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Just arrived in WA! Need advice


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Hello all - need advice please. We have relocated to Perth temporarily for 6 months for husband's job. We have a 5 year old boy. Husband's workplace is in West Perth and ideally would like to be close to work. I won't be working so will be at home with our son. We are not planning to get a car so need to be close to transport and shops etc. 2 questions:

1. we have viewed a few apartments but not sure where we should live - West Perth or Subiaco?

2. Thoughts on Primary schools - West Leederville or Subiaco?


Thanks you!

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No specific advice, but both areas are pretty good. So I reckon primary schools in both areas are ok as well.

In regards to public transport, check the website of Transperth: https://www.transperth.wa.gov.au/  and use Google maps to see where train lines are. I know Subiaco has a train station.

I would try to stay within walking distance of either the bus (with a short desitance to either train or CBD)

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Welcome to Perth.  

If you want to be within striking distance of West Perth by public transport then anywhere along the Fremantle train line would be fine.  They're all good suburbs and it would depend on how close you want to be to work versus how close to the river and the beach.  

Personally, I would look between West Leederville and Victoria Street stations as they're all nice suburbs with decent to good primary schools (as far as I'm aware).  West Perth is OK but it's a bit of a spillover suburb from the city so has a number of offices and apartments but probably not quite as family friendly as if you go out one more suburb.

The train anywhere along that line is nice and reliable and takes 30 - 40 mins to get from Fremantle to West Perth so any of the stops in between are doable.  I've done that journey in from Mosman Park for years and it's an easy commute.

There seem to be a few rentals on the market at the mo so you should be able to find somewhere decent.

An alternative would also be Leederville which is a good suburb with cafes and restaurants at the end of Oxford Street.

Hope it all works out for you and you have a fun 6 months in Perth.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with Baggytrousers (gotta love that name!), most of West Perth is offices, private medical establishments, and very few residential properties, but just moving up the rail line one suburb to Subiaco gives you so many options.   As the economy here is still very much on a downer, there seem to be a lot of rentals around, so hopefully you can pick up something easily.   Subiaco PS also has a very good reputation.   Let us know how you go.

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