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  1. So sad to hear of Gill's passing, she helped me no end with her advice, God bless Gill...
  2. You'll be fine you may have already done so but have a look at the government agency NurseWest
  3. I'm a mental health nurse and work for a agency, work had slowed down a little as hospitals have their own bank of casuals which they tend to use first, plus the block on recruitment but there is still work out there Do you have your registration or applying for it as it can take a while to come through..
  4. If she intends going to Uni back in the UK apply now as you have the previous 3yr residency requirement otherwise she will be classed as a international student even after a year away (our experience) she can defer entry to Uni for the course she chooses and take time prior to entry to work/travel etc.,
  5. I don't listen to the radio here, got so sick of hearing 80's music (and I loved the 80's) coupled with the swearing and adverts to "double my pleasure in the bedroom" :ssign19: I only listen to UK radio, can't beat it
  6. could a JP do it for you? Don't know where you're based but I've been to Fremantle library a couple of times and there was no charge http://www.courts.dotag.wa.gov.au/_files/Locations_Witnessing_Documents.pdf
  7. we use this one http://www.my-expat-network.com/uk/
  8. I was top Band 6 in UK, now working at Level 1.8, I'm earning 1 1/2 times more here than UK
  9. https://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/651.aspx Could she apply for the eVisitor visa, you do it on line and then a email confirmation, costs nothing or maybe you could do it for her if you have her passport number?
  10. We applied to ANMAC earlier in the year and it took them 5 months to finalise, we managed to submit our visa application by the skin of our teeth :xmasnorthpole:
  11. http://www.weekendnotes.com/four-wheel-driving-tims-thicket-beach/ Tims Thicket - have been there and the review is how it is, nice
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