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Everything posted by jackboots

  1. Huge congratulations , it is a surreal feeling
  2. I wouldn't cope Mal . we had pals live in Katherine ..pheeeew
  3. Humidity heat is awful ( which it usually is in the UK at higher temps ) , give me dry heat any day .. usually I find end of January mid Feb can be humid here. But personally i'd take 40 dry heat here, than hot sweaty 30 if humid
  4. Hmmm .. I thought there might be other teenagers doing their bit for wildlife or meeting some new friends . Its all very Eco and if snakes and lizards are your thing .... they have those Eco toilets that don't require sewage systems ..
  5. Rockingham Environmental centre also have holiday activities . http://www.naragebup.org.au/#!holidays
  6. Depends where you live , we use a good one in Baldivis. Otherwise HR Block.
  7. poor girl .. we have a 6 year old so wrong age group . but get a meet up one weekend and we will come along , there are a few down your way I am sure with teenagers . Maybe they would introduce her to a club etc
  8. So what's on for those of you that live here and those that don't ? . Sunday , is it a day of rest ? or outings or DIY .... We are off to Freemantle for a meander and a picnic .. well when I get my cosy out of bed and off PP ... Enjoy your day
  9. Morning , made me laugh too .. as my nickname years ago was RED .. hehe . Have you joined any clubs with your Daughter ? . They have a surf club down there I am told .. it takes ages to meet people ( don't loose heart ) and most hibernate in the winter . You could always book a get together and post on here and www.pomsinoz.com say at the beach or park .. bring a picnic or barbie eats welcome to PP , how long have you been here ?
  10. BBQ , Slow cooker , Gas hob and Oven
  11. jackboots


    Haha ... enjoy , your as old as you feel !
  12. I love Rhodes old town ... Magic I prefer the smaller islands ... Pooh I miss my Greek hols. Well Mediterranean hols .
  13. Flip me ... Never thought about building until this year.. But then we were like why not ? I like my space but it sure goes when you build in Lego land ! Hey ho , I'm the rare person that would live in a two bedroom on acreage ! I hate big house's but like the space around me , fortunately we are building between two parks even if the neighbors are surrounding us
  14. I'm a thoughtful risk taker...is that possible ? I also plant the thoughts to my dh .. Walk away and let him come back with his idea ( maybe it was mine ) he either shoots me down in flames or is righty oh. !
  15. Happy Birthday ! Bet we know what present you would like . We were 18 months from starting the process. Seemed like forever at the time .
  16. I love Greece too . ( well Greek Greece !)
  17. haha , I said that to our builders liaison the other day ... Have you ever had anyone build and say. Holy mooo what did we do ? . She laughed like mad !
  18. How much ? Begged me that's high ! We used to live in the hills , is that property with acreage or a box standard plot ? Thanks .
  19. Nip into a child care center and get a free copy off child paper it's free here , with oodles of activities, clubs etc sometimes they are in stands in the shopping centers. There are lots of indoor play centers all over Perth. ! join a moms and toddlers group .. I did when I first came over , great way to meet people.
  20. Starting to drool pool... I lurve Greek food , Spanish , Italian , erm I should stop now .
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