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Work hard, play harder


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After a full week at work, nothing is better than time with family relaxing on a beach, or coffee and lunch in the city.

last weekend we went to CBD and had lunch and coffee beneath BHP tower. Today it was a trip to penguin Island. I cannot tell you what a fab day we've had. We saw penguins in the wild, snorkels with tropical fish and watched pelicans bob about on the ocean.

There are days we simply go for a local coffee and chill at home, or sit at the Oceanside in a local cafe for a light bite .

I live living here I really do. Parrots fly over the house around 6.15pm so we sit outside and wait for them.


life is incredibly wonderful

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You definitely can't take this place for granted!.. I love reflecting most days and really feel blessed that we are here and enjoying the lifestyle that is here for the taking... I went into the CBD yesterday, only my second visit since being here but i love it!.... There is so much to see and do!.....


We get the parrots at 7.pm every evening....always bang on time, We don't need to look at the clock anymore!! :)

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It really is the best place and having UK to compare to...there is no comparison. Im still on a high from Penguin island, last night we headed to Sorrento beach to see the Elephant sealion, amazing. 9.37am here now and we are just getting ready to go snorkling again at Mettams pool. Just to kill an hour or two. School uniforms need to be washed but ill do that later. Drinking coffee here is certainly different to drinking it in the local Asda in Keighley!!!!

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