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Everything posted by Osmond8

  1. Yep, small world!....keep us posted, everything crossed for you
  2. Hi Kezzles, have just read your post and then noticed you are from Teddington! we live just down the road in Bedfont! How frustrating for you, fingers crossed that you can find out why and then rectify it. The whole process is flipping hard going, hang in there, where there's a will, there's a way....good luck, Amy
  3. You guys!!!!! All too kind can't wait to get over there and form my Perth family
  4. Yep :cool:got the call from our agent this morning....our Visa has been GRANTED!!!!!! Boy it feels soooo good!!! So have a bloody good weekend y'all Amy x
  5. I'm not out there yet but hope you get some good replys to your post!........where are all the fun people when you need them?!! ) amy x
  6. Osmond8

    Pet travel

    Thanks Nikkis2000.... Will do
  7. Osmond8

    Pet travel

    Does anyone know when the Perth Quarantine re-opens?... Thanks in advance
  8. Not that i'm aware of?!... We are applying for a 189 visa...
  9. Thanks Odies...i'm going to check that out!
  10. We are on almost eactly the same time scale as you.... (Can't think of exact dates without getting up to look!!!) we had an email yesterday from our agent saying that our medicals have been finalised so now we need to just sit back and wait for a final decision!! Should take. 2-4wks apparently, I keep thinking 'what if' too!.... I'm sure it's natural, Amy x
  11. It definitely is easy to become obsessed with the move, i guess everyone is different and has different circumstances?!!... For us, myself and OH have approx 2 days off a month together...5 of us living in a 2 bed flat and both have become very stale in our jobs!... So the thought of being in Oz has taken over everything! Hopefully it will be our light at the end of the tunnel and although i am aware that the grass isn't always greener...at least the sun will be warmer!!!!!!! Just saying )
  12. Thank you, thank you , thank you!.... It is so reassuring listening to all your posts!... Over the last few weeks i have felt like our family is slowly falling apart (partly to do with the fact that we have had to re-home the cat too ) but, i have thought about it and i have decided that we will leave her behind to live with her dad!..... I will just hope and pray that she will find her own way there.... I have told her that as part of the 'deal' she will have to come out for a month to validate her visa and she has accepted that!.... Boy, this was not what i was expecting to happen 18 months ago when we first applied for our visas! Like you have said alana rose.... I do keep reminding myself of why we are doing this....that's what is keeping me going at the moment!!! Thanks again each and every one of you
  13. Hi all, So....basically, we are due move to Perth within the next few months, myself, husband, 16yr old daughter and 6yr old twins..... My daughter was on board with the move UNTIL.....THE BOYFRIEND HAPPENED!!!!! The last two weeks in our household has been hell on earth! She is really digging her heels in and is adamant that she is not coming with us. There was an option of her staying behind and going to live with her dad, however he plans to move to Suffolk (from near Heathrow) and she doesn't want to move there either!....as i said, she is being impossible and there is absolutely no reasoning with her... I've said that she will have to come with us until she is 18 and then she can basically go where she likes as she will then be an adult! And this is all because she doesn't want to leave her boyfriend... They have only been together 5months!!!!! Has anyone else been in a similar situation?... Any advice will be welcomed Amy
  14. My husband wrote his own statement which he had to sign in front of a solicitor as he didn't want to inform his boss of our plans... This was sufficient...maybe check if that's an option for you too?
  15. Osmond8

    Nearly There

    How exciting!...safe travels to Oz
  16. im sorry!!! I obviously read your post wrong!!!!! Doh!!! Ignore me please
  17. We lodged our application for our 189 on 25th June and got allocated our case officer on 4th September, 10weeks and 1day later!... I have to say, i thought it would never happen! Our agent also contacted DIAC and recieved an email back stating that we could have already been allocated our case officer but just hadn't been informed yet due to the back-log of applicants!....have also read on here of someone else waiting 10weeks too...he too had uploaded medicals and police checks and rather than hearing news of case officer, he was awarded his visa!....hooefully not too much longer for you now
  18. We are almost there!!!....had medicals yesterday and sent off for our police checks earlier this week.... It's taken us a long, long time (since last May to be precise) on the home-run now...fingers crossed!!! When do you plan to be in Oz? X
  19. Good on'ya....sometimes the small steps are the biggest ones?!! Good luck amy x
  20. Excellent.... How exciting for you all am also interested in which company amy x
  21. We have our medicals booked for Friday and Police check forms are almost ready to post!.... I think we are probably another month away from actually recieving our visa however that's fine by us...in the meantime, we have a flat to sell!! X x
  22. Oh great news!... A good start to the week for you then ....9 wks & 4 days?...that's not bad at all ;) x x
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