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Why is it so hard to meet nice people? Secret harbour area


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Been in oz for the last year and I'm still finding it hard to meet people my own age. I'm 33 yeah I have kids, 16. 15 and 8 they r really settled and enjoying life.

I really miss having a bestie, miss the girly chats, nights out, hanging out with friends etc

ive met a few people but all much older or people who want to have play dates with their kids. Don't get me wrong my kids are my world but I just want to have something for me.

Hubby is fifo and spends most of his time away, on the odd occasion he returns he is to tired to do anything as he has been living up the freedom he gets with working away.

i really didn't want to come to oz just to be stuck in rut. I love the country and I'm really happy the hubby n the kids are so happy. Just me left to get sorted.

I work on my own so get no chance of meeting people there, mums at school can be quite judgemental, yeah I had kids young but it shouldn't make me a bad person.

I would love to meet some laid back ladies who are up for a laugh but can also understand that I do have responsibilities too.

Reading this back I'm asking for a lot aren't i? Lol

oh well live in hope! X

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No I do not think you are asking a lot. Like you I find Secret Harbour a strange place and wish it had remained a secret. Like you I lone work with no chance of meeting people that way, but then sometimes I also think that is a blessing. I can also understand the fifo life as my hubby too works the same. Alas I am older and have no children so am no good to you for girly nights out. I am sure with time you will meet some like minded people. Dont worry about the school gate gossips ignore them they are not the people you would want to be associated with hold your head up high and go for it, who are they to judge. A saying comes to mind a very old one my grandmother used to say "net curtains no knickers" and to me that sums up Secret Harbour. Now I shall get slated once again :laugh: I am sure there are nice people in Secret Harbour you like me just haven't met them yet. Myself I have totally gone past caring. The days can be long but I manage to fill my time - could not live with out my kindle or my computer I would be totally lost.

Keep your chin up it will come together for you :cute: it takes time ::sigh:: I am still waiting haha

Edited by elfie
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I'm available and up for a laugh, we've just moved to Meadow Springs ,I have two boys one almost 9 and one 11 plus two older girls still in the uk . I'm not sure where Secret Harbour is but if you know Meadow Springs come for a cuppa , unfortunately I'm not working at the minute so I'm at home all day, would love to meet , yeah your 33 I'm 41 who cares age is a number.

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Hi tink12


Sorry to hear you're finding it hard to meet people on your wave length. we're not there until may and not sure where about secret harbour is (although i have heard of it as just the name sounds lovely)


I can't believe people are judgmental abt you having kids young. However, due to life stages you may find that people your (our) age are just starting the baby process. You're lucky in a way that you have some of your independence back at a young age but the down side is a lot of others are still at the early age where late nights mean hard mornings with an early rise and a toddler!


Im one of the people arranging playmate meets as i find them helpful for possibly 4 reasons (in no particular order!): 1 my little one needs friends to play with, he loves playing with children so its important to help him settle (and whilst he's enjoying playing i may get a brew in peace with some adult company!), 2 they provide an ice breaker, i can be quite shy but since having ethan and going to play groups you find yourself chatting to other mums (aka strangers) quite easily, 3 it would be difficult to go out without them as there is no one to look after them and 4 i hope to make some good friendships that grow deeper then the common connection being simply that we have children.

I do love my free time as much as the next but its just not as frequent (or easily had) as it used to be! Tends to be more going round to peoples houses so the kids can come too but adults can still enjoy some grown up time with grown ups (although still feels odd calling myself that!). Im sure you have already but maybe take up an offer on the palydate and you never know it may lead to proper friendship.


