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Guest bigvtwin

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Guest bigvtwin

Hi everyone. Really enjoying the forum, and the advice given is first class - able to answer the questions we had by reading the posts, plus found answers to questions we didn't even know we needed to know... if ya get my drift :biglaugh:.


Anyway we are really early on in the moving to Oz stage. We have only recently decided to go for it and have gone full speed into making it happen.


I am a Warehouse and Logistics manager with over 20 years experience, my wife is a contract manager for a recruitment agency and we have 2 boys (15 & 13). So have looked at the Skilled visa route as a first choice - Supply and Distribution Manager (133611). Unfortunately the specs for this have been tightened over recent years (so we are told), and the stipulation of being a senior manager that reports into the CEO does not quite meet my own role, as although i am a senior manager i do not report into the CEO.


So.... We think that the 457 visa route is the one to go down. I know of 2 people in the last 12 months that have gone down this route, and understand it can be very hit or miss, but we are going to go for it and see what happens.


We have been advised that if we are serious about the move, that it would be advisable to NOT fixate on moving to one particular area (which makes sense), so although we want Perth to be our new home it may have to take a back seat to another area.


There is an Expo next month that we are going to, so fingers crossed.....



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Good idea not to fixate about one area. We did, then found OH wasn't in demand there. However, he was in Perth. The way we saw it was, get into Oz and then you could always move states once established. Hopefully we won't want to move but it is always an option later.


Good luck with the visa and good luck with not fixating with Oz. If you can do that you're a stronger man than most of us!

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Be very wary of the 457 route. It is a temporary work permit only and if you job ends you will only have 90 days to find another employer to take over your visa, or you will have to leave the country. Just because you get into Oz on a 457, it does not mean it is a pathway to permanency as of right. You still have to apply through other visa routes to achieve PR. I strongly suggest that you contact a Registered Migration Agent to discuss your situation before you move any further along the route. There are a number who post on this forum and on PIO who are well thought of.


Good Luck!

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