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We have just submitted our payment today to the DIAC for our 190 visa and to be honest we are really nervous about doing the medicals.Our 11 year old daughter has scarring on her kidneys from the age of 4 but was scanned last month and there is no further scarring.She has been well for the past few years with no water infections and hopefully the hospital will sign her off.Her pieidiatrician has signed a letter in case anything is pulled to say there has been no change in her kidneys in the past 5 years.Do we tell them at the medicals or just leave it? We dont want to be seen as hiding anything or do we just tell them and pass the doctors letter over?? any help or info would be greatly appreciated!!

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We have had our medicals. All went well but we were really pooping ourselves about them beforehand. If you like, I'll share our experiences with you. Here goes....


We contacted the closest and cheapest clinic that could do the X-rays and medicals in the same place. Not all do. They asked for our TRN number and passport details in advance. Also credit card details. On the day they had the paperwork they had accessed about us on the e-medical system. This was activated when we clicked on the Book medicals link on the attach evidence page, after lodging.


We were firstly taken to have the X-rays done. Only children over 11 have them. Ladies remove bra etc in a cubicle and asked to wear a very gapy gown. Over in moments, no big deal, just like having your photo taken. I asked what were the chances of having TB and not knowing it, she said very slim, if you had your BCG vaccinations then pretty much no chance. She explained that we had eradicated it from this country years ago but with the large immigration of people from the Indian Continent it had been brought back into this country. It was now more common than you would think.


We were then asked to wait in a room whilst each of us was taken in turn to have a wee in a cup. I wasn't allowed to take my handbag in there in case I swapped the samples. They advise ladies not to book a med within 3 days either side of their period as it can contaminate and give a false reading of having protein in the water, which can indicate health probs. she did say that if you had miss-timed it, then they would allow you to go to your GPs for another test a few days later. The practice would need to fax over the results.


We then had our heights and weights taken. A very simple eye test, down to the bottom line which was a challenge for even us who do not wear glasses! Then it was a blood test for HIV, etc. My 11 year old didn't need this. We were then called in all together as a family of 4 to see the doc. Weird, didn't really expect to tell my private health history in front of two children. The doc had the paperwork for each of us in front of him, he ran down the form asking various questions about our health. Did we have any on going issues? Were we on any meds? Had we ever had any operations? If you do, then you should take additional explanatory letters from your GP / specialist. He then got each one of us in turn on the bed, took our blood pressure (was knowledgeable about needing a larger cuff for my OH who has thick upper arms, as the reading would be falsely high. This was something my OH was worried about. Apparently high blood pressure if something they are looking out for). The doc then felt our tummies, asked to cough, etc.


At the end, I asked if we would be referred to a panel doctor for anything. (He had ticked all box 'A's as opposed to 'B's on the forms). He laughed and said no, he was a panel doctor. Oz were only trying to sift out those who would be a drain on their system, for example those with heart desease, high blood pressure, HIV and TB, ,etc.


We walked out of there relieved. OH is overweight and whilst he had been trying to do something about it recently, he wasn't there yet. This didn't seem to be a problem!


Hope this helps calm your nerves.

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Agree with the last comment. Both myself and my wife were overweight, and I suffer from Depression. The report was fine, and we got our 175 visa's. Overall they really are just looking at things that will cost the Austrian health system going forward.


Once out here we've found the doctors and medicare great, things have popped up, but they've been sorted.


I wouldn't hide anything from the doctors in the medicals, its in everyones interest to be honet. We actually were glad they were thorough, as they found a lump on my wife's breast (world fell in). NHS checks revleaved it was just a cist.


Hope again that helps.



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anyone else worry about medicals ? im driving myself mad worrying about them ! last hurdle ! :rolleyes:


Please try not to worry, as with the other posts, we had no problem with the medicals.


We completed them in Edinburgh, lovely staff and doctor. Myself and my husband both have high bmi's - no problem. My son who is 11 just had a basic medical and xray, which he thought was very exciting. Same for my daughter, husband and myself plus we had a blood test. We all had to pee in a bottle so drink plenty before you go. The only other thing I had to get done was a boob check because I was over 40.


The while thing took about an hour and a half, only because my daughter is scared of needles :wacko:.


Please try not to worry :cute:. I know it's hard, I felt terrible before I went in, but it was just fine. The staff made such a difference.


Good luck


Bee :smile:

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We had our Medicaid today in Edinburgh all went well apart from my blood pressure being slightly high.. I think that's was down to the stress of driving to Edinburgh. Doctor redone it again when I seen her and it was back to normal. The staff are lovely. Ohh about the water don't drink too much.lol I had a can of juice on the way up and was desperate to go for a pee after an hour drive but was hanging about for an hour before we got sent to do it, we were about 20 min early though.

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We have our medicals tomorrow morning - for a family of 3 (child aged 9) it's costing £675. That's at Spire clinic in Brentwood, Essex. We are in Kent and that was the nearest to us on the list they provided.


I haven't worried about it and things like being overweight or high blood pressure didn't even occur to me. I just assumed they were looking for things such as TB, cancer and anything that will cost the Australian medical system money.

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