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Recommendations on schools in fremantle


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So hard to give recommendations about schools these days as staff change so often and a school is only as good as the Principal and the staff employed at any given point.   I worked briefly at North Fremantle PS and it was an amazing educational institution.   But that was 17 years ago and I have no idea how it is perceived now.  

My best advice is to research on line as much as you can, and then go and visit the schools you think would suit.   Nothing beats a look around the school and talk to the Principal about what the school is offering that would suit your children.   I think once you visit a school, you get a feel for what it can offer your child/children.  For my entire career I worked in education admin, either in UK or WA.   When we moved here 30 years ago, we visited many schools in the areas we thought we would like to live.  We chose the suburb and house we eventually bought in based on the primary school that our Pre-Primary and Year 3 children would best fit in.   Best decision, and 30 years later I still live in the same house.

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