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As soon as we start saving something goes wrong!

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Well we are trying to save to hopefully move to Perth and have a savings account BUT why do things start to go wrong? Our car decided to die on the motorway twice the other day so is booked into the garage on Mon, dreading the costs, now our washing machine has given up for the 3rd time even though its only 2.5yrs old aaaarrrggghhh so we have had to dip into the Oz fund-so not fair!!!!! There's not much in it anyway but it all helps *goes and sulks*

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Ok. Want to go out with friends drinking, but can't afford to (saving for immigration). Take your own drinks my friends say but bags get checked at door. SO, I borrowed a catheter bag from work (hope no-one from the hospital is reading this), filled it with vodka and strapped it to my leg. Only problem is I can only wear pants. But hey, I have my own optics. I know some will think its wrong to BORROW a catheter bag from work but as I sometimes work many hours over each month WITHOUT extra pay I felt it was justified :-) keep tuned in for my second money saving tip tomorrow lol.



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Ok. Want to go out with friends drinking, but can't afford to (saving for immigration). Take your own drinks my friends say but bags get checked at door. SO, I borrowed a catheter bag from work (hope no-one from the hospital is reading this), filled it with vodka and strapped it to my leg. Only problem is I can only wear pants. But hey, I have my own optics. I know some will think its wrong to BORROW a catheter bag from work but as I sometimes work many hours over each month WITHOUT extra pay I felt it was justified :-) keep tuned in for my second money saving tip tomorrow lol.




You better stock up on them and fetch em here , you'll Defo need em lol , do they do them in gallon size , sussed it camelback back pack and connect I t down shirt , sorted

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Ok. Want to go out with friends drinking, but can't afford to (saving for immigration). Take your own drinks my friends say but bags get checked at door. SO, I borrowed a catheter bag from work (hope no-one from the hospital is reading this), filled it with vodka and strapped it to my leg. Only problem is I can only wear pants. But hey, I have my own optics. I know some will think its wrong to BORROW a catheter bag from work but as I sometimes work many hours over each month WITHOUT extra pay I felt it was justified :-) keep tuned in for my second money saving tip tomorrow lol.




Hope no-one from your work sees that and you end up getting in trouble Debs

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Oh Russ and Claire. These things come to try us. We haven't really saved and have just taken a massive hit paying our visa fee and booking travel to UK for our Medicals. Medicals cost enough too and with travel for 5 of us it's £1500. Yikes!


Don't give up. As Debs does you can save in very very inventive ways!!!!

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Travelchic, I could not stop laughing - hilarious:ssign7:. OK not condoning stealing, but gotta hand it to you for being inventive and as you say I am sure you have more than paid for it in the past.


What other money saving tips do you have? Let's face it, we are all on a crash course of saving.


Russ & Claire - they say things come in threes - these things are certainly meant to test us!!

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  • 1 year later...
Ok. Want to go out with friends drinking, but can't afford to (saving for immigration). Take your own drinks my friends say but bags get checked at door. SO, I borrowed a catheter bag from work (hope no-one from the hospital is reading this), filled it with vodka and strapped it to my leg. Only problem is I can only wear pants. But hey, I have my own optics. I know some will think its wrong to BORROW a catheter bag from work but as I sometimes work many hours over each month WITHOUT extra pay I felt it was justified :-) keep tuned in for my second money saving tip tomorrow lol.




I fill miniature bottles put down me bra and get Oh to put down his socks.

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