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Help with the boring but essential bits on arrival


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Hi everyone,


We are moving to Perth on Thursday (arrrrrr!) but just wanted to ask what the process is with regard to registering your visa. We are coming out on a 190 although we have got written confirmation that we have been released from our obligations. The immi department haven't answered my question on this so I've come to you for help. I'm trying to find out how and where we register that 'we have landed' on planet Perth. And is there a timescale for registering? On the 176 you had two weeks after arrival to register but I can't seem to find what the situation is with the 190.

So far we have booked a hire car and booked to an appointment at the bank - I know we need Medicare/Centrelink TFN etc but can anyone give me any tips on how quick all this process is? Are we looking at days, hours, loads of forms, can we do it online?

sorry for so many questions - I start work within a matter of days after arrival and I'm conscious I want to try and get it all done really quickly so we can have some family fun for a few days before the 'living the real dream' sets in.

Looking forward to some fun in the sun! Thanks guys.

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As a recent arrival, also a 190, I'm happy to share our experience so far.


With regard to registering well we haven't! Never saw anything to suggest we needed to and as everything is electronic these days would assume that passing through immigration does the job.


TFN you can do online as soon as you get here. The process takes about 20 mins but the letter confirming your number can take up to four weeks. Ours arrived in three but we arrived just after Xmas which may have slowed things down.


Medicare is also very easy. Go to your local Medicare centre which can be found online. Take your ticket and wait your turn a la Tescos meat counter. Be warned if it's busy this can be a lengthy wait. However once you're seen it's a case of filling in yet another form which they verify and then wait another four weeks for your Medicare card to come through. We are still waiting for ours (see comment above re Xmas). They do give you a temporary print out to use if necessary whilst waiting but it's not ID.


Centre link I can't comment on.


WA drivers licence requires several forms of ID including a Medicare card so you have to wait for that to come through.


Formality wise that's all I can think of but feel free to ask if there is anything else I might help with!!



Edited by Nikkis2000
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I can't tell you how much help this is, thank you! I didn't realise that about needing the Medicare card to get the driving licence, thanks for the heads up on that!

Do you know anyone who has had experience of centrelink? I'm going to be a full time student over there but have two kids to sort childcare for - eeeeeek!

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Hi everyone,


We are moving to Perth on Thursday (arrrrrr!) but just wanted to ask what the process is with regard to registering your visa. We are coming out on a 190 although we have got written confirmation that we have been released from our obligations. The immi department haven't answered my question on this so I've come to you for help. I'm trying to find out how and where we register that 'we have landed' on planet Perth. And is there a timescale for registering? On the 176 you had two weeks after arrival to register but I can't seem to find what the situation is with the 190.

So far we have booked a hire car and booked to an appointment at the bank - I know we need Medicare/Centrelink TFN etc but can anyone give me any tips on how quick all this process is? Are we looking at days, hours, loads of forms, can we do it online?

sorry for so many questions - I start work within a matter of days after arrival and I'm conscious I want to try and get it all done really quickly so we can have some family fun for a few days before the 'living the real dream' sets in.

Looking forward to some fun in the sun! Thanks guys.



On a 190 visa you are supposed to register your arrival. As far as I am aware there is no time limit, to be honest it is difficult to do it quickly as you need a permanent address and details of that address, all of these things take time! This is the email from our agent from when we had our visa granted;




You will need to register your settlement in Western Australia by visiting the Skilled Migration WA office at:


Level 2, 166 Murray Street

Perth Western Australia 6000


The office visiting hours are:

Monday: 1:00pm-4.30pm

Tuesday: 8.30am-12:00pm

Wednesday: closed

Thursday: 8.30am-12:00pm

Friday: closed


This registration of arrival will activate your two year commitment to Western Australia , as required in your signed State Sponsorship Agreement with the Government of Western Australia.


To successfully register you will need to the following documents:

·a copy of your signed State sponsorship agreement;


·passport; and

·proof of your permanent Western Australian address*.


*Acceptable documents include:

·lease agreement;

·utilities bill (phone, water, electricity, etc.); or

·Western Australian driver’s licence.


Might need to double check the opening hours as this was last July. I know many people dont register, as I understand it, it does not affect your visa status, but I wouldn't be prepared to bet my visa on it! We havent registered our arrival yet as we have only just got enough documentation to do it.


Medicare, need to do it in person, takes about 6 weeks for your card to come through, you need it to do your driving licence, once you have all the documents driving licence is quick (apply in person on the day and with you in a week) - the application is relatively painless once you get to talk to someone at the centrelink office!


Cetrelink - there is a 6 week turn around I am told (I am still waiting!) you can make a claim on line, but that is about as far as it goes, its a lot of questions!


TFN - apply on line, think it takes up to 4 weeks to come through, one of ours came within a week, the other took 3 I think (we applied at the same time!)


Hope that helps!

Edited by Walkabout
woops email sneeked in!
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I've recently arrived and you do need to register as 190 applicant, as it activates your 2 year commitment. The office is in one of the government offices in a mall in the CBD. You don't need to do it straightaway unless you have a confirmed full time address but the commitment won't start until you do.





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Good thread Im in the process of trying to sort out the nitty gritty. We're over in may but trying to get a head start!


Two questions: Im going to be about 26 wks pregnant when we arrive and the wait on Medicare cards has concerned me a little, does this mean we can't get medical help until it arrives. Any advice on what to do?


Also, should know this but what is TFN? Minds a blank (baby brain!)





