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Where to live? Members thoughts

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I dont know about "Pomdeloop" its more like "Joondaburg" with all the Saffas around :), we love Burns Beach, Currambine or Connolly, wouldnt want to go any further north, it definitely does get rougher the further north you go, when we were living in Burns Beach we used to rant about the V8 utes & 4x4s hooning up and down Burns beach road, now we are living in Clarkson we have discovered this is where all the hoons live :)

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Thanks again for all your comments, it's given me lots to think about. I guess I need to get over there and form my own opinion on areas but hearing all your varied opinions and experiences definitely gives me a starting point of understanding Perth a bit more and which areas to take a closer look at/avoid.

Im surprised to hear about the job market dipping a little, I thought mining was going to be strong for a long time and keep Perth economically strong. Is it possible that house prices might start coming down and times getting a little difficult over the next few years - increased unemployment etc do you think, or is it nothing to worry about?

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I dont know about "Pomdeloop" its more like "Joondaburg" with all the Saffas around :), we love Burns Beach, Currambine or Connolly, wouldnt want to go any further north, it definitely does get rougher the further north you go, when we were living in Burns Beach we used to rant about the V8 utes & 4x4s hooning up and down Burns beach road, now we are living in Clarkson we have discovered this is where all the hoons live :)


Maybe you should try Rockingham, then you can complain about Hoons!!!!

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Thanks again for all your comments, it's given me lots to think about. I guess I need to get over there and form my own opinion on areas but hearing all your varied opinions and experiences definitely gives me a starting point of understanding Perth a bit more and which areas to take a closer look at/avoid.

Im surprised to hear about the job market dipping a little, I thought mining was going to be strong for a long time and keep Perth economically strong. Is it possible that house prices might start coming down and times getting a little difficult over the next few years - increased unemployment etc do you think, or is it nothing to worry about?


Job market hasn't just dipped a little bit - it has dropped a lot. Mining and Oil and Gas paying off people weekly. House prices are coming down. Rental prices also coming down as vacancy rate is high. The economic outlook for Perth is not looking good.

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Still a million times better than anywhere in Europe!!!


The WA economy is not 'a million times better than anywhere in Europe'. The poster asked about the state of the economy here and your comment is only providing an unrealistic view. It looks like Australia is heading towards a recession and people thinking about moving should do their research very well. Unemployment is rising and people should be cautious about giving up a stable job if they do not have one here to come to.

Edited by dxboz
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The WA economy is not 'a million times better than anywhere in Europe'. The poster asked about the state of the economy here and your comment is only providing an unrealistic view. It looks like Australia is heading towards a recession and people thinking about moving should do their research very well. Unemployment is rising and people should be cautious about giving up a stable job if they do not have one here to come to.


It looks ill win the lotto, but it's not a fact!!! Ifs, buts, & maybes! Try sticking to facts when advising!!!!


Yes the economy is a million times better than Europe, and will be for many many years to come. If you don't work in mining there shouldn't be any problem getting a job!

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It looks ill win the lotto, but it's not a fact!!! Ifs, buts, & maybes! Try sticking to facts when advising!!!!


Yes the economy is a million times better than Europe, and will be for many many years to come. If you don't work in mining there shouldn't be any problem getting a job!


https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/australia--headed-for-recession--and-rba-powerless-to-stop-it-014035531.html - plenty of articles like this.


I think you should also stick to facts - Australia's economy is not a million times better than Europe.


I do wonder which state you live in if you think only mining has been affected. Oil and Gas has also crashed due to low oil price. This all has a flow on effect to other industries. I know a lot of people who have been made redundant in the last six months and not only in mining or oil and gas. Think you need to take your rose coloured specs off.


I was not giving advice to the poster just making them aware that the WA economy was not powering ahead as they seemed to think.

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https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/australia--headed-for-recession--and-rba-powerless-to-stop-it-014035531.html - plenty of articles like this.


I think you should also stick to facts - Australia's economy is not a million times better than Europe.


I do wonder which state you live in if you think only mining has been affected. Oil and Gas has also crashed due to low oil price. This all has a flow on effect to other industries. I know a lot of people who have been made redundant in the last six months and not only in mining or oil and gas. Think you need to take your rose coloured specs off.


I was not giving advice to the poster just making them aware that the WA economy was not powering ahead as they seemed to think.


Yea but on a brighter note the sun comes out most days, thats what I'm here for :biggrin:

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Oh wow an internet link, everything you said must be true!


Take your doom & gloom glasses off just for 1 minute!


we have recently moved and finding the job market REALLY tough.... I definitely wouldn't be moving now without a job to come to.

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End of financial year soon, not the best time to arrive & get a job!

Agree, but we have been looking since the beginning of the year. All we hear about at our kids' school is redundancies....it's not great but we knew it would be difficult.

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Agree, but we have been looking since the beginning of the year. All we hear about at our kids' school is redundancies....it's not great but we knew it would be difficult.


You should remember, you might have zero WA based work experience, your qualifications whilst relevant at the point of application for oz, might actually be worthless and not recognised here, you are poms! If it was easy Australia would have a population of Billions!!!! Hang in there & be persistent. Good luck!

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Guest Guest6235
Agree, but we have been looking since the beginning of the year. All we hear about at our kids' school is redundancies....it's not great but we knew it would be difficult.

Heard a lot of that too Laz and believe it or not quite a lot are ozzies with relevant qualifications & plenty of WA experience. The guy I did a job for yesterday is having to move his family to Melbourne as in his words 'there is zero work here for him' he has lived in WA all his life.....he did something like liability. He's been out of work since last June.

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End of financial year soon, not the best time to arrive & get a job!


When do you suggest?


I have been job hunting for 12 months next week.


Some me of the recent responses:

Woolworths shelf stacking - sorry we had over 200 applicants

Masters (like B&Q for those not yet here) 1400 applicants for 100 jobs.

Pizza Hut delivery driver - over 100 applicants.


Ops ps manager for a mining service company - 280 applicants

senior geo (my actual occupation) 1800 applicants.

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visited the doctor on weds, and into the conversation he comes out with, the aussies can not understand the word recession, they have had it to good for to long, I think he must be giving to many pills out as I do not know what made him come out with that.

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When do you suggest?


I have been job hunting for 12 months next week.


Some me of the recent responses:

Woolworths shelf stacking - sorry we had over 200 applicants

Masters (like B&Q for those not yet here) 1400 applicants for 100 jobs.

Pizza Hut delivery driver - over 100 applicants.


Ops ps manager for a mining service company - 280 applicants

senior geo (my actual occupation) 1800 applicants.


1st July onwards!

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You should remember, you might have zero WA based work experience, your qualifications whilst relevant at the point of application for oz, might actually be worthless and not recognised here, you are poms! If it was easy Australia would have a population of Billions!!!! Hang in there & be persistent. Good luck!

thanks, but actually I'm Australian!!! And my British hubby did an expat assignment here, and he's not short of experience, qualifications etc.... It's really tough in the job market!

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