Sorry if I've said stuff you've already heard time and time again. Hope you manage to get something sorted :)

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Well really at a loss what to say in reply to some of the comments here..... I arrived in Secrets back in 2009 and have met some wonderful people, young and old. Secret Harbour is a great community and this has been proved for me time and time again...fundraising for SIDS and kids and recently i have done some fundraising for a young local girl with terminal Cancer and from a raffle and Sausage sizzle the community have raised nearly $2.5K and the locals have donated all the prizes. I don't socialize a lot but could do if i wanted i just choose not to. There is a local book club....We have a residents facebook page where people arrange catch ups...with or without kids...there is a lady started a keep fit/zumba/pilates in the community centre. There are cinema/theatre trips organised. My husband works FIFO on a 4/1 roster i have 3 kids and some times have too much to do. Are any of you going to the Poms in Oz meet on Wednesday...that's a start...some of these ladies meet up socially and go out in the city. You just need to utilise your facebook and google and put yourself out there. But I think Secret Harbour is a great place to live

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Well really at a loss what to say in reply to some of the comments here..... I arrived in Secrets back in 2009 and have met some wonderful people, young and old. Secret Harbour is a great community and this has been proved for me time and time again...fundraising for SIDS and kids and recently i have done some fundraising for a young local girl with terminal Cancer and from a raffle and Sausage sizzle the community have raised nearly $2.5K and the locals have donated all the prizes. I don't socialize a lot but could do if i wanted i just choose not to. There is a local book club....We have a residents facebook page where people arrange catch ups...with or without kids...there is a lady started a keep fit/zumba/pilates in the community centre. There are cinema/theatre trips organised. My husband works FIFO on a 4/1 roster i have 3 kids and some times have too much to do. Are any of you going to the Poms in Oz meet on Wednesday...that's a start...some of these ladies meet up socially and go out in the city. You just need to utilise your facebook and google and put yourself out there. But I think Secret Harbour is a great place to live



In Reply

Not everyone gets the same things out of a community as others. I do not like Secret Habour I find it clicky and insular. For some it is hard to meet and make like minded friends. Not every one wants the same things. My self I am a pagan and have lost not only blood family and friends but my pagan alternate family also. My whole life and beliefs have literally been turned upside down. For me it is especially hard to find like minded folks. I dont particularly want to go to a sausage sizzle or book club, but then there are some that do. What I am trying to say is we are all different and want different things out of a community and our lives. We do not live each others lives thats why we are all individuals and for some it is harder to settle than others. I am glad your new life has slotted into place please do not be harsh on those who are yet waiting for it to happen in the same community that you enjoy living.

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Hi Tink12, i am also 33, with a 17yr old, and twins of 7!... We only arrived in Perth a month ago... My husband has some family here but i only have one friend! (Without sounding too sad!!!) so, my kids started school last week which is great...Really hoping to meet some other friends that way!! I smile at everyone but am yet to have a conversation with any of the parents...they just look straight through me! We are in Rockingham, so not far from you.... I am definitely up for a laugh...and lot's of them ;) and as i am not currently working... I am free most of the time!... Just let me know if you fancy a coffee or something :-) amy x

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thanks for your message, you sound in a really similar situation, I love living here just kind of took for granted I would be able to meet people, as you say through the kids and that. I always go out my way to say hello and smile at people, I've just not been able to get anything to the next level. Will send you a pm. Hope to speak soon.:biggrin:

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Thanks for your kind words, I do have hope it will all work out and I know time is something I have to be patient with. I'm so sorry to hear that you find it so hard, I think people who have others around them can take for granted how much having no one around can affect you. :wink:

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No I do not think you are asking a lot. Like you I find Secret Harbour a strange place and wish it had remained a secret. Like you I lone work with no chance of meeting people that way, but then sometimes I also think that is a blessing. I can also understand the fifo life as my hubby too works the same. Alas I am older and have no children so am no good to you for girly nights out. I am sure with time you will meet some like minded people. Dont worry about the school gate gossips ignore them they are not the people you would want to be associated with hold your head up high and go for it, who are they to judge. A saying comes to mind a very old one my grandmother used to say "net curtains no knickers" and to me that sums up Secret Harbour. Now I shall get slated once again :laugh: I am sure there are nice people in Secret Harbour you like me just haven't met them yet. Myself I have totally gone past caring. The days can be long but I manage to fill my time - could not live with out my kindle or my computer I would be totally lost.

