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No kitchen for 2 weeks.... how to cook?!


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So my kitchen and family room reno starts next week and I am going to be without a kitchen, and also have no furniture as the whole flooring in the place is being ripped up and replaced with planking.   It seemed a good idea at the time as we renovated when we moved in 28 years ago and it is so tired and desperately needs updating.   

But it wasn't until today as I packed away the last of the kitchen stuff, that I thought, how can I feed us while this is underway?   I have put the microwave, kettle and electric frypan and a few plates, cups, cutlery etc in the laundry as this will be our temporary kitchen.  The fridge/freezer will still be around thankfully.  Friends have offered to feed us dinner some nights, and breakfasts and lunches are easy, but eating dinner out often will be so expensive (as if this reno hasn't already gone way over budget),  so I am looking for easy meals I can cook on the barbeque (if the winter weather is accommodating), or in the electric frypan.

Please stun me with all your brilliant ideas..... my brain is fried from organising all this, packing up so much from a kitchen and 4 rooms, and now project managing the whole issue!

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9 hours ago, FOL said:

Pretend like you are camping. LPG gas cooking stoves (or barbies) in combination wiyh the microwave should take you quite far.



- bread

- take away or restaurant

- friends


Thanks FOL!   I have the friend's list sorted, and then had a brainwave last night.   So today sees me batching cooking curry, bolognese, chille con carne, and I am going to freeze portions and just heat in the microwave.   We dont eat rice or pasta, so naan, crusty bread, corn chips etc will work out well.    Feels good giving the old kitchen a final workout over the weekend.

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We are doing the same, have spent the last week cooking, Chilli, Bolognaise, Lasagne, Curry etc, you get cheap plastic tubs for a few $$, big pot of soup makes about 10 portions for lunch.I have a rice cooker that cost $13! from Kmart, does a great job, so not too hard to manage for a couple of weeks without a stove top

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6 hours ago, Weedolly said:

We are doing the same, have spent the last week cooking, Chilli, Bolognaise, Lasagne, Curry etc, you get cheap plastic tubs for a few $$, big pot of soup makes about 10 portions for lunch.I have a rice cooker that cost $13! from Kmart, does a great job, so not too hard to manage for a couple of weeks without a stove top

Ha ha.... great minds think alike!   I have an air fryer too that was a Mothers Day pres from my offspring, so going to play with that.  Let us know how your kitchen reno goes.... so exciting!

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3 hours ago, FOL said:

Slow cooker?

Got that going today with a Jamie Oliver Lamb Shanks with red wine and herbs thingy happening..... smells so good.... will freeze what is leftover.  

Really enjoying the change to our normal cooking and eating pattern.  As we are a Low Carb house, I have come across some great recipes on the Diet Doctor website too that can be cooked in a slow cooker or on a barbie.

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