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School hours.


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Thanks guys.


Now I just need a job that starts at 9.30 and finishes at 14.30 with full time pay and an hour lunch break. Any offers!!! Lol




If you find one can you see if they will have me too lol.


all the ones ive looked at seem to be around the 8.30 start finishing at 2.45pm. My daughter says we are going to the beach after school everyday think i will be better with a tent than a house!!!



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My eldest daughter's High School finished at 2.30 instead of 3.30 on Fridays, but the Primary Schools finished at their usual time. It was a pain, as she caught the school bus, so she used to go with her friends for ice-cream for an hour, then walk back to catch the school bus home!

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Guest Bellaleggos

My daughters school starts 8.35am, classroom opens 8.20am, but you can drop them in a specified area where they are supervised at 8.10am, finishes at 2.35pm. Good luck finding that job! I drop my son at daycare and my daughter off at school (i managed to find a local job where i start at 9am) and my husband finishes early on those 2 days that I work so he can pick her up a I don't finish until 5.

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Guest guest9824
With this school timing, any thought on how can a single parent survive in Oz? Kiddo is only 6 1/2 year old when he reach there. Thanks. Your thoughts will be highly appreciated.


Afterschool care I think....my childrens school starts at 8.45 and finishes at 3.15 the high school at 3.23!!! both schools are on the same site, so its easy to pick them both up even though one is still in junior the other in last year at high school. I have only just realised how different the schools are in finishing times, does make it very hard for parents who need to work and have no family to help with pickups and drop offs.



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With this school timing, any thought on how can a single parent survive in Oz? Kiddo is only 6 1/2 year old when he reach there. Thanks. Your thoughts will be highly appreciated.


All primary schools I know have a number of day care providers who drop off and pick children up in their locality. My children's old primary school had 4 plus an onsite before and after school club. OSH Club run a number of onsite clubs. https://www.oshclub.com.au/oshclub.html

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