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Motivation please...!


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Is anyone else finding that trying to make ends meet in the UK is dramatically slowing down their efforts to get migrated?!


My beloved is a plasterer, I'm a full-time mommy, and the stop/start, down tools over Christmas, pay-freeze, astronomical cost of grocery-shopping is really delaying our efforts to get out of here!


Do you think the government are wise to our plans and are prohibiting our escape...?


Sorry for my rant. Please return to having an amazing day...



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Having been away from the UK for four years I'm not sure I can relate, though Mrs p went back for Christmas and couldn't believe how expensive it was. Little things she hadn't really considered; public transport, parking costs, eating out, even looking at the cost of renewing her fathers car insurance, she said it seemed so much more than she remembered and certainly more then here.


I don't mean to make you feel worse but those things you describe such as the down turn in business over Christmas is more apparent here. A lot of businesses simply shut down for at least a couple of weeks so your favourite coffee shop might close up before Christmas and open at the end of Jan. The difference is that everyone is doing it so you learn to switch off and appreciate the opportunity to relax and refocus, ready for the forthcoming year.


I don't know what it's like to walk in your shoes but I think if you want it, whilst it might feel that everything is conspiring against you right now, you'll reflect on this moment in weeks, months or years and celebrate that you had the strength to persevere. Take each day as a small step closer to your goal and the journey won't feel like an uphill struggle, just a series of simple, steady, unfaltering actions.

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I can TOTALLY agree with this....everything is so much more expensive and the more we try to earn the less we seem to have...we have cut our shopping bill massively but it's still more expensive by double or more than 10yrs ago!


Again insurance I have 10yrs no claims no motor convictions and I'm over 30 and drive a sensible car yet my insurance is a lot more now then when I was 19 1 yr passed and had a super fast car and 1 accident! Crazy!! I hate the cost of living it's horrific!


I wouldn't care if my wages were more and not the same as they were 10yrs ago....I feel cheated!

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Defiantly agree, this is normally the worst time of year for us. My oh is a painter and decorator winter is normally really bad. This year has been an exception. All our daughters Birthdays are around Christmas, then the bills car insurance and Tax which is due the end of the month. You get straight then it's more money to pay out for something else. Sorry bit of a rant myself but all we seem to do is pay out but for what x

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You'll face the same problems over here with trade jobs,


Everything slows down over Xmas holidays and mostly the whole of jan,

My father in law is a plasterer here in Oz and he's been sitting about most of Jan but has 4months work starting next week on 4 different sites, that's just Xmas etc, I'm. Gas fitter and its roughly the same for us,

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Ditto to all comments. I am having too having another low point. Each time we think right now we can save, there is another huge bill to pay, or something breaks or the kids grow! Our latest is my husband needs a new tooth and has been quoted £2400 quid to get an implant.

Not to mention losing a month trying to get documents our case officer has asked for and I am really struggling to get them off our previous employers. I have now been told I can't what is required off one employer, they have currently taken one month to tell me they can't do it, and I still need them to write the same letter for my husband a they forgot to do it both of us. So still we wait, all the time the clock is ticking as we had a our medicals etc. very fed up.

I feel like all i do is spend hours in front of the computer sorting out visa crap and I am getting no where fast, been a long two years of scrimping and saving and saying no to life that continues here for a life that does not appear to happening any where else either.


I am hoping it will all be worth it, i feel like I am neglecting my kids, telling them to shush or go in the other room, or putting tv yet again so i can make important phone calls etc.

I am a Nurse and a recent change in the rules, means that it is not going to be an easy road for me to be able to work in OZ anymore, so even if we get our visa granted, that signifies a huge road to study and courses and more admim and paperwork.

I can't see the bright side in much the last 24 hrs am afraid.

Were having a run of illness and sleep deprivation, which is not helping.

Moan moan moan.

Difficult to talk to friends about this, as everyone I know thinks we are mad leaving to Oz I am sure. So they can't understand any of the reasons for putting ourselves through this.


Ok kids need attention.

Apologies for winging. I should be grateful, despite some major snot, virus and cough issues, we are all healthy, so i should be thankful.

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I can understand and empathise with a lot of what you've written. We knew it wouldn't be easy so we have to remember this and what we are striving for....I'm sure it'll be worth it and hopefully we will get there with a smile still intact! Xxx big hugs - no one understands us either

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Having been away from the UK for four years I'm not sure I can relate, though Mrs p went back for Christmas and couldn't believe how expensive it was. Little things she hadn't really considered; public transport, parking costs, eating out, even looking at the cost of renewing her fathers car insurance, she said it seemed so much more than she remembered and certainly more then here.


