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Its freezing here in London


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Its 1.45 am.


Freezing here in the UK, London


About minus 4.


The good things about it being freezing,


1. I can put my beers in the garden and they will get chilled much better then the fridge.


2. Getting into bed feels better when its cold outside.


3. Picking up frozen dog poo is easier after letting the dog out in the garden, solid lumps in the bin, no squidgee mess.


4. Getting into a fozen car and loving it when it finally warms up.


5. Hot soup, cold day, cant beat it.


6. Waking up 30 mins early, go turn the heating in, scurry back to bed and enjoy 30 mins of snoozing.


7. Erm, thinking,


What do you guys miss about the cold?

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T be honest everything. I am a cold loving person. To me, if I get into bed and can't see my breath, then it's too hot!


things I miss:

A walk in the snow

Morning crisp frost

Going into the pub on a winters night and ordering a scotch and sitting in front of a log fire.

Coming out of a pub to find a fresh snow fall and walking through it home across the park.

The list goes on.

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Lol you make it sound so romantic, how about getting stuck in your car on the motorway for 8 hours as as a country we are not prepared for the weather and no one seems to be able to drive in it. The additional accidents that people have serious Injurys, the elderly people that get forgotten and can afford to heat their houses and die as they have had to choose between heating and eating.


i was stuck on that motorway over night, no fun. I get what you are saying about the romantic side of the cold but the reality side I am sure no many will miss.

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Lol you make it sound so romantic, how about getting stuck in your car on the motorway for 8 hours as as a country we are not prepared for the weather and no one seems to be able to drive in it. The additional accidents that people have serious Injurys, the elderly people that get forgotten and can afford to heat their houses and die as they have had to choose between heating and eating.


i was stuck on that motorway over night, no fun. I get what you are saying about the romantic side of the cold but the reality side I am sure no many will miss.



The flip side being and I qoute a acquaintance who is a cancer expert: "move to oz, but before you arrive think about which of your family you are happy to see die as 1 in 3 will get skin cancer and a significant number of whom will die".


my own sights. Some horrendous scaring. A cancer that is regarded as one of the worst to die from as a long time before the end even opiates no longer work.


So, while scraping a car or having a delay might not be fun. It isn't the worst.

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The flip side being and I qoute a acquaintance who is a cancer expert: "move to oz, but before you arrive think about which of your family you are happy to see die as 1 in 3 will get skin cancer and a significant number of whom will die".


my own sights. Some horrendous scaring. A cancer that is regarded as one of the worst to die from as a long time before the end even opiates no longer work.


So, while scraping a car or having a delay might not be fun. It isn't the worst.


Blimey stormy :-/ do you know what the statistics are for cancer in the UK is ? Or how I would find out ? Thanks.

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Its 1.45 am.


Freezing here in the UK, London


About minus 4.


The good things about it being freezing,


1. I can put my beers in the garden and they will get chilled much better then the fridge.


2. Getting into bed feels better when its cold outside.


3. Picking up frozen dog poo is easier after letting the dog out in the garden, solid lumps in the bin, no squidgee mess.


4. Getting into a fozen car and loving it when it finally warms up.


5. Hot soup, cold day, cant beat it.


6. Waking up 30 mins early, go turn the heating in, scurry back to bed and enjoy 30 mins of snoozing.


7. Erm, thinking,


What do you guys miss about the cold?


the things I like about the cold is being indoors with the heating up on full.

I don't like the cold. Bring on the heat !!!

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I don't miss the cold of the UK - grey, damp and miserable and the councils completely unable to cope with anything below 0.


I do miss the cold of a ski resort. Crisp clear air, the crunch of a fresh piste, being so wrapped up you have to go outside for fear of overheating, coming back to a lovely fire and hot chocolate (laced with something alcoholic of course!)

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  • 4 months later...
Can you believe the weather?




Flights are booked, bags are not packed.


As a ceremonial gesture the UK rain Gods I am going to set fire to my umbrella before I fly out.


Thankyou, goodnite


Given we had masses of rain last weekend, have rain forecast most of the week and Perth has twice the annual rainfall than most parts of the UK, I would keep that umbrella. Oh, and it is cold at the moment - gloves, hats and coats cold.

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Given we had masses of rain last weekend, have rain forecast most of the week and Perth has twice the annual rainfall than most parts of the UK, I would keep that umbrella. Oh, and it is cold at the moment - gloves, hats and coats cold.


My dad always makes fun of me when I wear gloves in Perth. Plus he swears blind he's forgotten what a frost is.

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