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One step closer!


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Well the packers have been... and packed... they were great, but I think we might have a few random things in that we didn't intend to take but didn't get to fish out in time! they are a ruthless bunch packers!


So we are on day 1 of 'camping' in our house, very strange but I am sure we will get used to it! here is breakfast this morning...(if the pictures works!)


next stop follow our belongings to Perth!


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Thank you people, we are here for a week before leaving, eek! the kids are excited (mostly about the fact that the chances are that they wont go back to school until February!) although they are climbing the walls slightly today as they literally have nothing to do! still its the weekend tomorrow so hubby will be around as well to entertain them (we only have a bit more painting to do before we go!) and then the fridge, freezer and washing machine go :eek:. I am sure we will look back on this time fondly in years to come!

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bugsyburrell, not sure if it is organised or stupid! it was organised but then all the organisation had to be re-organised (several times!). Are you shipping stuff? we needed to get stuff going so that we could finish the painting and put a new carpet down for the tenants. How I envy those with a comfy sofa right now!

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Good for you! I can see that as a really sensible way forwards! believe me when I tell you that we have sold and got rid of A LOT of stuff (hubby is a hoarder!) but I think (and hope!) the kids at least will be grateful for some of their own things when we get there! we have managed with only a 20ft container - believe me had we have taken everything we would have needed a lot more!

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we are kinda camping out on mattresses on floor, borrowed table, chairs,sofa etc.... but we aren't going till jan, decided to send out stuff so there when we get there, we have sent it earlier than normal coz of xmas etc...... our house seems very bare now!!! be glad to get it all back in 2mth time xxxx

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