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Planning on moving and don't know where to start. HELP!!


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Hi Everyone,


We were planning on moving over to Perth this year, however we fell pregnant and are now expecting our first baby April'14. This has delayed our move but we wouldn't change it for the world and expecting our first baby has made us all the more determined to move to Perth as soon as we have our savings back on track. I'm a Registered Nurse in Scotland and my hubby is a Police Officer, we are stuck on where we should start the process, we will be going on my visa as there are no restrictions for nurses as there seem to be if we go on his visa.



I keep getting contacted by agencies who want to help with the visa application process, is this a wise move or are we better to do this ourselves?


Should I apply for my registration first before my visa?


Do you think it would be best to move over and then find a job or find a job and then move over? Once we have our visas I would quit my job and work on the nurse bank until we moved out so we could keep the savings going.


Can anyone suggest areas and hospitals that you may know have good reputations? We were thinking about Joondalup or near to it, as we have never been before it's hard to choose a location to settle in.


I think I'll leave my questions there for the minute, I have so many more but don't want information overload. We are attending the emigrations show in Glasgow SECC in February so hoping to find out as much info as we can there also.


Any help from you all would be much appreciated as we are wanting to get the ball rolling asap.


Thanks in advance and hope to speak to you soon.



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Hi Charlene.


Congrats on the first baby news. Exciting times. I will help where I can.


You don't mention which type of visa you want to apply for. The only expression I say this is that different visas have different requirements and you want the correct advice so there are no mistakes. Also, depending on which visa you are applying for would make it easier to know when to apply for registration.


You can apply for jobs but I don't think anyone will entertain you unless you have a visa in your hand.


i used an agent for my visa, and they were brill. However, if I knew then what I know now, I would have done it myself. if you do decide to use an agent, use one that's MARA registered and preferably recommended. They are expensive but I paid mine as I went along, not all in one go.


Can't help with hospitals as I've never been but I'm sure someone will come along and help you out with that.



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Fellow Scot here who also lives in Joondalup so....


Take as much advice from the SECC show and from a few chats to some different registered agents. You can apply yourselves but that involves time which may be more a priority to you than paying fees for a service in relation to getting the visa organised by someone else on your behalf. Muck like anything really when services are available for hire. We did our own ones, and there are many on here who have as well, so it can be done. Sure as a police officer your husband will be familar with paperwork :wink:


Joondalup hospital is very good as are the majority over here so you should not have to worry about that side of things in terms of your current situation or future job opportunities. For visas look here and go through the wizard for your options, list them and check when you go to SECC if you like. http://www.immi.gov.au/Pages/Welcome.aspx


Also if you send me a Private message with an e-mail address I will send you an excel budget sheet that will help with calculating all costs in relation to the move also a list of must read websites.


Good luck

Edited by StraighttothePoint
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Hi Charlene.


Congrats on the first baby news. Exciting times. I will help where I can.


You don't mention which type of visa you want to apply for. The only expression I say this is that different visas have different requirements and you want the correct advice so there are no mistakes. Also, depending on which visa you are applying for would make it easier to know when to apply for registration.


You can apply for jobs but I don't think anyone will entertain you unless you have a visa in your hand.


i used an agent for my visa, and they were brill. However, if I knew then what I know now, I would have done it myself. if you do decide to use an agent, use one that's MARA registered and preferably recommended. They are expensive but I paid mine as I went along, not all in one go.


Can't help with hospitals as I've never been but I'm sure someone will come along and help you out with that.





Hi Debs,


we were looking for a PR visa as I don't want to have any restrictions on us. Initially was advised to go for a 457 but Verystormy on here has said not really the best one to go for. So many options. We are hoping to start the process next January as I will be back at work by then and can build up our savings again, actually can't wait.


What at agency did you use? I know a lot of people do it on their own but I'm a bit of a stress head and feel an agent may be able to take some of the stress for me. Unsure what to do. On top of finding the perfect area, schools, jobs etc. my head will be bursting. I'm sure I'm not the only one and won't be the last. Hehe.


Thanks for any help in advance we really appreciate it.



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