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Problems getting the Internet?


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Hi all,

We have jsut moved into a lovely house in Clarkson, we have sorted our Foxtel service as the property was already set up, no installation needed, which was nice. Now all we need is broadband....what a palarva!!


Being from Birmingham, UK broadband was never a problem as we had a 100mb/s cable service from Virgin which was fantastic. Here we have had to drop back to the dreaded ADSL2+...chance would be a fine thing.


First we tried TPG...sorry we dont have any equipment in your exchange...so TPG was promply cancelled.


Now we have tried iiNet....all seemed ok inititally, our phone line has been connected but now i received an email saying there are no ports available at the Mindarie exchange!!!! What! In all my years i have never heard of this happening.


So now im back to sqaure one, really need to get online as family want to speak to us on Skype and i need the web for work.


Has anyone else had any issues getting the Internet in Clarkson?

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Vivid Wireless.


It's slow, you need to be in a reception area (it uses mobile reception), but you can take it with you, has no land line, and if you got for the $89 plan, free calls to the UK.


It's not really for gaming, but it's good enough.


If you go for it, there is a referral plan. PM me if you want my email address (I think we both get a month free or something).

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Not really an option to go wireless, lots of movie downloading, streaming, Skyping, Xbox and Playstation going on in the house. I have currently been tethering my phone with a data plan (only 3g) and its not up to scratch for us. iiNet have said that we can wait for a port to become available and could take 2 - 3 weeks. Its like being back in the late 90's except i had hair in the 90's :)

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No ports available is quite common in Australia. While the Mindarie exchange almost certainly has ports available, you're more than likely connected to a Rim (which then connects back to the exchange), it will probably be the Rim which has no spare capacity.


Try putting your phone number (or address) into this page - http://www.adsl2exchanges.com.au/


when the map loads, click on 'Rim information', then zoom in to your address and look for the nearest marker to your address (may be green, orange, red etc) click the marker and it should tell you how many ports (if any) are available.


Have you tried Telstra yet, they're likely to have more capacity than any other provider. If Telstra tell you there are no ports available, then unfortunately, it's a case of looking at alternate technologies (4G wifi) or keep submitting an order for ADSl (usually resubmit once a month) until a port becomes available.

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Hi all,

We have jsut moved into a lovely house in Clarkson, we have sorted our Foxtel service as the property was already set up, no installation needed, which was nice. Now all we need is broadband....what a palarva!!


Being from Birmingham, UK broadband was never a problem as we had a 100mb/s cable service from Virgin which was fantastic. Here we have had to drop back to the dreaded ADSL2+...chance would be a fine thing.


First we tried TPG...sorry we dont have any equipment in your exchange...so TPG was promply cancelled.


Now we have tried iiNet....all seemed ok inititally, our phone line has been connected but now i received an email saying there are no ports available at the Mindarie exchange!!!! What! In all my years i have never heard of this happening.


So now im back to sqaure one, really need to get online as family want to speak to us on Skype and i need the web for work.


Has anyone else had any issues getting the Internet in Clarkson?


I live up the road in Burns Beach, I also got the 'No Ports Available' from Telstra, I went through this in Harrisdale, eventually got to the bottom of it with Telstra (IINET were absolutely useless) it seems with the NBN rollout across. Australia, Telstra have stopped upgrading infrastructure in local exchanges until your exchange goes to NBN, and as all exchanges are under Telstra control with other providers renting equipment & space we all going to suffer until the NBN is rolled out in our local areas, my house is SMART wired, I contacted the provider, he can get be ADSL but at a price, so we are sticking with Vivid for now, life is much simpler, good luck getting the internet in Clarkson, it will be a huge game of frustration for you :wacko:

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No ports available is quite common in Australia. While the Mindarie exchange almost certainly has ports available, you're more than likely connected to a Rim (which then connects back to the exchange), it will probably be the Rim which has no spare capacity.


