparison.
  18. Hi to anyone who might know !! my other half is looking into a track driving licence here in uk prior to us moving next year. Does anyone know if what we do here in the uk would be equivalent in Australia. Is there any particular licences which would be worth doing here to help him get a job when we move. Any advice welcome thanks
  19. Wow !! I wonder what the record is, hope I not going To be the new record breaker !! I now need to focus on the writing to get through this xx
  20. 59 wow !! That's gotta be a record surely! Mine is 4 so far .... Let's hope it ends at 5 ! X
  21. Thanks for that. I do the first part no problem then get to the 2nd part and although the question isn't particularly hard it just doesn't seem as easy! I am in no rush to do it again as can't do anything now until finished my degree. Our plan to go in feb doesn't seem as realistic now !! X
  22. Hi all well done onto your results !! I failed again on the general on the writing. Can never get above a 7. Any ideas? I hoped this would of been my last attempt but obviously not! Slow process :// xxx
  23. Hi I need to get 8's on the ielts so I can gain extra points on the visa (i need the 20 points).Because it is for the visa I can do the general one which is easier than the academic. We had a fire at one of our houses so that needs renovating then hopefully will sell, just another problem to add to our list !!
  24. I am doing it alone but so far I haven't actually got anywhere due to the changes Anmac have put in place. I have done ielts academic 3 times and finally got the 7's I needed for anmac/aphra and now need to get 8's in the general for extra visa points. I also cannot do anything until finish degree in September so feeling totally deflated as we wanted to go in February. Already paid and sent off my anmac though which is annoying too x
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