I don't mean to make you feel worse but those things you describe such as the down turn in business over Christmas is more apparent here. A lot of businesses simply shut down for at least a couple of weeks so your favourite coffee shop might close up before Christmas and open at the end of Jan. The difference is that everyone is doing it so you learn to switch off and appreciate the opportunity to relax and refocus, ready for the forthcoming year.


I don't know what it's like to walk in your shoes but I think if you want it, whilst it might feel that everything is conspiring against you right now, you'll reflect on this moment in weeks, months or years and celebrate that you had the strength to persevere. Take each day as a small step closer to your goal and the journey won't feel like an uphill struggle, just a series of simple, steady, unfaltering actions.


Thank you P; your soothing words are cold water to a scald! I don't doubt that the tradies work dries up the whole world over... But I know which side of the world I'd rather be on whilst having him-indoors under my feet (hint: not this side!)

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I can TOTALLY agree with this....everything is so much more expensive and the more we try to earn the less we seem to have...we have cut our shopping bill massively but it's still more expensive by double or more than 10yrs ago!


Again insurance I have 10yrs no claims no motor convictions and I'm over 30 and drive a sensible car yet my insurance is a lot more now then when I was 19 1 yr passed and had a super fast car and 1 accident! Crazy!! I hate the cost of living it's horrific!


I wouldn't care if my wages were more and not the same as they were 10yrs ago....I feel cheated!


Criminal, isn't it? At least it ought to be; I've just done our weekly shop and consider it a personal best because I managed

to spend only(?!) £95 to feed two adults and one toddler...

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Defiantly agree, this is normally the worst time of year for us. My oh is a painter and decorator winter is normally really bad. This year has been an exception. All our daughters Birthdays are around Christmas, then the bills car insurance and Tax which is due the end of the month. You get straight then it's more money to pay out for something else. Sorry bit of a rant myself but all we seem to do is pay out but for what x


Snap! My beloved and son both have birthdays on the same day, 6 weeks after Christmas. Finally, I can now give my purse a break and focus on saving towards shipping-out ("nothing worth having is easy, nothing worth having is easy, nothing worth having is easy...")

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Keep the faith, it's hard i know esp at this time of year. My OH a plasterer and we have just had our visa granted and hoping to head over in July.


Thats fantastic news! Congrats to you guys and please make sure to let me know how things go for you once you land - would be great to hear from someone in a similar situation...

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Ditto to all comments. I am having too having another low point. Each time we think right now we can save, there is another huge bill to pay, or something breaks or the kids grow! Our latest is my husband needs a new tooth and has been quoted £2400 quid to get an implant.

Not to mention losing a month trying to get documents our case officer has asked for and I am really struggling to get them off our previous employers. I have now been told I can't what is required off one employer, they have currently taken one month to tell me they can't do it, and I still need them to write the same letter for my husband a they forgot to do it both of us. So still we wait, all the time the clock is ticking as we had a our medicals etc. very fed up.

I feel like all i do is spend hours in front of the computer sorting out visa crap and I am getting no where fast, been a long two years of scrimping and saving and saying no to life that continues here for a life that does not appear to happening any where else either.


I am hoping it will all be worth it, i feel like I am neglecting my kids, telling them to shush or go in the other room, or putting tv yet again so i can make important phone calls etc.

I am a Nurse and a recent change in the rules, means that it is not going to be an easy road for me to be able to work in OZ anymore, so even if we get our visa granted, that signifies a huge road to study and courses and more admim and paperwork.

I can't see the bright side in much the last 24 hrs am afraid.

Were having a run of illness and sleep deprivation, which is not helping.

Moan moan moan.

Difficult to talk to friends about this, as everyone I know thinks we are mad leaving to Oz I am sure. So they can't understand any of the reasons for putting ourselves through this.


Ok kids need attention.

Apologies for winging. I should be grateful, despite some major snot, virus and cough issues, we are all healthy, so i should be thankful.


i think that is the precisely the reason why most (if

not all of us) are striving towards this change in our lives; it seems

go be increasingly difficult to improve the quality of life in this country. I know a mothers guilt is the worst pain imaginable; but you're doing this for them and I know that once you start living that dream, they'll have forgotten all about this small chapter.... And tv in Aus is not as good as over here (for good reason, obviously!), so maybe you're doing them a small favour by letting them cram whilst they can ;)

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I Totally agree with this, I have a bit of debt from my previous marriage (she left me for someone 10 years younger, who wouldn't!!!) but I'm now 9 years on re-married and 2 (more) lovely children. We are desperate to be debt free before we leave for Oz and for the past 8 years Ive worked two jobs chucking every penny off the debt, ive got £5K left.!!!