Try putting your phone number (or address) into this page - http://www.adsl2exchanges.com.au/


when the map loads, click on 'Rim information', then zoom in to your address and look for the nearest marker to your address (may be green, orange, red etc) click the marker and it should tell you how many ports (if any) are available.


Have you tried Telstra yet, they're likely to have more capacity than any other provider. If Telstra tell you there are no ports available, then unfortunately, it's a case of looking at alternate technologies (4G wifi) or keep submitting an order for ADSl (usually resubmit once a month) until a port becomes available.

Telstra told us we had no phone line to the property, never had been, they could put one in but could not give us broadband as no capacity. I told them at the call centre that I was sat looking at the phone socket on the wall, I had the phone number the previous owner had been connected with, if I went outside I could follow the phone line from where it came out of the ground to the box on the wall. No, you don't have a cable to your property. Went to Optus shop, no problem, what phone number would you like, here's your modem, connection will be on ..... Bye now off you go

plus telstra were going to be vastly more expensive

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  • 11 months later...
Hi all,

We have jsut moved into a lovely house in Clarkson, we have sorted our Foxtel service as the property was already set up, no installation needed, which was nice. Now all we need is broadband....what a palarva!!


Being from Birmingham, UK broadband was never a problem as we had a 100mb/s cable service from Virgin which was fantastic. Here we have had to drop back to the dreaded ADSL2+...chance would be a fine thing.


First we tried TPG...sorry we dont have any equipment in your exchange...so TPG was promply cancelled.


Now we have tried iiNet....all seemed ok inititally, our phone line has been connected but now i received an email saying there are no ports available at the Mindarie exchange!!!! What! In all my years i have never heard of this happening.


So now im back to sqaure one, really need to get online as family want to speak to us on Skype and i need the web for work.


Has anyone else had any issues getting the Internet in Clarkson?



Hi just wondering if you got your internet sorted and who you went with. My friends have just emigrated to Oz and have a house in Clarkson but they can't get the internet with Telstar as there are no lines available

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Hi just wondering if you got your internet sorted and who you went with. My friends have just emigrated to Oz and have a house in Clarkson but they can't get the internet with Telstar as there are no lines available


We went with IInet in the end. They managed to connect us to a slower ADSL1 port (up to 7mb) and told us to keep checking back to see if a faster ADSL2 port would become available. That was a year ago and no ports have become available. We are on-line and its OK but not as good as it can be. We are now seriously considering a 4g service but im a bit concerned with drop-outs and not knowing what the signal is like from the house...if only there was a try before you buy option.

When it comes to the Internet, im afraid Perth and Australia are about 10 years behind the UK but the 4g on our phones works great. My partner get speeds over 30mb/s on her vodafone iPhone 6!! (hence the temptation to go to 4g in the house).

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  • 2 months later...

Dam this is depressing to read when I am used to unlimited downloads and good speeds with Virgin in Edinburgh. Plus I can fast 4G speeds and unlimited data on 3 network. Isn't there fibre rolling out across Australia, anyone got more info on that??

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Dam this is depressing to read when I am used to unlimited downloads and good speeds with Virgin in Edinburgh. Plus I can fast 4G speeds and unlimited data on 3 network. Isn't there fibre rolling out across Australia, anyone got more info on that??


Welcome to 1999.................


The fibre you are refering to is the NBN, National Broadband Network, it will be obsolete by the time it teaches the suburbs of Perth, some brightspark decided that as the major cities had broadband, they would start out in the bush and work toward big cities, but in the meantime, Telstra, the biggest telecomunications provider in Aus, immediately transferred all of the internet infrastructure over to NBN and ceased supporting it or expanding it until the NBN reaches that suburb, all new suburbs are fibre compliant, but not conneceted to the NBN, they are instead connected to a 3rd party server who are connected to the NBN, so if you want decent internet, buy or rent in a new suburb or estate, do your homework and make sure they are a fibre estate with access to a third party server.

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