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Been and going back...we think!


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Hi, new to the forum, just wondered if anyone else has returned to UK and then gone back to Au again? We moved out to Perth in 2009 as PR. Me, husband and 3 kids. I came back in Feb 2013 and husband came back in Oct 2013. He desperately wants to go back, I think I want to too. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and I know there are things we could do differently to make it easier on all of us. We are looking at moving to Eastern Suburbs this time, was in Secret Harbour last time. Any advice welcome!

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It's not that unusual, some people end up ping ponging for ages. My advice is to make some lists - what was it that made you return to the UK? Will those reasons still be valid when you go back and if so how will you deal with them differently this time? or What drew you back to the UK and what are the reasons you want to leave again? I think establishing those things can help prevent the ping ponging

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Hi there, I guess it would be a case of working out what you didn't like in secret harbour, what you don't like in UK and balancing between the two. I think that its fair to say that the grass always seem greener, but there is good and bad everywhere and its a case of weighing it all up. It must be difficult to have made such a change in your life once, built it again, and returned again, lots of emotions. I hope that it all works out for you. follow your instinct, its usually right. Good luck and I hope that you find what you need :)

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Uk - Melbourne, then Melbourne - UK, mistake manage to stop the container and came back after a few weeks to Melbourne, then Melbourne - Perth - then Perth to UK (8 months) then UK to Melbourne, then Melbourne - Perth, soon to be back in Melbourne, so yup we ping ponged a bit - a lot of impulsive and expensive decisions!

Edited by Weedolly
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Guest guest9824
Uk - Melbourne, then Melbourne - UK, mistake manage to stop the container and came back after a few weeks to Melbourne, then Melbourne - Perth - then Perth to UK (8 months) then UK to Melbourne, then Melbourne - Perth, soon to be back in Melbourne, so yup we ping ponged a bit - a lot of impulsive and expensive decisions!


Wow dolly, you have been busy, going back to Melb too? Soon? Best of luck



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WE went back after spending 3 years here. It was the worst thing we done. I guess looking back we know where we want to live, but I wish I would have gone back for a long holiday. We missed the family and friends, so we sold up and went back!!! I remember looking at houses with my wife ,and she burst into tears saying she wanted to go back too a Australia. We still miss family and friends but love life here now, been back nearly 3 years. The kids love there life here and are all doing well in school. The whole thing cost us a fortune, but I guess it's only money. My advise to you would be do what's right for you and your family, follow your heart and I'm sure you will make the right decision either way xxx

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Wow dolly, you have been busy, going back to Melb too? Soon? Best of luck



Thanks, tried Perth twice, mainly because of work and dont like it, was ok for a few months but when the novelty wore off decided Melbourne is where we want to be, keep going back haha. OH will go back to flying back and forward for work if he has to.
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Wow, and here's me thinking we are the only insane ones! Gives me hope :). It was me that wanted to come back, right before we could've gotten citizenship, doh. But it was timing. Eldest son got the last term at primary school before going to the secondary, so he already knew everyone, step fathers house was empty and he said we could move straight in. Also, the reasons why I wanted to come back are still here, I love the area we live, in a village just outside York, my family is here, there's life! Perth City is so quiet after 6pm. It's also extremely expensive. However, now that I have spent the Xmas here that I wanted, done all the shopping I can and taken the kids here there and everywhere, it's all a bit depressing. Maybe it's because it's February? Anyway I look back on our pictures and think "we lived there"! Our PR visas run out in July this year and it sent me into a panic, so I applied for RRV's and got them approved for another 5 years, which got me thinking, why was I so bothered? I don't see my family as much as I thought I did either. Everyone still has to work etc. and the future looks so bleak here. My husband is doing the same job here as in Perth, but the conditions and pay are disgusting. It's killing him. He came back for me, my turn to do the same I think and recognise what's important. Oh the expense is going to set us back for quite some time! Those of you that went back again, did you find it easier emotionally??

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gosh Pingpongpom what an emotional rollercoaster but sometimes you have to do these things to get your head right. Maybe it is because it Feb and it certainly is depressing this month , however I think you may have helped lots on this forum with that post.

And from how I read it your life will be so much better this time around so good luck and I for one think you are making the right decision

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Wow, and here's me thinking we are the only insane ones! Gives me hope :). It was me that wanted to come back, right before we could've gotten citizenship, doh. But it was timing. Eldest son got the last term at primary school before going to the secondary, so he already knew everyone, step fathers house was empty and he said we could move straight in. Also, the reasons why I wanted to come back are still here, I love the area we live, in a village just outside York, my family is here, there's life! Perth City is so quiet after 6pm. It's also extremely expensive. However, now that I have spent the Xmas here that I wanted, done all the shopping I can and taken the kids here there and everywhere, it's all a bit depressing. Maybe it's because it's February? Anyway I look back on our pictures and think "we lived there"! Our PR visas run out in July this year and it sent me into a panic, so I applied for RRV's and got them approved for another 5 years, which got me thinking, why was I so bothered? I don't see my family as much as I thought I did either. Everyone still has to work etc. and the future looks so bleak here. My husband is doing the same job here as in Perth, but the conditions and pay are disgusting. It's killing him. He came back for me, my turn to do the same I think and recognise what's important. Oh the expense is going to set us back for quite some time! Those of you that went back again, did you find it easier emotionally??


