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Too old!!


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Having looked into the visa options to emigrate to Perth it looks like we are too old (55 and 58 respectively) or need at least £85,000 to qualify for a parent contributory visa. They state that a normal parent visa can take between 12-15 years to process. Our son and family emigrated three years ago so we are very keen to spend as much time as possible with our grandson etc. If emigration is not possible we need to look at other choices:


1. What is the best way to get a six month visa?

2. Is it possible to rent furnished houses for six months

3. Is emigration any easier if you are in Australia



Any help, advice or reassurance would be gratefully received.


Many thanks



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Welcome to PP.

Sorry, I can't help with your question other than to advise contacting a migration agent.

With regards to renting a property I think you'll find this difficult to do if you're outside of Oz unless you're going for a holiday let. A six month holiday let is likely to cost a considerable amount of money so if you have family here your best bet might be to tap into their local contacts and try to get into a house sitting type arrangement.

Hope there may be others along to help with alternatives.

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When I was last at an expo, my agent was answering questions re visas. He said he got a visa for a 60 year old who wanted to be with her family but like you it was difficult. He managed it though by getting her to do some sort of course and she now has pr. His name is John Adams with immigration2oz. Give him a call.



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hi, we are in the same boat we had to go for the contributory parent visa. there is a thread on poms in oz which may be useful to you.

I believe there is a new visa which you can stay longer than the 3 months which we do , but I have not looked into it sorry. We for the last 7 years have been over for the 3 months per year on the holiday visa which is free and stay with our son.You can get holiday lets quite easy but they are expensive.the only other way around it is for your son to rent for 6mths but you stay there if that is legal ? I do not think it is any easier if in Oz else we would have gone down that route but you can always ask the question, we started to use a migration agent but we found out more from a call to immigration in london and did not have to pay.So after paying them £500 and got nothing back we have gone down the 143 visa route to get out there quicker.

welcolme to PP by the way, I love reading the posts hope you do too

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hi, we are in the same boat we had to go for the contributory parent visa. there is a thread on poms in oz which may be useful to you.

I believe there is a new visa which you can stay longer than the 3 months which we do , but I have not looked into it sorry. We for the last 7 years have been over for the 3 months per year on the holiday visa which is free and stay with our son.You can get holiday lets quite easy but they are expensive.the only other way around it is for your son to rent for 6mths but you stay there if that is legal ? I do not think it is any easier if in Oz else we would have gone down that route but you can always ask the question, we started to use a migration agent but we found out more from a call to immigration in london and did not have to pay.So after paying them £500 and got nothing back we have gone down the 143 visa route to get out there quicker.

welcolme to PP by the way, I love reading the posts hope you do too



Thank you for your help

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i have been here on both a 6 month + 12 month long stay holiday visas. I did not have to pay out big money to a migration agent.

i got them through a vasa travel company. There is a criteria for applying such as having enough funds to support yourself for the period of stay and proof of some sort of income.

if you contact the following company who I have used they will tell you what you need and will apply for it for you for the set fee of the visa it's The travel visa company telephone 01270 250590. I hope that this helps you in some way to at least get a year visa quickly and easily

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I have been trying for a year this month to emigrate to Perth using an unregistered Immigration Company (didn't know at the time about they must be registered although some aren't and all is good) but as I am now like you too old at 51 I have been advised to study at Tafe (College) which I have applied to do and awaiting the outcome. After the course you have a month then must go home or take another course. I have been told by Australia House in London that unofficially the course/qualification I am doing isn't on the list of skills required in Oz but it could be in a year or two nobody knows. Also getting sponsored by a Company even part time may be enough to get you into Oz. It is soo upsetting and a massive roller coaster ride, good luck :)

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hi, david it is Peter looking for a six month visa so I hope your post helps him.


Hi Janew , what sort of course do you do and do you have to be in oz for a month then go back to the uk ? it does seem a roller coaster and can I ask if you think it is worth doing ? seems a good cheaper way but I am 10 years older ?

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HI I have applied to do a Business Administration Diploma with Perth Tafe in East Perth it starts in July and is about £6000 for year it has about 6 modules in it. I have been told you can then stay a month after the course ends then must go back to UK but you are able to work for up to 40 hours each 2 weeks which in theory might give you the chance to work for a Company that really like you and are willing to sponsor you. It is a lot of ifs n buts but I have to give this a last chance but it is hard to deal with I never realised how strict it is in Oz even to people who have money to live on and have never been in any trouble ever! I found Australia House in London very helpful and their website is good. The man I spoke to said there isn't an upper age limit for studying but obviously you have to look into it and it is all very very involved! Good luck with this Jane

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I have been trying for a year this month to emigrate to Perth using an unregistered Immigration Company (didn't know at the time about they must be registered although some aren't and all is good) but as I am now like you too old at 51 I have been advised to study at Tafe (College) which I have applied to do and awaiting the outcome. After the course you have a month then must go home or take another course. I have been told by Australia House in London that unofficially the course/qualification I am doing isn't on the list of skills required in Oz but it could be in a year or two nobody knows. Also getting sponsored by a Company even part time may be enough to get you into Oz. It is soo upsetting and a massive roller coaster ride, good luck :)
Being sponsored part-time will not be enough to get you a visa. With your age the only sponsorship visa available would be 457 - there is many conditions that must be met regarding paying market rate, meeting the pay threshold and the other it must be full time work.
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I say again. There is a way around that I have seen used via bridging visas that allows you to stay in Oz permanently - potentially - but you need to speak to a migration agent.


If you are happy to visit as a tourist for extended periods then the 600 visitors visa is available and you can apply on line.

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