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To arrive before or after Xmas?


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So I have a job, this visas have been granted and our house is sold. The question is do we go before or after christmas? Our rental in the UK is coming to an end so that's not an issue. Most of our family will be away for christmas so will just be us and the kids no matter where we are. When I get to Perth I will have to validate my registration with AHPRA, will need TFN's, will need to buy a car and view rentals so I'm guessing this will be harder for the run up to Xmas and places will be due to closed for the holidays. We could get there for the beginning of December. Or... do we hold out until the New Year? Anyone else in a similar position?

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Looks like a mass exodus out of Teesside in the New Year then!! ........well, our two families at least!!! :laugh: Same as you though, we are heading out 1st week in January so we can get the kids settled before they start school in Feb. Still waiting on visa but we're confident it will happen!! :) Where are you going to be working?



So I have a job, this visas have been granted and our house is sold. The question is do we go before or after christmas? Our rental in the UK is coming to an end so that's not an issue. Most of our family will be away for christmas so will just be us and the kids no matter where we are. When I get to Perth I will have to validate my registration with AHPRA, will need TFN's, will need to buy a car and view rentals so I'm guessing this will be harder for the run up to Xmas and places will be due to closed for the holidays. We could get there for the beginning of December. Or... do we hold out until the New Year? Anyone else in a similar position?
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We flew out to Perth on December 2nd 2007, arrived 3rd December, as for your question of doing all the stuff you have to do we still managed to get it all sorted. I will just say nothing really stops here for Xmas or new year. It's only two days!! I won't say it was easy but it is manageable. We only had 17 days in a holiday let, we had to find a perm rental, school for 3 of our 4 kids. And also presents for the kids for Xmas. I wouldn't actually advise everyone to do it that way but we did survive, just :) and 6 yrs on its a distant memory, a good memory I might add. Good luck with whatever you decide :)

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Eeeee small world ey Murray 146! Whereabouts in Teesside are you guys? I'm a midwife too. Has your OH got a job yet? I'll be working SOR. What's your occupation and will you be working? My husband is in the building trade and hoping to secure something. Any ideas whereabouts you'll be heading in Perth?

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Hi Ali. Well we decided today to go before xmas then my employer gave me a start date in the New Year so would mean a few weeks unpaid which worries me a little but not the husband so back to square 1 for now! We were keen to get there before the kids break up from school in Dec so we could aim to get ours in for the start of term in Feb. We've been really lucky to be provided accommodation by the employer whenever we want to get there.


Good to hear it all worked out well for you Frets. Hopefully I will be in your shoes looking back in a few years time!



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Our final decision was to fly out before xmas. We leave on the 9th December. I'll have a month before starting work which will be lovely to spend xmas with the family and give us chance to explore and organise more permanent rental, car and maybe even look into schools. We're flying with Singapore Airlines as their prices were competitive but any later than that week and prices are through the roof! Hope your plans are moving on nicely!

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Its looking like first week in Jan for us as well,just feel there would be too much to sort out before xmas & feel that extra month will give us a bit of breathing space before the chaos on the other side ,must admit im not looking forward to spending a month at the M.I.L !!!! but needs must as the person buying our house wants to be in at start of December.

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