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The start of normality?


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I thought I would give you an insight into our migration journey (probably as much for my benefit rather than any thing else!)



So December 2012 we started contacting migration agents to see if we could now make the move that we very nearly did 10 years before. Only now we would be doing it with 3 small children in tow. We planned to come on hubbys skills (IT related) as we knew that he was on the skills list. While discussing with the agents we found out that my skills were on the WA list (Community Worker), and as this was where we had decided we wanted to go anyway, we were advised that my skilled visa would be much more straight forward to do, and so it began!



I booked IELTS first, I refused to put my skills in for assessment until I had passed the IELTS as I was petrified that I would not get the magic 7s and then have wasted a lot of money. (plan B was that hubby would do it and we would go on his skills!) I hate exams and was just really convinced that I couldn't get the grades. I was petrified sitting the test (daft really as I have done many exams in my life, but I felt as if everything was hinging on this!) then had the dreaded wait to see if I had done enough. Thankfully I did OK and got 9s (I was over the moon!) so full steam ahead with getting my skills assessed.




The skills assessment took FOREVER! And as with the IELTS I was worried all the way through, that despite my skills being an exact match, they would turn around and say it wasn't good enough!



So 5 months in and I finally had proof that I could speak English and do my job! Doesn't sound much but it was such a relief! Things moved pretty quickly after that, we got state sponsorship, submitted our EOI and were invited to apply. So our visa application went in in May, just before the fee increases in June, phew we were very relieved about that!



Then the next worry began, medicals! I had read lots of different things about doing medicals and knew that we could do them before we had a case officer allocated and was keen to do this, mostly because I was convinced that out of a family of 5 the odds were that someone would get referred. With a 3 month waiting time on referrals I was keen to get on with the waiting! I got the medicals orgainsed and the clinic were lovely, as expected one of the kids got a 'B' rating on their medical, we settled in for a 3 month wait! I also organised our police checks so that everything would be ready to go once the medical had cleared. Then out of the blue a few weeks later (in July) we had a call from our agent, I was expecting to be told that we had a case officer and that they possibly wanted some further piece of information, however I nearly fell off my chair when I was told that our visa had been granted! I couldn't believe it, the medical couldn't have been referred and the case officer had everything that they needed to make a decision without needing to contact us first!



We were excited and petrified all at the same time, we had so much to sort out, when would we try and go what would our plans be? So many questions about the next stage started to fill our heads! Hubby wanted to wait and get a job before making the move, whilst I understood this I was adamant that we needed to get there to be in with a chance. Eventually after talking with a few agents hubby agreed and we started to make plans to move.




Shipping companies were contacted, quotes obtained, piles and piles of our belongings sorted out and thrown out! House decorated as we wanted to let it, agents appointed to manage the house, flights booked one way for November, just 4 months after getting our grant. It was all a bit of a blur, we organised and sorted a lot in this time, I made plans for my kids to stay with my parents while our house was packed up and we finished off, hubby and I would then join them for a few days before our flight.




As with all these things, best laid plans never strictly work out, and like many others we were not without our own heartache and stress in the run up to our departure. One of my oldest and dearest friends dad dropped dead in September, it was a massive shock to all of us, he wasn't old just 65 and only just starting to enjoy his retirement. My mum broke her leg just before she was due to look after the kids, meaning that she couldn't have them, I didnt have a plan B! But worse than that a week later she very nearly died from a DVT caused by the operation to fix her leg. Needless to say, all of these things meant I spent a long time driving up and down the motorway (they lived 3 hours away from us) to help look after my mum, support my dad and try to juggle packing the house and looking after 3 children. (not something I would recommend for anyone!). Thankfully mum pulled through, and was on the road to recovery when our flights were due to leave. I don't honestly know if I would have been able to get on a plane if she had not been getting better.




So having survived all of that we finally arrived in Perth in November. The weather was sunny, the sky was blue, it felt like a huge relief to have finally made it over. It took about a week to get over the jet lag properly, but even in our jet lagged state we still got out and explored our new home.




We did all the essential bits, sorted out or bank cards, mobile phones, registered for medicare, bought a car and started to look at schools and areas that we wanted to live.



We decided that we liked the area NOR and looked for places we could afford with schools that we liked the look of. We must have looked at about 5 or 6 schools, but after 3 weeks we had made our choice and had our application for a long term rental approved. This was a massive relief as it felt as if we were starting to settle. The older 2 kids started school for the last 2 and a bit weeks before Christmas which also gave hubby and I a bit of breathing space to do things without having to drag all 3 of them around.



