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Everything posted by Osmond8

  1. http://www.realestate.com.au/property-house-wa-fremantle-115994055 So i quite like this one! although there are a couple of things that i would change about the decor but i would say it's liveable! What about a PP's Come Dine with me?!.... I can already start to imagine it!!....... Amy
  2. Osmond8

    Missing UK

    We have Helmans!!!... Got in Woolworths (i think, if not then Coles) wasn't a fortune either!!!
  3. Osmond8

    Missing UK

    Hang in there... Back in the UK, Primark and TK Maxx were my guilty pleasures!... Along with the Florist that i co-managed for the last eight years! (I would visit on my days off just to get a flower fix!) ... Sounds daft, but theses places would play a huge part in my day to day life... Along with Tesco!..Friends and family would ask how i would live without these places and my answer would be... I really don't know! I have never been great with food 'alternatives'...would'nt eat much when i went on holiday as the food was 'different'!!! So, it's early days for us... We've been here just over a month but already i have come to terms with this is what we have available to us here so i just need to deal with it! I did try to mentally prepare myself for it too! The supermarkets are'nt anywhere as big here but that's cool by me.... I spent far too long in Tesco anyway... I would pop there for a couple of things and two hours and best part of £100 later, i would return!! (Usually with not much to show for it and would still wonder what the hell we would have for dinner that night!) It would lure me in to all the BOGOF's everytime! Stuff we did'nt need!...... We have eaten so much better and healthier since being here... Apart from all the Tim Tams that are on offer everywhere!! The way i see it... Family and friends aside, the things that i could quite easily miss are the materialistic things... The things that i wanted to get away from and raise my children in a not so materialistic place. I too miss popping into London... It was 40mins away on the Piccadilly line from me... I would go often, sometimes on my own to just people watch.......nothing to do with the giant Primark on Oxford street, Honest!!!!!!!! But now I look forward to spending time in Perth... Taking in what this city has to offer. London will always be there when the time comes for us to go back and visit but now i want to enjoy the next chapter...and embrace it. Hopefully in time it will become clearer for you.... Good luck and i hope it get's easier Amy
  4. Charlene, it was so lovely to finally meet you the other day there isn't much else i can say that the others haven't already said!....i really do hope that you enjoy your last few weeks here, knowing that there is a huge, huge weight off your shoulders! i really admire you for making the decision to go back and for staying true to yourselves.....Be happy Amy xxx
  5. ....not if i buy it first!!!!............ After my lotto win of course it really is beautiful, isn't it!.... I would just need to add a 4th bedroom though!!!
  6. :notworthy: I completely forgot that i signed up for PIO!!.... Says it all!!... PP all the way xx
  7. Oh dear...your poor toe!..... But i'm guessing it's not hurting as much now?....re; the shiraz??!!.... Seriously... I do hope it's feeling better? How's the service there??!!......
  8. It's so lovely to 'catch up' with you!... We arrived exactly a month ago tomorrow... That time has flown by!!! So glad that you are finally starting to regain some normalness!.... I don't know about you but it seems like a lifetime ago that we were planning for this massive journey....and here we are, in Perth and getting on with day to day life!.... We are currently SOR but for some reason, i have an itching desire to check out NOR before we buy a property!!.... Glad it's goung well for you and i hope your mum in 100% better now Amy xx
  9. Wow...looks like Singapore is going to be busy!!!......i may fly to Dubai, just for that free glass of wine Exciting times ahead for you all... And before you know it, you will have been here a month!.... Amy
  10. Hi Claudette... My sister sent my 7 year old twins a kids 'lonely planet' guide to Australia for Christmas...it's a fantastic book, my two love it!... Would have posted a picture of the cover for you but we put it in the wrong place when the packers came in and now it is somewhere on the seas between England and here!!!!!!..... Maybe you can google it?... I would definitely recommend it!... (It had a yellow cover if that helps?!!!!) Amy
  11. Hi Tink12, i am also 33, with a 17yr old, and twins of 7!... We only arrived in Perth a month ago... My husband has some family here but i only have one friend! (Without sounding too sad!!!) so, my kids started school last week which is great...Really hoping to meet some other friends that way!! I smile at everyone but am yet to have a conversation with any of the parents...they just look straight through me! We are in Rockingham, so not far from you.... I am definitely up for a laugh...and lot's of them and as i am not currently working... I am free most of the time!... Just let me know if you fancy a coffee or something :-) amy x
  12. Hmmm, quite a dilema so... I arrived almost four weeks ago.... All the things that i put in my case for my 'skinny' days have not been worn!... I'm enjoying the coffee culture too much!!!! I think i may have swollen up in the heat too?!!! ...... Shoes... I have only really worn flip flops... They go with just about everything, day and night!! Have ditched my sandals as they are awkward on the beach!!! I would bring in your case the clothes you know you feel good in?!!! Ditch anything you're not sure about!! That's my words of wisdom for ya good luck!! Amy x
  13. Osmond8

