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Steve Brown

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About Steve Brown

  • Birthday 30/06/1972

Steve Brown's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Fair point! Thanks for the tip about the Coles & Woolies websites.
  2. Thanks Ali, I think I could live with an exclusion on cover, so I'll probably go-ahead. Thanks!
  3. I'm thinking of doing a further education at Central Institute in Perth. It's a Certificate of Education (level IV) course. Does anybody know what the equivalent would be in the UK? Thanks.
  4. Does anybody know of any running clubs in the Perth area?
  5. I'm considering studying in Perth for a year, but have concerns about the cost of living there. Does anyone know if I'd be able to do a few hours work a week on a student visa? Thanks.
  6. I'm considering studying in Perth for a year, and I'm trying to get an idea of what my living expenses would be. Can anyone give me an idea of how much I'd be paying to rent a room within commuting distance of Northbridge?Thanks.
  7. I'm considering studying in Perth for a year but some people say that it's really expensive to live there. In particular, one person I'd spoken to said that food was really expensive. As someone on a student budget, I wondered whether I'd be able to survive for the two semesters needed to complete the course. I know that there's no such thing as a 'typical' grocery shop, but could someone give me a ball-park figure (AUD) for a week's grocery shopping for one? Thanks.
  8. I'm considering studying in Perth for a year. I know I will need to get student health insurance, but I have a pre-existing condition. Does this mean I'm likely to be knocked-back when it comes to getting health insurance (and thus rejected for my visa application?). Thanks.
  9. I'm considering applying to do a course at Central Institute of Technology. Just wanted to check that it's a bone fide institution. Does anyone know of the place, and anything about what it's like there? Thanks, Steve
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