Christmas was great, very chilled which was just what we needed.


Then hubby started to look for work. He has found it quite stressful and slow, I think partly due to the time of year to be honest and he says that for work November was probably exactly the wrong time to come, but I counter that by saying that for the kids and school it worked out really well! It also meant that he was around for the kids second school summer holiday, which I really appreciated. He also finds that they are quite far behind the UK in his industry here and is a bit frustrated by that I believe. Thankfully he has now found work (we had always planned for him to have 3 months off and could have survived for up to 8 months if we had to) and things are finally starting to settle back to our own version of normal. Kids are back at school, littlest has started Kindy, hubby is at work, me well I am contemplating what the right thing to do with regards to work is, finding something to fit in with Kindy hours is not going to be an easy task. I am slowly starting to make 'friends' through school, they are more acquaintances for now, but I know that in time that will change and for now am happy with that.




Are we glad we made the move- definitely, would we do it again – without hesitation (probably with out a few of the stressful bits just before we left if we had the choice!), do we plan to move back to the uk – no, we love it here and are happy to give this our best shot we are all committed to staying for now, in the future this might change, if it does we will decide what is best for us as a family then.




Sorry its a bit of an epic, but I hope it gives those of you going through, or considering going through, the process an idea of what our journey so far looks like.

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Great to hear that things are going well for you. We arrived in October and things are going well although I am continuing to find it hard, like your hubby to find a job. Life is good, however, as our daughter has settled really well into a fantastic school (and has enjoyed 2 Summer Hols, like your children). We have a reasonable amount of savings, but don't want to eat into that too much as we want to buy a house fairly soonish - I really must get a job!


We, like you, I think, have gone through the majority of a fairly traumatic process (which we probably underestimated) and are now really enjoying life here in Perth. I think that they call it 'Living the Dream'!! :biggrin:


Have a great day.



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It's so lovely to 'catch up' with you!... We arrived exactly a month ago tomorrow... That time has flown by!!! So glad that you are finally starting to regain some normalness!.... I don't know about you but it seems like a lifetime ago that we were planning for this massive journey....and here we are, in Perth and getting on with day to day life!.... We are currently SOR but for some reason, i have an itching desire to check out NOR before we buy a property!!.... Glad it's goung well for you and i hope your mum in 100% better now :) Amy xx

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Weston clan where are you based... and what schools...

thanks for the update, we are hoping that we get jobs as we have no savings.. everything has been eaten up by being in UK and he way that things have unfolded over the last few months. We are going to just come anyway, because if we don't then when... fingers crossed eh! Always great to hear updates, thanks for sharing.

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Hi Zebradeb

We are the same as you hoping to get jobs straight away as we have not got no savings, So a case of going for it.



Weston clan where are you based... and what schools...

thanks for the update, we are hoping that we get jobs as we have no savings.. everything has been eaten up by being in UK and he way that things have unfolded over the last few months. We are going to just come anyway, because if we don't then when... fingers crossed eh! Always great to hear updates, thanks for sharing.

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It's so lovely to 'catch up' with you!... We arrived exactly a month ago tomorrow... That time has flown by!!! So glad that you are finally starting to regain some normalness!.... I don't know about you but it seems like a lifetime ago that we were planning for this massive journey....and here we are, in Perth and getting on with day to day life!.... We are currently SOR but for some reason, i have an itching desire to check out NOR before we buy a property!!.... Glad it's goung well for you and i hope your mum in 100% better now :) Amy xx


Thanks Amy. You are right it feels like a life time ago that we were in the UK. Mum is thankfully firmly on the road to recovery, she just has to learn to walk properly again and then I think they will plan their trip out! We looked both NOR and SOR as we came with no fixed idea about where would be better for us, really glad we did as we feel comfortable with the decision we made. Really loved freo as well though, so who knows maybe one day we will move somewhere round there for a bit!

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Weston clan where are you based... and what schools...

thanks for the update, we are hoping that we get jobs as we have no savings.. everything has been eaten up by being in UK and he way that things have unfolded over the last few months. We are going to just come anyway, because if we don't then when... fingers crossed eh! Always great to hear updates, thanks for sharing.


