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Why is it so hard?

Guest NeilEB

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Are you getting an interview? Here most jobs have a selection criteria and they want you to address that. If it says 'demonstrate skills in" for example - they don't want you to just say "I can do" - the best way to address the criteria is in a seperate format to your CV (It's in addition to your CV). So, take each selection criteria heading and write about examples, and what the outcome was (if it was a specific task or skill) e.g. you assisted witht he development of such and such programme, you overcame problems such as a, b, c, by doing d, e, f ... the outcome was that the programme was developed by the company and rolled out to other sites.


Hope this makes sense. Particularly for nursing - the selection criteria is all important - it's what you're assessed as having addressed or not when it comes to shortlisting.



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Guest gemandjay

I know the feeling, I am great (even though I do say so myself) office all rounder and no one is giving me a chance. I must've applied for over 20 jobs that I know I could do, but not heard a thing from any of them. I've been told most places like you to have WA experience, but need to be given a chance so I can get it! Got so desperate have now applied to be a Cashier in a supermarket!!

Chin up, hope you get something soon.


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Guest guest1337
Well, having failed to get another job, which would have been perfect, I am seriously grumpy.


Why is it so hard to get a freakin' break???????????






Probably also to do with the fact Aussie's don't like poms!

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Guest guest1337
I haven't come across Aussies not liking poms



Just because you haven't come across it doesn't mean anything! An Aussie's will hire a fellow Aussie over a pom everytime.

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I don't believe that's the case every time - or I wouldn't have got my job. I also convene panels, short list and interview with Aussies who are very fair and consider applicants on the strength of their application. Because I haven't come across it - actually does mean something to me (although I respect and appreciate that it won't mean anything to you.)

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Guest guest1337

The Aussie's you work with are only "fair" because you're there with them! I'm afraid the Aussie's fear poms as we're more qualified and experienced and harder working and these facts scare the hell out of them, not to mention the majority of Aussie are well known racists!

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My advice would be just keep trying, we landed in 2009 when the job market was on a bit of a downturn, and my partner who is a mechanic applied for at least 10 jobs a week and often didnt even hear anything back at all, even to say that he wasn't suitable which was very frustrating.


He finally got a break (with an all austrlian owned company and workforce) and has never looked back.


I would say that its almost like some companies are a little cautious of employing Brits in a sense maybe due to lack of experience here with Austrlian companies that they can relate to, or what it is, but in my opinion I wouldnt say that there is any discrimination of poms/ozzies that we have come across.


We have both worked in mixed environments of both Brits and Ozzies and for example my partners company just this year has sponsored 3 people to come over from the UK direct due to a lack of skilled employees as due to the increased mining boom alot of people are chasing the big bucks doing FIFO work.


There are alot of jobs out there and sometimes its not what you know but who you know which happens all over the world, like I say stick at it and I am positive that something will come along.


Good Luck!

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Guest guest1337
Well, having failed to get another job, which would have been perfect, I am seriously grumpy.


Why is it so hard to get a freakin' break???????????





Just out of interest, What is it you do or would you like to be doing???

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Guest LaneyOOO
The Aussie's you work with are only "fair" because you're there with them! I'm afraid the Aussie's fear poms as we're more qualified and experienced and harder working and these facts scare the hell out of them, not to mention the majority of Aussie are well known racists!



Are you joking???

I hope you are because what you have said is absolutely not true, I am sure there are a few Aussies around that don't like too much immigrants just like the UK and alot of other places, but you can't say the majority.

They fear the Poms !!!!





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Probably also to do with the fact Aussie's don't like poms!
I think its far more likely that he is not in the country yet than the fact he is a Pom. My OH works with an all Aussie team and has had no problems and I have not encountered anyone who acts or says they dont like us. This place is fall of Poms and if they arent then their parents or grandparents are so that statement couldnt be further from the truth in our experience!
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The Aussie's you work with are only "fair" because you're there with them! I'm afraid the Aussie's fear poms as we're more qualified and experienced and harder working and these facts scare the hell out of them, not to mention the majority of Aussie are well known racists!


I think we're going to have to agree to disagree - i'm sure that you've encountered this, but I haven't - doesn't mean either of our views are wrong - just different.

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Guest guest1337
I think its far more likely that he is not in the country yet than the fact he is a Pom. My OH works with an all Aussie team and has had no problems and I have not encountered anyone who acts or says they dont like us. This place is fall of Poms and if they arent then their parents or grandparents are so that statement couldnt be further from the truth in our experience!




Not all Aussie's have the origins from the U.K. and just because your OH hasn't eperienced it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It's like not employing someone because they're too old, you wouldn't say it to they're face just make up another excuse.

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Not all Aussie's have the origins from the U.K. and just because your OH hasn't eperienced it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It's like not employing someone because they're too old, you wouldn't say it to they're face just make up another excuse.


Also just because you have experienced it doesn't mean it happens everywhere. I have been here 6 years and I can honestly say nobody in my family have either experienced nor witnessed the behaviour your describe.

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Guest chris_and_miriam

might not be applicable for you Neil but there are a large number of jobs around listed as 'temporary' (especially in the city) that will actually often lead to something more permanent should you be a good fit. It seems like it is a strategy employed by many of the companies with office or admin roles to fill. Checkside and Hays are generally pretty good places to start for these types of job. :smile:

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Neil - all you can do is keep trying. The global economy is having hick ups at the moment - so this may be affecting things.


I remember I applied for a job in Epsom once five times. Each time I recrafted my CV. I must have hit a nerve on the fifth application because they gave me the job.

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Guest guest1337

He can't and probably won't get a job until he is actually here.




I've never had any issues getting a job, in fact I've been very sucussful and have a top job now.


I do know Aussie's who will happily admit they're not keen on folk from the uk coming here, or from anyother country for that matter, have you never seen the "F#ck off we're full" stickers on their cars???

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Guest guest1337
Also just because you have experienced it doesn't mean it happens everywhere. I have been here 6 years and I can honestly say nobody in my family have either experienced nor witnessed the behaviour your describe.



Where exactly in any of my posts did I suggest it happens "everywhere" It's was just one of many reason why he might not have been sucessful in getting a job.

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Both my husband and I got postitions before we moved to Aus. In my hubby's case they wanted someone to start right away, but said they liked his CV and would keep it on file. A couple of months later they contacted to see where he was up to, we'd got our visas then and were organising flights, they did a telephone interview and hired him.

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Andy, I am Australian - so yes, I probably am an expert on Oz.


..even if Aussie's are nationalistic - when you are employing someone, especially in the computing industry, you employ the best match of skills and experience. This is even more so on contract work. To even suggest that I wouldn't employ someone because of their accent of the colour of their skin is just ridiculous. ...


The only reason an Australian would not employ someone from the UK, or anyone for that matter, would be if they were unsure of their legal requirement to work, or if they thought they were not immediately available for work, or because they thought they weren't serious about the application and were fishing.

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I've had to edit a couple of posts on this thread.

Can I remind members not to personalise posts. No problem at all debating the content of posts, it's what the forums for, just please refrain from debating the poster. Everyone will have different personal experiences, inevitably those experiences may not tally with your own, but they're equally valid.




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Guest NeilEB

Wow, what on earth did I start here?


the company are used to employing a lot of foreign nationals and even off sponsorship, so it's nothing to do with that.


I guess I'm not experienced enough, but I'm just getting really sick of this.

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