Hi there pingpongpom..... your are certainly not alone in your journey...... we spent 3 and a half years in Victoria and then instead of applying for PR then citizenship we decided to come back to the UK. The decision was made mostly because we missed family and friends but we also missed some of the familiarity about things in the UK, the history of the UK and its closeness to Europe and, funnily enough, cold Christmases!! Anyway we came back 2 years ago now and within the first year knew that we were always going to be torn between life in Australia and life here...... we loved what we had in Australia, the travelling, the way of life, the people and particularly my husband loved his job and although he does the same job here as he did there, he has never settled and finds it completely frustrating here and the opportunities he got in Australia were fantastic and are pretty non-existent here. Well, long story short, we are returning to Australia (this time Perth) as soon as our PR visa is granted and OH already has a new job lined up and is very excited about it all. He says that we are going back for him this time but to be honest my heart is torn between both places and I am looking forward to being there again and enjoying all the things I love about Australia. I think we will try and come back to the UK every year or so this time and I guess my feelings (of homesickness) won't come as such a shock this time round! I know, in reality, that the world is a fairly small place and maybe one day we will live six months here and six months there and enjoy spring and summer all year round.....!!


All the best with your deliberations and will maybe meet up with you one day on the other side!! :smile2:

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Thanks, tried Perth twice, mainly because of work and dont like it, was ok for a few months but when the novelty wore off decided Melbourne is where we want to be, keep going back haha. OH will go back to flying back and forward for work if he has to.

out of interest,as someone who has never been to either place, what do you dislike about Perth/prefer in Melbourne?? x

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Hi there pingpongpom..... your are certainly not alone in your journey...... we spent 3 and a half years in Victoria and then instead of applying for PR then citizenship we decided to come back to the UK. The decision was made mostly because we missed family and friends but we also missed some of the familiarity about things in the UK, the history of the UK and its closeness to Europe and, funnily enough, cold Christmases!! Anyway we came back 2 years ago now and within the first year knew that we were always going to be torn between life in Australia and life here...... we loved what we had in Australia, the travelling, the way of life, the people and particularly my husband loved his job and although he does the same job here as he did there, he has never settled and finds it completely frustrating here and the opportunities he got in Australia were fantastic and are pretty non-existent here. Well, long story short, we are returning to Australia (this time Perth) as soon as our PR visa is granted and OH already has a new job lined up and is very excited about it all. He says that we are going back for him this time but to be honest my heart is torn between both places and I am looking forward to being there again and enjoying all the things I love about Australia. I think we will try and come back to the UK every year or so this time and I guess my feelings (of homesickness) won't come as such a shock this time round! I know, in reality, that the world is a fairly small place and maybe one day we will live six months here and six months there and enjoy spring and summer all year round.....!!


All the best with your deliberations and will maybe meet up with you one day on the other side!! :smile2:


Yes those were the things i wanted to come back for too. Do you have kids? Wondering how it will affect them.

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Yes those were the things i wanted to come back for too. Do you have kids? Wondering how it will affect them.


Yes, we have two kids..... they were 7 and 9 when we went the first time, they are 12 and 14 now. We talk about it a lot, reminding each other of the reasons we loved it and the things we found hard, but they are keen to be back in Australia and we are the kind of family who like to 'go for' things..... you only live once after all!

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out of interest,as someone who has never been to either place, what do you dislike about Perth/prefer in Melbourne?? x
Will send you a PM because as soon as you say anything negative about the wonderful Perth on here, there are always so many that are "living the Dream" in Perth ready to jump on and contradict you.
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Will send you a PM because as soon as you say anything negative about the wonderful Perth on here, there are always so many that are "living the Dream" in Perth ready to jump on and contradict you.


I hope that's not the case, it's true there will likely be people who are passionate about their new home and a lot will have an alternative view but I've always felt that most people on here are objective, considerate and good natured. If someone disagrees with you it doesn't make your view illegitimate and equally, people are entitled to offer their own perspectives.

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Will send you a PM because as soon as you say anything negative about the wonderful Perth on here, there are always so many that are "living the Dream" in Perth ready to jump on and contradict you.

Oh I know, I used to be on the Poms in Oz site before we left in 2009. Some have been vicious! It's all personal choice but there are good and bad in both places.

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