Hi Zebradeb, we are NOR in Kingsley, and we chose Dalmain primary school, we will probably need to think about moving for secondary but we have some time to work that out! getting a job was quite stressful, the timing wasnt great with christmas and summer holidays, but things are starting to move a bit more now, it also takes time to build up networks to hear about jobs, will keep my fingers crossed that things come along for you quickly! when do you come out?

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A brilliant update Weston Clan... thanks for taking the time to post. I well remember your posts at the time you were packing, supporting your Mum and tearing out your hair - so pleased that it has worked out for you.


Thanks Rossmoyne, it was a very stressful time and not one that I think I ever want to repeat! very happy that we seem to be slowly finding our feet.

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hey there... ive never known stress like it... :/ so much to sort out and plan.... but we also made it.. arrived two weeks ago.. :) we love it here..:) seems like a life time ago we were back in the uk... everything is settling down now.. have sorted most things ... :) cant wait for the week end to spend with my husband and two children.. this is were the dream begins.. :) x

were are u from Weston clan?? our home town is Weston super mare? just wondered ? :) xxx

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Hi Zebradeb

We are the same as you hoping to get jobs straight away as we have not got no savings, So a case of going for it.




Its quite scary we are both secondary school teachers, but may have to turn our hand to other things! We will just have to suck it up. At least we will be living by Westfield so may have to get a part time job in there if needed. It will be strange going from a fairly comfortable/established lifestyle to such a massive change... but hey what an adventure! Where you moving to Deb? and when are you going?? Deb

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Hi Zebradeb, we are NOR in Kingsley, and we chose Dalmain primary school, we will probably need to think about moving for secondary but we have some time to work that out! getting a job was quite stressful, the timing wasnt great with christmas and summer holidays, but things are starting to move a bit more now, it also takes time to build up networks to hear about jobs, will keep my fingers crossed that things come along for you quickly! when do you come out?


thanks for the well wishes, I need to get OH to get his CV sorted (that will be another job for me then!) and email ahead of time. We are heading NOR too, and will find something around the Hillarys area given that the children are all enrolled at St MArks, We came over last year and sorted interviews, paperwork and schooling etc. We figured that at least if we found a school, we could commute to it, where as going state route would limit us to catchment> we looked at all options, but the kids loved St Marks so we went with that. Added pressure financially but when you look at it as only be £250 a month for a private education, you certainly wouldn't get that in the UK and its not in reality much different to what state school fees will be for I think 457s from Jan 15. So all in all... we are hopeful that things will fall into place. Im sure it will, may not be the dream to start with, but may as well be broke with a tan than not eh! Adventure which ever way you look at it :)

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Hi Zebradeb

We are flying out on 24th April we have a rental in Rockingham. It so hard giving up jobs and a secure future to go to the unknown. Got the grandkids staying watching them thinking how do I leave them its so scary. Been positive all day and excited then I see the kids. Is it long before you go ?




Its quite scary we are both secondary school teachers, but may have to turn our hand to other things! We will just have to suck it up. At least we will be living by Westfield so may have to get a part time job in there if needed. It will be strange going from a fairly comfortable/established lifestyle to such a massive change... but hey what an adventure! Where you moving to Deb? and when are you going?? Deb
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Hi Zebradeb

We are flying out on 24th April we have a rental in Rockingham. It so hard giving up jobs and a secure future to go to the unknown. Got the grandkids staying watching them thinking how do I leave them its so scary. Been positive all day and excited then I see the kids. Is it long before you go ?



We leave in July, I'm worrying about how I take my kids away from their grandparents :( its a horrible feeling, I wish I could fast forward and miss that bit out, well it works for me on wanted down under anyway :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

One of the best things about PP is that no matter how you are feeling, there are plenty of people who have been there and done that. Great to read about so many people having made the move. Unlike most of you, we appear to have not much a huge amount of thought into moving. My wife got offered a job just after Christmas, and all been well we will land in June. We haven't even applied for visas yet, but spoke to immigration and because we are 457s it should be a fairly straight forward process (here's hoping). We nearly made the move years ago, and completely over thought it and did nothing. This time we thought, what the hell! In about 17 weeks the three of us will land in Perth with a suitcase each. Nothing is being shipped and we don't really know what we'll do.

There are two type of people in this world, those that do and those that Don't. Glad to see we find ourselves in the company of so many doers!

in the next few weeks I expect to post lots of panicky questions, so thanks in advance!

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