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Child wanting to go to University in England


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Hi,  I am struggling to find information in relation to whether my son can study in the UK as a domestic paying student (9500 pounds per year) as opposed to an international student (19500 pounds per year - very expensive!).

. His father and I are English

. He has a British passport

. His father will have lived in the UK for 3 years by the time he starts university (end of 2019/20)

. I am happy to return to the UK with him

I am getting conflicting information from websites.

Appreciate any advice.

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Normally he needs himself to have resided in the UK for three years, however I have seen a number of universities wave the international fees in such circumstances. But it will be trial and error and contacting individual university.  I would say though that if he normally lives with you in Australia then no chance unless you are both back in the UK prior to applicationn 

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I agree with the above comments.   Perhaps consider the universities you are considering and ask about their enrolment requirements.   I understood their was a residential requirement in the years immediately prior to enrolment.   However things change all the time, and it would be interesting to know the outcome of your research.

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