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Health insurance with a 457 visa


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Hi All

My immigration agent has offered to orgonise health insurance for our 457 visa application through medibank private , does anyone have any coments or any better health insurance providers . This is all new to us so any help or info would be greatly apreciated .

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We use bupa which has provided good cover for us. We can claim back a large percentage of prescription charges also includes dental cover chiropractor remedial massage and a few other things. We could claim straight away for dental cover etc ambulance cover. Bupa was recommended for us when my hubby was accepted for a job in WA. Private health cover is needed for the visa any how it is part of the condition some people say no but you do need it. Good luck you can shop around for cover but we found this was best for us.

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It isn't essential. You can come over on normal travel insurance that you just buy for a weeks cover in order to satisfy the regulations. Then, if you are UK passport holders you are entitled to Medicare.


There are some tax advantages of having it, but I am not sure how that works anymore and it depends on your income.


The main things it is useful for are dental - damned expensive here for dental work and should you need an ambulance. Ambulance here isn't part of the health system, they are ran by St Johns and so if you have an emergency, once home you get billed. That can be a large bill. I called one a couple of years ago - kidney stones. There was no need for any treatment in the ambulance other than pain relief - gas and there was no need for blue lights, which apparently increases the cost and I am only 15 mins from the hospital, but the bill was $500.


Some people have insurance and some dont.

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We got hit with the medicare tax levy in our first full tax paying year (almost $1,000) - I'm not sure how that works, but we got full hospital cover after that, which we've utilised in the last 12 montsh with both myself and my daughter having hospital stays.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest robin

Hello, can anyone help? My husband and I are on 457 visas. We have reciprocal Medicare cards. Whenever I ask at any of the health insurance providers I'm told I have to take out visitors cover. But it seems to me this does not provide much more that our reciprocal medicare, is ridiculously expensive, is not eligible for the 30% rebate, and does not exempt us from the Medicare Levy Surcharge.


My question to all of the providers is whether I can take out a basic residents policy simply to avoid the MLS. I understand that I would not be able to make a claim on the policy, but we're young and happy with the public system until we decide to go for PR. But no one seems to be able to tell me whether this would work.... Has anyone done this and been through a tax return to see if it could work?



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  • 1 month later...
Guest Justin Grossbard

Medibank are the largest health insurer in Australia and are government owned. I have been with them and think they offer good service but they are pricey. You can see from my table all the 457 visa health insurance companies and polices and you will see why I mean by medibank being at the pricey end.

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  • 1 month later...
Medibank are the largest health insurer in Australia and are government owned. I have been with them and think they offer good service but they are pricey. You can see from my table all the 457 visa health insurance companies and polices and you will see why I mean by medibank being at the pricey end.


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