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Parent migration options


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My brother and I are the only children of our parents who are hoping to emigrate to Australia this year. As they were born in 1955/1956 respectively neither meets the Aged Parent age requirement. After speaking to DIAC they have said their only real options are the expensive Contributory Parent Visas as they would like to come here in July this year (so would come on a Visitor visa, then transfer to bridging visa whilst waiting for their Contributory Parent Visa). Would really appreciate any advice on this as they have their hearts set on coming out here, but I know they can’t afford the more expensive visas.

I really appreciate any help/support-thanks so much! 

Emma and Scott

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There are only two real options. The none contributory visa and the expensive contributory. However, the none contributory has a time frame of 30 years, while the contributory has a time frame of two years.

In theory, yes they could lodge either on shore and go on a bridging visa. However, there are issues with being on a bridging visa. First, they would not be entitled to full medicare - hence why the none contributory is generally considered a bad idea as they having very limited healthcare for older people is not a good idea. There are other issues as well such as they would never qualify for any state assistance and there UK pensions are frozen at that point.

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Technically (although people do it), coming on a tourist visa with the intention of not going home again could be frowned upon could be frowned upon,  but important to remember that the bridging visa, generally only gives you the same rights as your previous visa (unless they specifically apply for work rights).  Will your parents have enough funds without being able to get any assistance/work?  I don't know when granted work rights, if it's easy for people to find work on this type of visa.

The problem also with the non contributory visa and the lengthy processing time, is that by the time that it's ready for granting, potentially, people could have developed serious medical conditions which will not pass the medicals.   it might be worth running it by a registered migration agent www.newlifedownunder.com.au  is a regular contributor to the site and you can use the PM system to contact.


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