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Options for visa for daughter

Guest nick01

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Guest nick01



Hopefully someone can give me some much needed advice.

I have been granted a PR Visa for myself,wife and our 2 kids aged 11 & 9 and we are due to fly on April19th 2013.

Unfortunately my world has been turned upside down recently by meeting my 16 year old daughter from a previous relationship.

To keep it brief, I hadn't seen her since she was 2 but in the last couple of years we have talked most weeks on the phone so that we could try and get to know each other. She didn't feel she was ready to see me until she was maybe 18.

However with my move to Aus looming she decided she would like to meet me now as she may not see me for a long time.

The meetings have went sooo well, we are so similar and I am absolutely besotted with her and her with me and now I'm finding it hard to want to leave. I am due to start work in May and the date cant be changed!!!

I so wish I had put her on my visa as an option for her however when it was spoken about she was unsure and didn't know what her mum would say.

Is there anyway I can still add her or have I missed the opportunity, if so what else is available to us??

I am really worried about leaving now, I missed so much of her life that I cant bare to not be a part of it in the future.

I am really confused, she says she would like to come out at some point and I need to know what our options are!!


Any advice is most appreciated, my heart is breaking here :(



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You might be best speaking to a registered migration agent to see if it's possible to add her, did you list her as a non migrating family member on your origional application? I don't know where you stand if you didn't (hence getting qualified advice), you would also need permission from her mum for her to leave the country.


Alternatively, she could come to see you on a tourist visa, or WHV when she's 18

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Guest nick01

OK thanks for the replies, any idea of which migration adviser to use?? I will get on it ASAP!!!! I had contacted my case officer but because my visa is granted he informed me that he is no longer involved and I need to contact my nearest Australian Embassy.

I so hope I can get it sorted!!

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