Keep your chin up it will come together for you :cute: it takes time ::sigh:: I am still waiting haha



hi thanks for your kind words, there is a post a bit further down the page thanking you but as you can see I missed your name off etc, haven't quite got to grips with this site! X

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Well really at a loss what to say in reply to some of the comments here..... I arrived in Secrets back in 2009 and have met some wonderful people, young and old. Secret Harbour is a great community and this has been proved for me time and time again...fundraising for SIDS and kids and recently i have done some fundraising for a young local girl with terminal Cancer and from a raffle and Sausage sizzle the community have raised nearly $2.5K and the locals have donated all the prizes. I don't socialize a lot but could do if i wanted i just choose not to. There is a local book club....We have a residents facebook page where people arrange catch ups...with or without kids...there is a lady started a keep fit/zumba/pilates in the community centre. There are cinema/theatre trips organised. My husband works FIFO on a 4/1 roster i have 3 kids and some times have too much to do. Are any of you going to the Poms in Oz meet on Wednesday...that's a start...some of these ladies meet up socially and go out in the city. You just need to utilise your facebook and google and put yourself out there. But I think Secret Harbour is a great place to live





i don't think I have put my words across very well here,

I love living here I have just not found it easy to make friends, I come from a big family and always had lots of friends and I think I kind of took for granted it would fall into place here. I always try to be polite, smile and make conversation but never actually manage to build any friendships and I'm really not sure why.


im not slagging secret harbour off or the people in it, I'm just saying I've kind of forgot how to do the whole meeting people. I'm happy that my kids and hubby are happy and for that reason this is now my home, I just want a limitless bit for me.


My hubby is also a 4/1 so I too am busy on my own, working for myself, running the house, looking after the kids. As more and more time goes by the kids gain a little more independence and I just feel I need an outlet for me.

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I'm available and up for a laugh, we've just moved to Meadow Springs ,I have two boys one almost 9 and one 11 plus two older girls still in the uk . I'm not sure where Secret Harbour is but if you know Meadow Springs come for a cuppa , unfortunately I'm not working at the minute so I'm at home all day, would love to meet , yeah your 33 I'm 41 who cares age is a number.




lovely message!


Meadow ow springs is just down the road from me would be nice to have a cuppa and a chat.

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Hi tink12


Sorry to hear you're finding it hard to meet people on your wave length. we're not there until may and not sure where about secret harbour is (although i have heard of it as just the name sounds lovely)


I can't believe people are judgmental abt you having kids young. However, due to life stages you may find that people your (our) age are just starting the baby process. You're lucky in a way that you have some of your independence back at a young age but the down side is a lot of others are still at the early age where late nights mean hard mornings with an early rise and a toddler!


Im one of the people arranging playmate meets as i find them helpful for possibly 4 reasons (in no particular order!): 1 my little one needs friends to play with, he loves playing with children so its important to help him settle (and whilst he's enjoying playing i may get a brew in peace with some adult company!), 2 they provide an ice breaker, i can be quite shy but since having ethan and going to play groups you find yourself chatting to other mums (aka strangers) quite easily, 3 it would be difficult to go out without them as there is no one to look after them and 4 i hope to make some good friendships that grow deeper then the common connection being simply that we have children.

I do love my free time as much as the next but its just not as frequent (or easily had) as it used to be! Tends to be more going round to peoples houses so the kids can come too but adults can still enjoy some grown up time with grown ups (although still feels odd calling myself that!). Im sure you have already but maybe take up an offer on the palydate and you never know it may lead to proper friendship.


Sorry if I've said stuff you've already heard time and time again. Hope you manage to get something sorted :)





thanks is for your lovely message.


i think you have hit the nail on the head it's all about stages in life.


I have tried the play dates and not been very lucky, found people had younger kids than me so they gravitated towards each other. Did meet a lady with a daughter the same age as mine and we seem to hit it off until every weekend I was left looking after her daughter while she went out! So I put a stop to it as I felt very used.


