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Best order / advise


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Hi all, We are arriving on the 20th November and have a list of things to sort out. on the Friday after (21st). I am not too sure if the order I have in my head is the right order so hoping people can say yes or no, or its not possible as you need to do this first etc. etc.


My plan was to go to the place to do the Tax File Number first, then to Centre Link to sort out any family credits we might be able to get. There was also a third place which was just as important, but it I can not remember what it was now off the top of my head. We also need to change our driving licences.


We are hoping to get this lot done in a day! so we can spend Saturday / Sunday looking at houses and cars. Before we look at schools on the Monday and Tuesday.


* At present, I do not have a job, but have an 'idea' of the salary I should be on, but no idea if it will be that, so a little worried.

* We have a postal address which is a friends house.

* We have a bank account set up, but my wife has her old name on, so that needs to be changed.


Any help / info / experience would be very much appreciated.




Medicare was the third thing!

Edited by <Dan>
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You can do TFN online once you arrive but you need an Aussie address to do so (in your case your friends). For both Medicare and Drivers Licence you will need ID to register for both - you need 100 points for both so it might be a good idea to check online what ID is required as without the correct ID you won't get any of them! Good luck with your move!!

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So, from the list, do they need to be Australian items, like Credit Card, Utility Bills etc?

[TABLE=class: tablecontent, width: 708]


[TD=bgcolor: #FAFAFA]70 points


[TD=bgcolor: #FAFAFA]Document


  • Birth certificate
  • Birth card issued by the New South Wales Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages
  • Citizenship certificate
  • Current passport
  • Expired passport which has not been cancelled and was current within the preceding two years
  • Other document of identity having the same characteristics as a passport including diplomatic documents and some documents issued to refugees




[TD=bgcolor: #FAFAFA]Secondary documents

40 points


[TD=bgcolor: #FAFAFA]Document - Must have a photograph and a name


  • Driver licence issued by an Australian State or Territory
  • Roads and Maritime Services (formerly RTA) photo card
  • Licence or permit issued under a law of the Commonwealth, a State or Territory Government - (eg a boat licence)
  • Identification card issued to a public employee
  • Identification card issued by the Commonwealth, a State or Territory Government as evidence of the person's entitlement to a financial benefit
  • An identification card issued to a student at a tertiary education institution




[TD=bgcolor: #FAFAFA]35 points[/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FAFAFA]Document - Must have name and address on


  • A document held by a cash dealer giving security over your property
  • A mortgage or other instrument of security held by a financial body
  • Council rates notice
  • Document from your current employer or previous employer within the last two years
  • Land Titles Office record
  • Document from the Credit Reference Association of Australia




[TD=bgcolor: #FAFAFA]25 points[/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FAFAFA]Document - Must have name and signature on


  • Marriage certificate (for maiden name only)
  • Credit card
  • Foreign driver licence
  • Medicare card (signature not required on Medicare card)
  • EFTPOS card




[TD=bgcolor: #FAFAFA]25 points[/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FAFAFA]Document - Must have name and address on


  • Records of a public utility - phone, water, gas or electricity bill
  • Records of a financial institution
  • Electoral roll compiled by the Australian Electoral Commission and available for public scrutiny
  • A record held under a law other than a law relating to land titles
  • Lease/rent agreement
  • Rent receipt from a licensed real estate agent




[TD=bgcolor: #FAFAFA]25 points[/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FAFAFA]Document - Must have name and date of birth on


  • Record of a primary, secondary or tertiary education institution attended by you within the last 10 years
  • Record of professional or trade association of which you are a member




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Medicare card is easy enough with your passports and we took a copy of the visa grant email. They give you a temporary card in case you need to use it but it's not accepted as ID anywhere. That means you license is a no go.

Centre Link are VERY helpful but don't go in expecting everything in one go as they have a ticketing system, different tickets for different enquiries, so you'll have to wait to see someone and then start queueing again to see the next person. Most things can be done online though once you're on their system.

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I assume you can not have two from the top, it needs to be one from the top and one from the rest.


Im confused now.


We have a bank account (Westpac) but no cards as of yet, although when we do, my wifes will be in her old name.


I don't know what order to do things with the ID we have.


Obviously got;


Birth Certificates

UK Driving Licence

Marriage certificate

UK Bills

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1. Go to your bank and order your cards, ask for a statement with your name and address on it. NAB gave us this without asking, remember they get migrants in all the time.

2. Go get a sim card for your phone (that you made sure was unlocked before you left the UK)

3. Go to Centre Link to register for medicare.

4. Go online and get your TFN from http://www.ato.gov.au


Sit back and wait for things to arrive in the post so you have more ID to get other things. There isn't a massive demand for rentals any more so the real estate agents will bend over backwards for you.


Your UK bills mean naff all here as you don't live in the UK so they don't show your address!

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We arrive on a Wednesday and plan to go and get our phone sim cards on the Thursday as well as purchase a few electronic items we want to have (new laptop, printer/copier/scanner and a GPS) and do a food shop. We then have an appointment on the Friday at the bank, so plan on then going to Medicare/Centrelink after that. We then plan to visit a car dealership on the Saturday morning before looking around suburbs and rentals over the weekend and also buying the girl's car seats. On the following Monday we have appointments set up at two local childcare centres. Once we receive our Medicare Cards and have a permanent address then we will apply for our Drivers Licenses.


Could you contact your bank and scan copies of your marriage certificate and any other documents so that they could change your wife's surname before you arrive? Our bank account is already set up and they are going to have bank cards ready for us to collect upon our arrival. They have been great at e-mailing us and arranging an appointment/discussing savings accounts.


Hope this helps and good luck with your move!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Guest6235

So to confirm, do you need to be living in a permanent rental to get drivers licence and Medicare but you can get a temporary medicare card until you find a place to live. If this is the case then you have to find a rental quite sharpish to get your drivers licence in order to buy a car (unless you can use uk licence to buy car). Don't really want to have a hire car fir a month.

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