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Anyone commute by bike?


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If so, how far and what's it like? Do you have access to a shower on arrival or are there public ones available? Do you ride in a group or alone? Is there somewhere secure for your bike during the day? Do you train/drive part way? Anyone use a folding bike and if so, what and what's it like?


Might have to commute 20k to new job and would really like to ride it. I used to commute by bike in London so I'm pretty sure I can handle the traffic here, I just wondered about the experience of others.

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Guest curlywurly

I do every day and have done for the last 6 months, its about 9km, mainly on bike paths. Got access to a shower at work. Ride a racer as it's loads faster and better on the paths than my old mountain bike, love it and helps keep me fit. It means I've not actually even bothered to buy a car since I moved here too.

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I do every day and have done for the last 6 months, its about 9km, mainly on bike paths. Got access to a shower at work. Ride a racer as it's loads faster and better on the paths than my old mountain bike, love it and helps keep me fit. It means I've not actually even bothered to buy a car since I moved here too.


That's pretty awesome. I just found out my new office will be just 10k away so I'm looking forward to a nice easy ride through winter. I can't afford a roadie ATM so I've just put skinnies on my MBK and it'll do for now. I'll be glad to give up the car.

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Guest curlywurly

Enjoy, its the best way to commute and 10k is a nice easy ride too - I got my roadie 2nd hand off gumtree, loads cheaper, and I justified its purchase by not buying a car :)

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Both me and my wife when we lived in London went to work on road bikes and we didn't have any issues but its not the same here I also ride a motorbike and you get no respect at all from any others road user,


when I ride to work I stay off the road and use cycel paths they are normally very well mentained

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I also ride a motorbike and you get no respect at all from any others road user


I'm surprised at how few bikers there are here. We get loads of Hog riders through Freo at the weekend but I hardly see anyone on sports bikes. Why is that? Fear of being trashed by bikies, or is it that the long straight roads just aren't any fun?

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I'm surprised at how few bikers there are here. We get loads of Hog riders through Freo at the weekend but I hardly see anyone on sports bikes. Why is that? Fear of being trashed by bikies, or is it that the long straight roads just aren't any fun?


Simples , 100km speed limit and no twisties as for the tractors yank junk

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I'm surprised at how few bikers there are here. We get loads of Hog riders through Freo at the weekend but I hardly see anyone on sports bikes. Why is that? Fear of being trashed by bikies, or is it that the long straight roads just aren't any fun?


Sports bike riders are all out in the country avoiding speed cameras and enjoying some twisty roads!

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Simples , 100km speed limit and no twisties as for the tractors yank junk


I hear ya. There are some lovely roads south though. Some great twisty bits when we go out towards Dwellingup and further south but you gotta watch out for the Emu's and Roo's. Emu's are bonkers, the buggers chase you.


I have to say, I really 'get' the Harley thing here. I hated them in the UK, just didn't see the point but cruising along the coast must be awesome. Some of the machines that come chugging through here sound amazing and when the gangs cruise through the kids go out and wave. (With one finger in their ear)

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