I would like to meet some one who I could do family things with ie we all get together for a barbie and the kids play in the pool etc but I would also like a friendship that isn't just based on the kids holding it together. My older ones are really I dependant, hold down jobs around school have great friends and great social life.


I haven't got time to be out every weekend or be able to afford it for that matter with Perth prices but every now an then, or a cuppa or just having someone to talk to would be nice x

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, you sound right up my ally :) My daughter is 13 this yr. We are both 30. We have met some wonderful people since arriving just over a year ago. Some have children, some don't. We have been living in Baldivis but move to Warnbro...TODAY!! We would be very happy to invite you to our next get together...it will proberbly be our house warming in a couple of weeks. We have done the whole going to strangers houses without really knowing anyone and have made great friends. Your children would be more than welcome too. We have friends living NOR, Mandurah, safety Bay, Baldivis, Rockingham etc so you will get to meet a mixture of very friendly, non-judgmental people. PM if you would like to stay in touch. P.S, I am not a weirdo inviting a stranger to our home...honestly :)

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Hi, you sound right up my ally :) My daughter is 13 this yr. We are both 30. We have met some wonderful people since arriving just over a year ago. Some have children, some don't. We have been living in Baldivis but move to Warnbro...TODAY!! We would be very happy to invite you to our next get together...it will proberbly be our house warming in a couple of weeks. We have done the whole going to strangers houses without really knowing anyone and have made great friends. Your children would be more than welcome too. We have friends living NOR, Mandurah, safety Bay, Baldivis, Rockingham etc so you will get to meet a mixture of very friendly, non-judgmental people. PM if you would like to stay in touch. P.S, I am not a weirdo inviting a stranger to our home...honestly :)


I can vouch that Tia2 is no weirdo.... :)

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Hi Tink12


I am also a mum who is 39 with a 20,15, 4 and 2 year old so i totally understand the problems with trying to find a place to fit in I've only been in secret harbour two weeks (we came over from Melbourne originally uk) i think secret harbour is a lovely place and feel in time we will love living here. I am happy to meet for coffee or a wine sometime i miss girly nights and having a good giggle and some me time. PM me anytime you fancy a meet up xx

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Been in oz for the last year and I'm still finding it hard to meet people my own age. I'm 33 yeah I have kids, 16. 15 and 8 they r really settled and enjoying life.

I really miss having a bestie, miss the girly chats, nights out, hanging out with friends etc

ive met a few people but all much older or people who want to have play dates with their kids. Don't get me wrong my kids are my world but I just want to have something for me.

Hubby is fifo and spends most of his time away, on the odd occasion he returns he is to tired to do anything as he has been living up the freedom he gets with working away.

i really didn't want to come to oz just to be stuck in rut. I love the country and I'm really happy the hubby n the kids are so happy. Just me left to get sorted.

I work on my own so get no chance of meeting people there, mums at school can be quite judgemental, yeah I had kids young but it shouldn't make me a bad person.

I would love to meet some laid back ladies who are up for a laugh but can also understand that I do have responsibilities too.

Reading this back I'm asking for a lot aren't i? Lol

oh well live in hope! X


H I have just seen your post. I've only been here 11 weeks & living in Baldivis so only up the road.

my partner is FIFO as well on a 2/1 roster he has been here Almost a year. We have 2 younger children 6 & 4 so a lot of my time they are with me but I do have a couple of child free days in the week if you fancy a coffee!?

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Hi there All

We have been in Perth for almost 5 yr and met a lot of people just like you say not people you can call your good friends they come and go. We are hopefully moving down to Lakelands from butler next month just waiting on finance hoping through on our house. My other half also works fifo 4/1 we are 32 and 34 we have 3 boys 14-9 and 5 so will be all new for us all and like I say my other half works away so I will be moving more or lesson on my own, so I would love to meet up with anyone of you lovely families. I look forward to meeting you all



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We are looking at moving to SH at the end of the year and would def have the same thoughts as you. I have a 6 1/2 yr old and 1year old and im 28. I'm worrying a bit now that I won't meet any friends :) keep me posted x


kate- what is baldivis like for families/schools?

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