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Without sounding desperate I’m wondering if there’s anyone who’d fancy meeting up for coffee. Myself 37 husband 38 and 15 year old daughter moved over 3 wks ago. This is our second time living in Perth. We were here 4 years ago , but due to husbands homesickness we went back to the uk. 

I had a good circle of friends, most of which I have seen since we’ve been back,  but it feels different. 

Im in quinns Rocks 

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Hello - I've been here since 1992 so raised my children here. 'Remember well the first few strange months and the feeling of isolation ... It was tough but temporary and I feel so happy and privileged to live here now though at the same time still love so much about the UK. 

I'm on leave at the moment so am available for a chat/sounding board for those that are struggling a bit. 


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On 18/02/2018 at 19:24, Sue12 said:

we are also from cornwall.   what made you return after 4 years.  feeling very homesick at the moment.  how long were you here for first time.  how has your daughter coped. our daughter is 15.  be good to hear from you.  

Hi Sue, whereabouts are you? We've been here a year. Our eldest  daughter is 15 too.  We are in Willetton SOR. 


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Hey everyone, me and my husband have been here now for 7 years, our friends group is very limited but would love to meet new people especially people from the Uk. Happy to meet up for Coffee if people would like too, we are closer to the city but happy to drive, also used to live in Mullaloo and Landsdale. 

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we are also from cornwall.   what made you return after 4 years.  feeling very homesick at the moment.  how long were you here for first time.  how has your daughter coped. our daughter is 15.  be good to hear from you.  

Hey, sorry only just seen this!
We returned as my husband will put his hands up and say he’d made a mistake not giving it enough time to settle, we were only here a year!
Our daughter is doing ok, but we’re only 6 wks in so it’s early days!
Sorry to hear your feeling homesick, how long have you been here?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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7 hours ago, Jenny said:

Hey everyone, me and my husband have been here now for 7 years, our friends group is very limited but would love to meet new people especially people from the Uk. Happy to meet up for Coffee if people would like too, we are closer to the city but happy to drive, also used to live in Mullaloo and Landsdale. 

Hi Jenny,

We’re close to the city too, are you north or south? I love meeting new people and have made quite a few friends now i’m happy to say ?.

Happy to meet up, I’m free most days at the moment.  Maybe we could do a group meet up?  Who would be in?


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11 hours ago, Sue12 said:

hi. we live NOR.   would be happy to meet up on my days off.  have been here 11 years now but getting more homesick as time goes by.  

Sorry to hear about the homesickness Sue - what is it you're missing?

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Unfortunately I’m unavailable now in the week due to working full time until middle of May, and our weekends are pretty full.  Would be great if a few of you took the plunge to meet up, I’ve done it several times and made some very good friends, it’s a bit unnerving at first but very worthwhile.

I’m off in the Easter hols so we could arrange something for then...

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5 hours ago, ali said:

Sorry to hear about the homesickness Sue - what is it you're missing?


5 hours ago, ali said:

Sorry to hear about the homesickness Sue - what is it you're missing?

hi.  thanks for replying.  missing family and friends and everything that’s home to us. feels like the longer i’ve been here the worse it’s become.  thanks for listening 

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Hi all,

I’ve done a seperate new topic post about this but wanted to make sure that no one missed it so posted it here as well.  Hope you can make it. ?

Myself, Jen 39 (for a bit longer at least!) and hubby Andy 43, and 2 daughters Megan 15 and Keira 11 and another family from Perth Poms are having a beach afternoon and sunset picnic at the beach part of Hillarys boat harbour by the boardwalk this Sunday March 11th.  We would like to extend an invitation to anyone who would like to join us.  We will be there from 3.30pm - 4pm onwards.

We have been in Perth SOR for just over a year and are loving it and everything living over here has to offer us.  We love meeting new people and getting out and about at the weekends.

Hope to see a few of you there, if you fancy joining us can you please let me know underneath so we know to look out for you!

Jen ?

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