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Nice to be appreciated :-)


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Guest guest9824
I got these from the lady whose baby I delivered at home last Monday morning - so nice to be appreciated :-)


also they posted this announcement http://www.myfamilyannouncements.co.uk/cumberlandnews/view/3351728/blake-arian-hudson


aawww xxx



Dear Bean, you deserved your lovely surprise...I have huge respect for Midwives bringing new life into the world, and helping new mums in many ways, they can be 'lifesavers', you know what I mean. Enjoy your well deserved appreciation.


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How lovely Bean!

in December we received an xmas card from a couple we had catered for 14 months previously (?), anyway it had such a lovely thank you letter in it and a box of Heston Blumenthal chocs...oh and a £150 voucher for the Three Chimneys Restaurant on the Isle of Skye (its a world famous fine dining restaurant)! Very lovely sentiment and generous but as its 5 hrs away from us I'm not sure we will fit in using it before we leave, unfortunately. It does show that we must be doing our jobs well!

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Arr beany. They're lovely. It's so nice when that happens.


A guy came to us from ITU about 6 weeks ago. Hb was in his boots. He was only 40 and had haematemesis. After he was give sedation, he looked at me and said 'you're beautiful' ha ha. I knew he was well on his way then. Couldn't find the source of bleeding because his stomach was full of blood. We were there ages. Anyway, found where he was bleeding from after a good hour

and fixed it. He was sent back to ITU, later transferred to a ward and discharged a few days later. He was back in today, fit and well, for a re-scope to check that he was all healed, which he was. He came over to me and said 'Debbie, I just want to thank you for helping me in my hour of need. I thought I was going to die. Did you get the chocolates that I sent in for you'. Nope, I did not get the chocolates that he sent in for me because my greedy work mates eat them all and didn't tell me. Pfffttt.



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Arr beany. They're lovely. It's so nice when that happens.


A guy came to us from ITU about 6 weeks ago. Hb was in his boots. He was only 40 and had haematemesis. After he was give sedation, he looked at me and said 'you're beautiful' ha ha. I knew he was well on his way then. Couldn't find the source of bleeding because his stomach was full of blood. We were there ages. Anyway, found where he was bleeding from after a good hour

and fixed it. He was sent back to ITU, later transferred to a ward and discharged a few days later. He was back in today, fit and well, for a re-scope to check that he was all healed, which he was. He came over to me and said 'Debbie, I just want to thank you for helping me in my hour of need. I thought I was going to die. Did you get the chocolates that I sent in for you'. Nope, I did not get the chocolates that he sent in for me because my greedy work mates eat them all and didn't tell me. Pfffttt.




aaw Debs that's just not cricket :-(

buggers grrrrrr


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How lovely Bean!

in December we received an xmas card from a couple we had catered for 14 months previously (?), anyway it had such a lovely thank you letter in it and a box of Heston Blumenthal chocs...oh and a £150 voucher for the Three Chimneys Restaurant on the Isle of Skye (its a world famous fine dining restaurant)! Very lovely sentiment and generous but as its 5 hrs away from us I'm not sure we will fit in using it before we leave, unfortunately. It does show that we must be doing our jobs well!


Cant you give the voucher to a charity raffle or something. Shame to waste it.



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I think we will contact the restaurant and see if we can give it to someone else, may even get a few bob for it!

How mean debs, I bet those occasions where you get thanks are few and far between too. I don't know how you nurses/midwives do those jobs, I'm getting so squeemish in my old age:frown:


aaw Debs that's just not cricket :-(

buggers grrrrrr



Cant you give the voucher to a charity raffle or something. Shame to waste it.



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