Submitted my tax return beginning of January for my second job and they told me I had made £5800 profit but because Ive worked overtime as well at my main job I have gone into the 40% tax bracket and they wanted £2100 on the 31st Jan!!! Only saved £1000 so had to find another £1100!! Not only that the tax man believes that my business will grow by double next year so they wanted £2300 in advance for next year!, I'd never heard of this before but it appears that its quite normal to pay for future tax. Now they wanted another £1100 Jan 31st then £1200 in July. I explained there is no way my profit is going to double because I physically cannot work anymore hours!! So I can defer the advance payment but they charge me 3%!! That's a 3%charge on money that I have not yet earnt!!! Apparently if I pay and don't earn it they give it back but I think this is a bloody cheek!!

So for the next 2 months I'll be working to pay the things I didn't pay to give the tax man his money!!

Just feel like I'm working really hard and getting no where, it doesn't pay to be honest!!

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I Totally agree with this, I have a bit of debt from my previous marriage (she left me for someone 10 years younger, who wouldn't!!!) but I'm now 9 years on re-married and 2 (more) lovely children. We are desperate to be debt free before we leave for Oz and for the past 8 years Ive worked two jobs chucking every penny off the debt, ive got £5K left.!!!

Submitted my tax return beginning of January for my second job and they told me I had made £5800 profit but because Ive worked overtime as well at my main job I have gone into the 40% tax bracket and they wanted £2100 on the 31st Jan!!! Only saved £1000 so had to find another £1100!! Not only that the tax man believes that my business will grow by double next year so they wanted £2300 in advance for next year!, I'd never heard of this before but it appears that its quite normal to pay for future tax. Now they wanted another £1100 Jan 31st then £1200 in July. I explained there is no way my profit is going to double because I physically cannot work anymore hours!! So I can defer the advance payment but they charge me 3%!! That's a 3%charge on money that I have not yet earnt!!! Apparently if I pay and don't earn it they give it back but I think this is a bloody cheek!!

So for the next 2 months I'll be working to pay the things I didn't pay to give the tax man his money!!

Just feel like I'm working really hard and getting no where, it doesn't pay to be honest!!


i wanted to 'like' your post... But I just couldn't on the basis of morality! I'm so sorry you're getting such a rough deal of it from the tax man. It's hard to find comfort in the deprevation isn't it? Although the news that we've just shelled out 1.9bn on clearing the UKs debt from WW1 made me feel all warm and fuzzy...


there's no doubt we're all moving onto better futures if we stick to our plans; see you guys on that greener side :)

Edited by Victoriwa
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I Totally agree with this, I have a bit of debt from my previous marriage (she left me for someone 10 years younger, who wouldn't!!!) but I'm now 9 years on re-married and 2 (more) lovely children. We are desperate to be debt free before we leave for Oz and for the past 8 years Ive worked two jobs chucking every penny off the debt, ive got £5K left.!!!

Submitted my tax return beginning of January for my second job and they told me I had made £5800 profit but because Ive worked overtime as well at my main job I have gone into the 40% tax bracket and they wanted £2100 on the 31st Jan!!! Only saved £1000 so had to find another £1100!! Not only that the tax man believes that my business will grow by double next year so they wanted £2300 in advance for next year!, I'd never heard of this before but it appears that its quite normal to pay for future tax. Now they wanted another £1100 Jan 31st then £1200 in July. I explained there is no way my profit is going to double because I physically cannot work anymore hours!! So I can defer the advance payment but they charge me 3%!! That's a 3%charge on money that I have not yet earnt!!! Apparently if I pay and don't earn it they give it back but I think this is a bloody cheek!!

So for the next 2 months I'll be working to pay the things I didn't pay to give the tax man his money!!

Just feel like I'm working really hard and getting no where, it doesn't pay to be honest!!


I too just paid out tax that I am sure I don't owe, they owe me, if anything. But I think I made an error on my tax return, then got sick kids and couldn't do anything about it. So I paid up and now have the pleasure of finding the time to call them to get to the botton of it, I am sure I will spends ages on the phone and come back with nothing! I feel so sorry for your your tax issue sounds dreadfully frustrating.

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We are currently working all hours possible trying to do as much overtime as possible, yet on top of the visa costs we had a huge MOT bill this month, a bump with another car and a broken washing machine that needed replacing. It's like the more we earn in overtime the more we pay out! It's frustrating.


I need to have the visa money by April and there are only so many 53 hour weeks I can have in the line of work I am in, before collapsing!

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