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Bricklayer arriving soon


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My family and I will be arriving on 10th of February 2016, we will be staying in Quinns Rock and I'm just wondering if anyone knows of anyone looking for a bricklayer. Hopefully I could start 1-2 weeks after arriving, give me a bit of time to get the kids settled. I've been working as a bricky since I left school about 18 years ago, never been out of work so don't want to hanging about to long. I've had all my citb papers and certificates transferred to the Australian equivalent, don't know if that helps with getting a job or not? Any advice or phone numbers would be great, thanks.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi, I was just wondering how you were finding things since you moved, and how things are on the job front for Brickies.


Hopefully you're starting to settle and things are going well


Hi and welcome to the forum.


There is is certainly a major slow down for them. I was looking at the jobs in the local paper last week and there was not a single ad for them. In the section for people looking for work, it was mainly brickies. Compare to a year ago when there were masses of ads for brickies wanted.

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Hi and welcome to the forum.


There is is certainly a major slow down for them. I was looking at the jobs in the local paper last week and there was not a single ad for them. In the section for people looking for work, it was mainly brickies. Compare to a year ago when there were masses of ads for brickies wanted.



I thought that might be the case, we came over in 2012 and we couldn't secure any work so made the decision to return to the UK. Our visa expires this year and are trying to decide if, unfortunately, we've missed our opportunity ?

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Hey up fella we've just agreed sale of house and am now having major doubts about the move . Is it really that hard to find work as a brickie? I'm Simalar been doing it 19 year and have kinda made it to the top of the food chain with the gang I'm in at the firm I'm with. Starting to think I'm nuts for moving ! Last thing I want is to be scratching around for work again ????

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Hey Rik we are in the same position as you (although no house to sell). Hubby is doing well here in UK at moment as a brickie so we are worried about giving up jobs, moving kids (12 and 7) and not being able to afford to live. I have two sisters in Perth (SOR) so if we do move to Oz that's where we want to be. Pretty difficult decision to make! Good luck!

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Whilst I feel for you all wanting to be here and needing work, you have to be aware that WA is in a recession and it is not looking good at the moment.


The mining industry started to slow down a few years ago, and now the mining boom has totally burst and many people are being made redundant in the mining industry. This is having a knock on effect right down the line, and the big spenders who were on big money and who have lost their jobs, are competing for positions in Perth..... having Australian experience they will score over a new migrant. The big spenders are not spending so much anymore so the car trade, boat trade, electronics, furniture, retail and hospitality etc are suffering too....... it all knocks on so that people cannot afford to build or renovate.... so builders are having a hard time as the whole economy in WA is slowing down at a fast rate.


http://lmip.gov.au/default.aspx?LMIP/LFR_SAFOUR/WA_LFR_LM_byLFR_UnemploymentRate This is the link to the unemployment figures throughout WA. When you look at these figures you must bear in mind that they are not an accurate account of the situation. These figures are only taken from stats of people who are registered with Centrelink for unemployment benefits. They do not include anyone who is on a one hour a week contract. They do not include the many people unemployed who cannot register with Centrelink as they have a spouse or partner who is "employed".... whether that be on a one hour contract or more. They do not include new migrants who cannot claim Centrelink whilst they look for work.


Personally I think this recession had to happen as it was getting stupid and all this spending just knocked the every day prices up for the rest of us who live a realistic life financially.


I am not meaning to be a doom spreader..... just trying to be realistic about what is happening on the ground. Of course it is possible to move here and get a job and rent a house and have a good life... but you need to know that the boom-town of Perth is no more, and you need to be prepared financially that it might take months before you are earning enough to support your family and life style. So just trying to bring some reality into the equation.

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Hi have you made any decisions on your move yet we seem to be going backwards with ours. All seemed great idea at the time it seems like work as flipped round good here now and bad over there. We'd too be looking south rockingham area . How's your kids feel on the move .?.

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