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Rental Rant !!!!

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Ok so i'm an angry Scotsman at the moment........


I just don't understand the issue here...


We are going to arrive in Perth 31st October....

We are hoping to settle in or around Ellenbrook....

We have no family in Oz and we have friends who can pick us up and put us up for 3 or 4 days!


What the hell is the big issue with renting a property before we arrive for a longer term.... Short term rental i do appreciate for the holiday market are expensive...but not only that we can't find one near where we want to settle...

We can't register the kids in school before we get a rental in the area.... We are desperate to get the kids registered as soon as we get there as the schools break up for the summer break at the end of November so we want the kids to have a month under their belts so they can at least meet a few people especially my 14 year old....If we don't they are gonna have a long hard 3 months before the start school....


It's so annoying that people just don't understand these things and show a little common decency to people positions !!!!!!!


Ok OK I know i'm not the only one but hell i swear i'm gonna start my own estate agents and only rent to UK immigrants and treat them as individuals with needs !!!!!!!


rant over !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PS i do promise i am a nice calm family man

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Rant away but I would never rent before I saw the place.

1)some of the pictures estate agents put on are obviously when the properties were new and not the state they are in after being rented out a few times

2)they might put one or 2 nice pictures on but once you get here the rest of the house is a hovel!

3)you need to have a look at the areas - you could end up in the middle of ****sville!

4)the clampits might live next door with burnout cars etc all over the garden


Get the picture....................

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Your lucky. In many states it is illegal to let to someone that has not seen the property and I agree with that.


You say you want to be in Ellenbrook. But have you ever spent any time there? Have you got a job lined up - you might need to think about living where you are working. While public transport is good it has some perculiarities. Getting from A to B can mean going via C and D. Driving at rush hour is a no no.

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They do a 100 point ID check usually for most things - they can't do that if you're not actually in the country. People could enrol their children in several schools to 'edge their bets' and therefore stop someone from attending who has already arrived. Schools like Rossmoyne for example have a catchment area - until you can prove you live in the area - you can't enrol (which is fair really).


I would suggest looking at taking a short holiday let initially.

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Whilst we couldn't enrol our kids in the school - the principle was great for my eldest and got them a pen-pal (someone had volunteered and their parent gave permission), you could try contacting the principle and asking if they could set something like that up. Do your friends have children - or know of people with children that could start corresponding with yours and arrange a meet when you arrive?

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Don't fret about getting them into school beforehand - if it's meant to happen it will. To be honest, organising text books and uniforms, etc will be a nightmare and most of the children will be slotted into their little groups and focusing on the end of year school play!

There are a heap of activity camps for kids during the Summer holidays and this is a great way for your children to meet other like-minded locals. We arrived in Perth at the end of August last year, so my son had about 6 weeks before starting the final term (which was actually the first term of the new year under the IB scheme). I put him into a cricket camp during the holidays and he met boys from the neighbourhood as well as the school. It was a perfect outcome and when he did start school, there were plenty of other new boys so he didn't feel like he was the odd one out. Check out these websites:






I am sure there are others but this will give you some ideas of what is going to be available around Perth.

It is a big move for the children as well so let them have a little fun and adventure when you first arrive, rather than throwing them straight into school. You will have time to check out various schools once you are settled into your own home. It will all work out just fine, don't worry.

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Guest guest9824

Im seriously considering putting a granny flat in the back yard, time and time again I see posts like yours Bobo, of people who need some help and guidance, ie.picking up from the airport and just a general TLC service, with a short term accommodation thrown in, sounds like a little business venture. hmmmmm


You say Midland for work, have you considered the hills for a very short term stay?? Its 10 minutes in a car to Midland, there is a bus direct there, and the hills and surrounding areas have some lovely B and Bs (seeing as its just a few days you need to just touch base and take stock for a few days)...one particular one in Gooseberry Hill, is a lovely spot, overlooking the escarpment and has views of all of Perth. Just google B and Bs in Kalamunda, Gooseberry Hill and Lesmurdie. Ellenbrook is probably about 25 minutes by car from the hills just to give you a rough guide. We go to the pub at Ellenbrook alot for meals 'The Brook', does very nice food!