    Which Cake?

    Maple and Pecan danish.... Almond danish....anything lemony!!!.....you know, something full of calories to go with me skinny decaf latte ;)
  14. Excellent...thanks for your replys...i will give stamatis a call tomorrow and fingers crossed they may be able to help?!! Although i'm kind of thinking that we are going to have to start again!!!...... Thanks guys xx
  15. I'm a skinny decaf latte kinda gal .....mainly because, it just makes me feel like i'm being naughty and good at the same time?!!!! Had two today at the Dome in Rockingham!! But.....i seem to have missed a vital piece of information here....... Which Dome do you own RobT??!! Amy
  16. It's so easy to get caught up in the day to day rat race.... And although life here isn't one big holiday, it isn't as much of a rat race... For us especially! In the uk, our family of five lived in a two bed flat, just outside of London. The four bed house that not only did we dream of but also that was nessescary to accomadate us, was never even an option!! However here, Perth, offers us all the things we couldn't have achieved in the Uk... In one sense i do feel brave.... to leave everything we have known....but not at any point have i questioned what or why we are doing it?!.... For our family, i feel we had no other option!!! I look at life as an adventure.... I want us to have the best adventure possible with no regrets!.... And to quote Pea, Nothing ventured, nothing gained xxx
  17. Hi all, we have recently moved over and trying to look for an orthodontics to carry on my daughters treatment. problem is... I can't seem to find an orthodontics here who uses the gemini system?..... Has anyone else struggled with this? Apparently the alternative is to have her current braces removed and have new ones put on...... Which means shedding out $$$$$$$$!!!! Thanks in advance! amy x
  18. Thank you!! We've actually been extremely lucky... A cousin here is moving to Darwin for two years for work... Therefore we are going to privately rent their house... 4 bedrooms and a pool!!....couldn't have come at a better time for us! Also, neither of us are working yet, which i think would have made things slightly more difficult??!! xxx
  19. Osmond8

    We're up!!!

    What a feeling when you're sat on the runway ay?!....the amount of things that go through your mind... I will never forget looking at my husband and saying 'we've bloody done it!!' ..... Glad your journey here was bearable! Good luck with everything
  20. ...OH is watching Liverpool vs West Brom.... I have the ipad for the first time today!! Just sitting here thinking of all the things i need to do this week before moving into our rental on Friday... Also nursing a little bit of sunburn!
  21. Osmond8

    walking group

    Bump!..... Interested to see if there is!!
  22. .......happy new year!!! What a great start to 2014 for you! It is such a great feeling when you get the confirmation isn't it?!! So happy for you, :-D amy x
  23. So.... After a traumatic week saying our goodbyes and also waiting for the sale of our flat to go through (which hasn't yet!!!!) we are finally flying tomorrow!.... I am actually looking forward to the flight... No one can contact us, call us or give us the guilt trip..... We will be well on our way to our new lives downunder!!!! Bring it on Perth... We are so ready x x
  24. Hang in there lovelies... I have to admit that this has made me giggle... Not because i think its hilarious, more out of nerves as i am about to go through this too this week before we fly on Thursday. My dad will be great, i know that, however.... My Mother?!!!!! I know it's going to be hell on Earth!!!! I worked with my mum in a small business and left there on christmas eve.... She can't deal with any of it but on the other hand... She has never been one to make great effort with me and the rest of the family outside of work!!!!!
  25. Arhh, best of luck to you... That R&R will be well deserved, i'm sure!.. We have the packers coming in on Monday and then we fly from Heathrow on Thursday....amazing how quick it comes around hey?!! Have a great last weekend here in cold England... The sunshine is waiting for you :-D Amy x
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