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Jobs in the oil and gas industry. Are there any?

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Hey everyone,



Just a quick query. My husband works in oil and gas. He has a mechanical background and about 10 years experience of shut downs and maintainance on and off shore. He's in more of a managerial role now but would be willing to go back on the tools, do anything really. I Keep reading really scary threads about there being a lack of jobs. We really wanted to come and him have a job as we have a 4 year old. Our very rationale for coming to Perth was for a brighter future for our little girl. So she can have an active out doors lifestyle and opportunities. Perth has been the place we have always had our hearts set on. Just looks so beautiful. Any how my question is, is there work in this area or are people being laid off? Is Perth the place we should settle? We have friends out there reassuring us that this is just in the mining industry, is this the case?


A response would be great. Any potential contacts would be fantastic.


Thanks for reading

a wobbly Lauren :S

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I read in the business pages of our Perth newspaper last week that Oil and gas is going to increase in the next few years whereas mining is going to continue its downturn. It is true that mining is on a big downturn. Don't know anyone laid off here in the oil industry but mining is dire. Having said that does your husband work on rigs? Don't know if WA has many rigs? Hopefully someone else will come along that can shed some light on that for you

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Check out the website "Business News WA" the email alerter will give you an idea of what is going on in WA economy-wise so usually has lots of insight into the oil and gas/mining/construction companies - you only really get the headlines (unless you pay a membership fee) but it will give you a feel for what is going on with the different industries/companies.


One of my friends is a recruitment agent in that industry so - if you're genuine about coming over - he would be worth talking to. PM me if you're interested and I'll ask him if its ok to send his details to you.

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Hey everyone,



Just a quick query. My husband works in oil and gas. He has a mechanical background and about 10 years experience of shut downs and maintainance on and off shore. He's in more of a managerial role now but would be willing to go back on the tools, do anything really. I Keep reading really scary threads about there being a lack of jobs. We really wanted to come and him have a job as we have a 4 year old. Our very rationale for coming to Perth was for a brighter future for our little girl. So she can have an active out doors lifestyle and opportunities. Perth has been the place we have always had our hearts set on. Just looks so beautiful. Any how my question is, is there work in this area or are people being laid off? Is Perth the place we should settle? We have friends out there reassuring us that this is just in the mining industry, is this the case?


A response would be great. Any potential contacts would be fantastic.


Thanks for reading

a wobbly Lauren :S


try googling gorgon project, chevron, barrow island, it's a FIFO job but pays bloody well, they have finished building and are switching to production, also a lot of off shore oil & gas rigs in the same region, no shortage of work in that field.

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Hi all, this is slightly a more encouraging read than what i have been used to on here lately. I am an Electrician with 8 year Offshore Oil and Gas experience in the Uk and internationally. I was in perth in january activating my Visa and it was very interesting and exciting trip until i started making enquiries about work. Being an Electrician i will need to complete 1 year of Gap training to basically re-qualify and prove i have learnt the Australian regulations. I would ideally like to get in to the oil and gas industry as it is really where all my most relevant and recent experience lies. Unfortunately there are hardly any companies (that i have found anyway) that will even take you on until you have your full Electrical license and it seems the only type of work you are likely to get is temporary domestic or commercial work where the employer has to supervise you 24/7.


I was really just hoping to boost the thread and see if anyone has any experience of the oil and gas industry in WA, its outlook and whether i would be employable once I achieve my license.


It is encouraging to have read that the O and G industry is on its way up in the next few years, i just hope it works out that way. If the north sea is anything to go by I'm sure it will keep many people employed on good money in WA for a long time.



Im off to read this Business News Wa site.


all the best and good luck to you all


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Hi, I am an oil and gas piping engineer based in Aberdeen. I started looking to move to Perth in 2007, back then 457 visas were being handed out like confetti and people were getting snapped up on relocation deals.

However I applied and got my 175 residents visa 18 months ago in order to be in control of my own destiny. Having been looking constantly for the past year there has been almost nothing becoming available and anything the few that do are snapped up by guys in Perth.

For me, moving to Perth with my family at the moment is too risky without a secure job first in what would also seem a slow market, and to hold one down for any length of time! For me Aberdeen and the North Sea appears to have an abundance of opportunities that doesn't seem to be in Perth!

After hearing of engineers heading back to the UK due to lack of work after large construction jobs in the NW are coming to an end, doesn't bode well for oil and gas employement opportunities in Perth in the short term?

I wish it was different. However, some people are willing to take quite a financial risk and go for it on the basis of if you don't go you'll regret it.

Big gamble! All the best anyway, hope to get something.

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Hi, I am an oil and gas piping engineer based in Aberdeen. I started looking to move to Perth in 2007, back then 457 visas were being handed out like confetti and people were getting snapped up on relocation deals.

However I applied and got my 175 residents visa 18 months ago in order to be in control of my own destiny. Having been looking constantly for the past year there has been almost nothing becoming available and anything the few that do are snapped up by guys in Perth.

For me, moving to Perth with my family at the moment is too risky without a secure job first in what would also seem a slow market, and to hold one down for any length of time! For me Aberdeen and the North Sea appears to have an abundance of opportunities that doesn't seem to be in Perth!

After hearing of engineers heading back to the UK due to lack of work after large construction jobs in the NW are coming to an end, doesn't bode well for oil and gas employement opportunities in Perth in the short term?

I wish it was different. However, some people are willing to take quite a financial risk and go for it on the basis of if you don't go you'll regret it.

Big gamble! All the best anyway, hope to get something.


Same feedback from my end. Self is a Piping engineer in Oil and Gas and now based in Singapore. Got my 189 visa last May, but its becoming quite frustrating and disappointing. Anyway we can discuss further....could you please PM me?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest lovemyelvin
Hey everyone,



Just a quick query. My husband works in oil and gas. He has a mechanical background and about 10 years experience of shut downs and maintainance on and off shore. He's in more of a managerial role now but would be willing to go back on the tools, do anything really. I Keep reading really scary threads about there being a lack of jobs. We really wanted to come and him have a job as we have a 4 year old. Our very rationale for coming to Perth was for a brighter future for our little girl. So she can have an active out doors lifestyle and opportunities. Perth has been the place we have always had our hearts set on. Just looks so beautiful. Any how my question is, is there work in this area or are people being laid off? Is Perth the place we should settle? We have friends out there reassuring us that this is just in the mining industry, is this the case?


A response would be great. Any potential contacts would be fantastic.


Thanks for reading

a wobbly Lauren :S


I've lived in Perth for 5 years, first came for study and found a job in OG industry. there are heaps of jobs now in Australia, 3 major sites in Gladstone,QLD (QCLNG, GLNG, APLNG); 1 big site in Darwin (Inpex); 2 biggest ones in WA (wheatstone & gorgon). If you're looking for a job in Australia, it's not that hard. Send your CV to as many companies as possible. end user company, contractor company, sub-contractors, vendors. plenty of them out there. If need any info, drop me a message, would be happy to help.

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I think, if you are like me and after offshore oil and gas design/engineering jobs in Perth, then the opportunities are very slim at the moment.

This can be seen by the number of Perth Agencies now trawling for guys for the Midele East! Seek is an excellent barometer for jobs available, there is nothing on there and hasn't been for quite a while.

I think that going to Perth now to be on the ground when a job comes up is very risky. The old, 'you'll regret it if dont try it' that I read on these forums all to often is rubbish. Financially it can break you if you make the wrong decision. Something that can take a very long time to recover from.

For me, I think Australia has now turned from being a dead cert eutopia to a very risky proposition unless things change soon.

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