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Hi Bridges. Congrats on the baby, I can't help on the Medicare but TFN is Tax File Number. You need it to be able to pay taxes. Kind of line an NI number. Good luck with the move, I wish we'd had the time to plan ahead like yourselves, we've only had 12 weeks to sell our house, get jobs and ship and get over there. It's been a whirlwind! Hence asking questions 3 days before we are due to arrive hahaha x

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Good thread Im in the process of trying to sort out the nitty gritty. We're over in may but trying to get a head start!


Two questions: Im going to be about 26 wks pregnant when we arrive and the wait on Medicare cards has concerned me a little, does this mean we can't get medical help until it arrives. Any advice on what to do?


Also, should know this but what is TFN? Minds a blank (baby brain!)






Hi Allie,


I don't know if anyone else will come up with anything different but we're planning on taking out travel insurance to last us for the first month. We thought that would give us time to get our Medicare cards through.

Hope it all goes well for you,

Debs x

Edited by Sideshowdeb
Damn autocorrect!
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Hi Bridges. Congrats on the baby, I can't help on the Medicare but TFN is Tax File Number. You need it to be able to pay taxes. Kind of line an NI number. Good luck with the move, I wish we'd had the time to plan ahead like yourselves, we've only had 12 weeks to sell our house, get jobs and ship and get over there. It's been a whirlwind! Hence asking questions 3 days before we are due to arrive hahaha x


Tax file number, course it is, i knew that! Good luck with the whirlwind at least you get it all over and done with and then can update us on what needs to be done!

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Hi Alfie,


I don't know if anyone else will come up with anything different but we're planning on taking out travel insurance to last us for the first month. We thought that would give us time to get our Medicare cards through.

Hope it all goes well for you,

Debs x


Hi debs, Im guessing alfie may be me, predictive text??!!


Whos the travel insurance with and is it expensive. Is it especially for migration? Been thinking abt looking in to it, especially because of bump or have you not got that far yet?



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Regarding registering that you are physically here, we did it all on line, never had to step foot in a building, but had to wait until we had the necessary documents as listed in Weston Clans post. Here is the email address 'migration@dtwd.wa.gov.au'. We just emailed over a copy of our lease, copy of our state sponsorship agreement, a copy of my hubbies passport. We then received an email back confirming that our registration was complete and just in future need to let them know of a change of address.

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Hi Bridges,

Congratulations on your pregnancy, exciting times! With regards to medicare, you can get medical help as soon as you register, they issue you with a temporary card (a receipt piece of paper!) it has your number on and you just show that if you need anything. They wont accept the temporary card any more for ID hence why you have to wait for the proper card to come through to do the other things.

We took out travel insurance for the first month so that we had some time to get ourselves sorted, not just with medical cover but also contents insurance for our things, we didnt need it but at least we knew we had it should something happen. Hope that puts your mind at rest.

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Good thread Im in the process of trying to sort out the nitty gritty. We're over in may but trying to get a head start!


Two questions: Im going to be about 26 wks pregnant when we arrive and the wait on Medicare cards has concerned me a little, does this mean we can't get medical help until it arrives. Any advice on what to do?


Also, should know this but what is TFN? Minds a blank (baby brain!)






No, you will get a temporary number on a bit of paper as soon as you register and this will cover you until the actual card arrives.

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Hi all,



I have been reading all the threads of this forum. This is very helpful forum. Appreciate all for such a kind support for people like us, seeking guidance. As far i understand the things to do (in order of documents req) after landing there are-

1.Collect the NAB account documents & card

2. TFN

3. Medicare

4.Rent a house( I think to rent a house we need some local ID proof)

5. Driving lic. & register our VISA



Please correct me if I am getting anything wrong also if I am missing anything important.



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Hi all,



I have been reading all the threads of this forum. This is very helpful forum. Appreciate all for such a kind support for people like us, seeking guidance. As far i understand the things to do (in order of documents req) after landing there are-

1.Collect the NAB account documents & card

2. TFN

3. Medicare

4.Rent a house( I think to rent a house we need some local ID proof)

5. Driving lic. & register our VISA



Please correct me if I am getting anything wrong also if I am missing anything important.




I will be keeping this for future reference (if its all correct of course!!)

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Hi we got a 175 visa do we need to register it.


Driving licence do you need to do a theory test or is English one ok.




:arghh::biglaugh::chatterbox::laugh:QUOTE=Bridges;87332]I will be keeping this for future reference (if its all correct of course!!)


Re driving licences if you just want to be able to drive cars, small vans ex like in the UK, then as long as you apply within the 1st three months it's a straight swap. If you leave it longer or want additional classes (like truck licence) then you have to do a theory test.

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Hi we got a 175 visa do we need to register it.


Driving licence do you need to do a theory test or is English one ok.




:arghh::biglaugh::chatterbox::laugh:QUOTE=Bridges;87332]I will be keeping this for future reference (if its all correct of course!!)


Just wonder down to your local test centre, take a load of ID, fill in the form, do an eye test while stood at the counter, hand over some cash and away you go. They will give you a piece of paper to cover you until the real one arrives in a couple of weeks. You must always have your driving license with you when driving. It is an offence in WA not to. It is also needed for a million things - even sending a parcel overseas they will ask to see your drivers license.


The cool bit though is if you ever misplace it. Far far better than the UK. I misplaced mine recently (lost my wallet). Just wandered down to the license place, paid a fee and they even filled the form in for me. In and out in 3 mins

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