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When you arrive, spend time checking out all of the suburbs that are within the decent commute distance. All have a different feel and some will feel right for you and some not. It's a very personal thing. We looked at some suburbs when we arrived that we were sure we would love and were highly recommended, but they just didnt feel right. In fact the one we ended up in we had never heard of!


I have a friend in Ellenbrook and she loves it. We visited and knew immediately it wasn't for us. Were all different.


Have a look at the Transperth web site and it will give a good idea of which areas are suitable for an easy commute.


Then, you can always post on here to ask peoples views on a particular suburb.

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I know you know this I am sure but this, promise me, will the first of many situations that you will face or encounter that will really rile you. Once you arrive and undertake many day to day and other activities in terms of trying to get things done you will need to grow a patience arm pretty quickly. It is simple really. It is Oz, it is WA and it is a long, long way from home and what you are used to. Honestly the first thing to do when you arrive is to go into your nearest Coles supermarket, usually to the I am new isle, and buy a family sized pack of chill pills. They are fairly expensive but well worth it. :wink: And remember when in rome and all that......


If it is any consolation as to the kids and school many folk probably have faced the same situation as you. Getting kids in fast to a school is one way but not doing that is another and it could have no other effect that a wee bit of boredom. In the great scheme of things it is not that bad just a wee bit of a pain. Our son was not at school from the day we arrived in late October until the following term start in February and he was around the same age as your daughter. Never harmed him, well once he came out of his mood that is around three years later!!:wink: I know everyone is different, and what suits one kid may not be good for another, and also it may cause a few day to day logistical issues but big picture stuff, big picture and it will all be ok.


Good luck and remember, Coles, as fast as you can after arrival :wink:

Edited by StraighttothePoint
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When you find an area, find the local IGA (corner shop) and have a wander about.


Look at the locals.


If you are near a train line, go past at 10PM on a Friday/Saturday - have a look at the station and again the locals.


Look for black lines on the road where people have been doing burnouts and donuts.


It'll give you a good idea of the area.


We looked at one house. Awesome. Went to the local shop and there was a woman attacking her other half with a wooden post. The shop owner called the police and told me that they had a load of problems with a group of locals, and were always calling the cops.


Post was thrown at a passing car, and the police came and arrested her "again".


Shame, the house was lovely.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Ok so i'm an angry Scotsman at the moment........


I just don't understand the issue here...


We are going to arrive in Perth 31st October....

We are hoping to settle in or around Ellenbrook....

We have no family in Oz and we have friends who can pick us up and put us up for 3 or 4 days!


What the hell is the big issue with renting a property before we arrive for a longer term.... Short term rental i do appreciate for the holiday market are expensive...but not only that we can't find one near where we want to settle...

We can't register the kids in school before we get a rental in the area.... We are desperate to get the kids registered as soon as we get there as the schools break up for the summer break at the end of November so we want the kids to have a month under their belts so they can at least meet a few people especially my 14 year old....If we don't they are gonna have a long hard 3 months before the start school....


It's so annoying that people just don't understand these things and show a little common decency to people positions !!!!!!!


Ok OK I know i'm not the only one but hell i swear i'm gonna start my own estate agents and only rent to UK immigrants and treat them as individuals with needs !!!!!!!


rant over !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PS i do promise i am a nice calm family man


Hi Buddy,


You are really in a serious problem. You have to first locate what will be your convenience place to communicate both your kids school as well as other required palces as like your market & office. It will be more effective for you.



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i understand what you are or prob now have been through!!! i am the same at the moment, leaving england in Jan really want to get a rental sorted before we go, everyone telling us we need to chill out a bit etc etc but not that easy is it when you are just about to leave your house,family, everyone you know behind!!!! rentals are MAD in WA!!!! def need to start an agency up!! be good to hear how things are going for you now!!

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