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jo and scott

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Everything posted by jo and scott

  1. thankyou ! its has been hard at times but we are nearly there, 19 months of living with mil ! all squashed in, im really looking forward to getting our next home, fingers crossed it will be in aus, im looking forward to the girls having their own rooms and a big double bed each and lots of space, but they will probably still share lol ! theres no way we would fill a container, we sold of all our furniture and only have a few bits. im excited to buy all new in our next home, we can start from new :-)) my oldest bestest friend lives in Portsmouth, we have arranged to go away for 5 days, only a cheap caravan holiday, just us and the kiddies, first 'leaving do' feels a bit weird, im going to miss her so much. looking forward to the break away.xx
  2. we are lodging our visa tomorrow, we are right at the end of our visa, just police checks and medicals, never been to oz, and im actually thinking what the hell are we doing, I don't feel ive done enough research, and before we know it I will have to sort out all of our stuff, what we are keeping / binning, maybe everyone feels like this, im freaking out a bit, my friend in baldivis says its fab and you cant actually know what its like to live there until you arrive, but omg, its crazy, maybe because its so near now and im looking at flights for 31st august :-/ scared !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. im really not sure what to do either jen, we have all our sentimental stuff, photos, clothes, towels bedding, would we put the towels and bedding in the suitcases? I really need to have a sort out asap, its too overwhelming tho. our washing machine is being used here, we replaced mil's one when we moved in so I expect she will keep it. fridge is only thing worth selling, and we have 1 big and 2 small tvs. I think a small movecube would be good for us. we are lodging our visa tomorrow !!! parting with lots of ££££££££££££££
  4. we have used visa bureau, they have been great so far too :-) thankfully we are nearly at the end too,
  5. Hope they had a great time Lou, and the smoke stayed away ?? how did the party go ? im sure the jaws outfit went down well lol :-/ xx
  6. that doesn't sound good lou, I hope the smoke goes the other way and you have a great time today. xx
  7. I miss not dancing on the wii with my girls, havnt done it since living with mil. so looking forward to my next house, where ever it may be, xx
  8. its on the wii game Toni, I dance along to it with the girls, they call me her, they call me Stacey, that's not my name !!! hahahha love it !!!xx
  9. hi Vicky, if you needed the money in aus, how easy would it be to get hold of? id take it with me just to be on the safe side. x
  10. I cant stand either versions of the power of love either ! and im not keen on anything by Michael Jackson.
  11. Last time i had a drink was the day after Boxing Day, got quite tipsy on ginger wine, it doesn't take much these days, and I drunk the whole bottle! Before having kids I was working in London, I would drink Thursday / Friday / Saturday. And have an awful hangover. I can't handle drink any more. Much prefer a cuppa tea.
  12. that sounds like a much better way of travelling to oz odies ;-)
  13. woohooooo congratulations odies, fab news :-))) xx
  14. we sold all of our furniture, the only 2 decent things we have is our fridge and our bed which are going to friends. I really need to start sorting stuff out now :-/ so overwhelming at the mo. we have our kitchen stuff / toys / clothes, but sold all our big stuff.
  15. we are hoping to move to baldivis / rockingham area, could anyone give me the name of the childrens hospital near there please ? thanks.
  16. neither myself or scott have been to Australia, we are looking at this as a big adventure !!! lodging our visa on the 12th feb !!! excited !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Hardly anything now. It's stopping and starting but it's too wet to settle.
  18. thanks annjean, its been snowing on and off since I woke up :-) theres been 3 big accidents this morning :-( just stops everything, everywhere is busy on the roads. glad I don't use those roads for the school run !
  19. its snowing !!!!!!!!!! was supposed to pick my car up from the repairs garage but traffic is shocking after this morning accidents, so ive come home instead, nice cuppa tea and bakewell slice cake and a nice catch up on pp. then off to school for class lunch with my little one, mmm, school dinners ;-) x
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