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stocking up on stuff before heading to oz


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As we are heading over to oz end of may is there any products for myself,wife and baby that you recommend we should get a supply of stock up on and take with us that are expensive to buy over there or just that the stuff used there is not as good,or that its harder to find,for example people say take calpol as the stuff over there is not as good or not as nice tasted as the stuff in uk,what else do you recommend while we are still over here.

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Haha.....sick of all threads on what I miss or what to buy before coming.....I reckon if your coming to live in WA then just to get used to it....if theres foods you miss most IGA's sell British foods and then there's the British food shops. And as for clothes the fashions are exactly the same and the quality, the stuff still gets made in china or where ever and imported....if your going to miss stuff that much don't emigrate cus you will never settle or be happy! As for stocking up on stuff, people can post it out if you miss it that much. The only thing I get people to,bring when they come for hols is Ready Brek.....sad I know but Uncle Toby's oats just aren't the same lol but I can live without that really cus I do most of the time. Anyway just enjoy finding new things to eat or use or wear, as has been said we're not in a third world country.

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Thousands of Aussies babies have survived on panadol and yours will too. However....Calpol use to do little sachets that you could take if you were traveling, they are useful and they don't have them here. I'd put a couple of boxes of those in. Other than that, there is an Aussie equivalent.

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I would agree with the other posters......children adapt and adapt quickly. Nurofen is the calpol equivalent..works just as well. I have found nothing that can't be replaced or bought here. And if you do fancy a treat most supermarkets have foreign sections. It won't be the same as UK but honestly is that what you want. The kids will be fine with the equivalents.....even the chocolate!!

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That's food so do they dcalre it? If they are not declaring it when they come in, and get caught, that is a $200 on the spot fine. Hope you will pay the fine for them if they get caught!! :wink:



They always declare whatever they bring, I told them and never had a problem. Lol bloody expensive Ready Brek otherwise, and my sis said its,quite expensive to buy over there now too lol. :wink:

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  • 1 month later...

Bit late I know - but....


My 4 yo daughter had skin allergies back in the UK and I stocked up on enough medication (creams/ointments etc) to last her till she was in her teens, lol. My family thought I was mad!! Seriously, different weather conditions meant her skin improved immensely and apart from the first few months, she hasn't had to use any of the creams I bought over. I only did this because I wasn't sure if they had the same stuff here (not all brands work the same). Kids pay for 'prescribed' medicines here unlike the UK so I was just ensuring I had adequate stock until I was able to compare products. Nowt wrong with that.


Most stuff here cheap enough so you don't really need to stock up on anything. Once you get here you may miss a certain thing, but you can always get family/friends to bring it over when they next visit. Can't think of anything I miss from UK (except my family, lol).

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