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Hi a quick question, if you get your house in the school catchment area will you most likely get your child at that school.

Also do the schools in Perth accept children mid through an academic year? 

We are making our move in September, the plan is to get them enrolled and start in October after school holidays.

Many thanks any comments regarding this would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi Yes you can enrol mid term and for most schools you have to be in the catchment - they will need proof of an address and some require you to show a lease.  I'm not sure with the most popular (difficult to get into schools), what happens if you move out of the catchment (you'd probably need to check).  Generally, houses are a little more expensive to rent in those catchment areas. 

Do bring your immunisation records for the children, you will probably be required to show them.

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I work in a school office.  If you live in the catchment area you will get a place. You can enrol at any time.

You will need a lease agreement and 2 proofs of address, Passports and visas for children and parents. They need immunisation records but we only accept them as printed off medicare. Bring your records, once you have registered for medicare, you will have to take them to a gp for them to copy and send to the Australian immunisation register. You can then print them off once you get your centrelink account linked to your my gov account online  It sounds complicated but its really easy.  Not having this at enrolment won't stop you from enrolling.

Whereabouts are you thinking of moving to?


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Thanks folks, valuable and reassuring information was much appreciated.

I just had this nightmare vision of them not going to school until January 2019 at start of term!

Jen I'm not too sure where we are moving to, got no family friends in Perth etc.  Tempted with Rossmoyne or Willeton as I have often see these coming up favourable as public schools.

Looking at public schools but equally aware that rental costs will be high in these popular sought after schools.

Do you work at a SHS?  could you give me any pointers? And do you know much re Harrisdale SHS regarding any likely academic results etc. or would it be too early to say with it being a new school!

Also do you know if the uniform cost, books etc.  would vary greatly from school to school or are they similar in comparison?

The kids ages are 15, 13 and 6 years of age. My son is currently year 10 in the UK, doing his first year of GCSEs, what year would he likely start if he enrolled for October start?

Many thanks. 


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Hi again,

We arrived about 16 months ago with no family or friends.  We wanted to be within a certain radius of the city where there were good schools.  We came with 3 high schools in mind - Willetton, Rossmoyne and Leeming.  My eldest was due to start yr 9 and my youngest yr 6.  We looked at houses in suburbs in catchment areas for these 3 schools and whichever house we liked the best - that's where they went!  Eldest ended up at Willetton and youngest at Rostrata - she's now also at Willetton SHS.  Rental costs aren't astronomical, ($550 pw for a 4x2 in Willetton) but it's a different story when it comes to buying.  This didn't bother us as we're open to renting for a few years and then seeing what happens.

I work at a popular, sought after and successful primary school in Willetton, although for primary I'd stick my neck out and say they're much of a muchness really and I'd concentrate on a area for a good high school - if schools are you're priority - which they were for us.  In Willetton / Rossmoyne area they're all pretty good anyway. 

Harrisdale SHS is very new (2017) and currently only has yrs 8 and 7 with a year group enrolling annually until the 2017 yr 7s graduate.  Therefore, your older children will not be able to go there.  The principle and deputy are the former principle an deputy from Rossmoyne when Rossmoyne SHS was leading the WA league tables for public school a few years ago, so indications are that it is going to be a good school, my colleague was certainly impressed when she went for the parent information night for next yr yr7s.  We are not ruling out moving there and moving my youngest there but that will be a couple of years off still.  If you're considering Harrisdale then their primary school has only been open for 2 years and is very big with over 1000 children - and it's still growing.  I think the local High school would be Canning Vale College but it doesn't enjoy the reputation of Willetton or Rossmoyne.  From what I've gathered and heard is that Rossmoyne is more focussed on academic achievement whereas Willetton, although does extremely well academically has a more caring approach to students and offers more vocational courses for those so inclined.  We are certainly very happy with it.

The booklists, school fees and uniforms are pretty standard in pricing I think, you can google the school's websites and have a look for the fees page, that will tell you what to expect.  There is one uniform shop in Willetton that caters for most schools in the area


If you look at the schools and the order forms you can see the prices.  It was a bit of a shock to go to this from buying a job lot from George at Asda!!

The school age cut off dates are pretty much the same as UK even though the school year is Feb - Dec.  They are 01 July - 30 June so chances are your son would still be in year 10 here in October.  He will have to choose his subjects for his 2 year exam courses to start in Feb of yr 11 with exams a the end of yr 12.  Again, you can have a look at the courses available to all high school students on the schools websites as from yr 7 they get to choose 6 courses (electives) a year (3 per semester up to year 9, and 3 for the whole year in year 10) in addition to their core subjects.

Sorry if I've bombarded you with info!  If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.




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Jen I really appreciated the information, it was most valuable. And no it wasn't a bombardment.

Hope your move has been a good positive experience overall, with no doubt its ups and downs!  Gosh hopefully it'll be us also in a couple of years. Although I'm having a bit of a wobble at the moment!

At least now I know Harrisdale not an realistic option, as I would want both my older children at the same school.

I'm still edging towards Willeton I think!? Depends if we can find suitable rental, as I would rent first then buy if we decide to stay. 

Do you think we could find a property in a week? Coming mid September with not much time to enrol especially with the kids holidays in Sep./Oct. as i imagine the schools will be closed. And wanting them to start in October.

Can you suggest any good estate agents, any good or bad experiences? 

Roughly how much do you pay for each child at Willeton? (if I'm allowed to ask)?

Sorry I feel that I'm bombarding you with my many questions now!

Any suggestions etc are much appreciated.

Many thanks Mahnaz 


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6 hours ago, Jen78 said:

  From what I've gathered and heard is that Rossmoyne is more focussed on academic achievement whereas Willetton, although does extremely well academically has a more caring approach to students and offers more vocational courses for those so inclined.  We are certainly very happy with it.




My daughter did teaching placements at both schools - she felt Willetton was far more results driven then Rossmoyne.  She also did an internship at Shenton whilst studying her BA and was impressed with their extra-curricular activities for students.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Thanks folks, valuable and reassuring information was much appreciated.
I just had this nightmare vision of them not going to school until January 2019 at start of term!
Jen I'm not too sure where we are moving to, got no family friends in Perth etc.  Tempted with Rossmoyne or Willeton as I have often see these coming up favourable as public schools.
Looking at public schools but equally aware that rental costs will be high in these popular sought after schools.
Do you work at a SHS?  could you give me any pointers? And do you know much re Harrisdale SHS regarding any likely academic results etc. or would it be too early to say with it being a new school!
Also do you know if the uniform cost, books etc.  would vary greatly from school to school or are they similar in comparison?
The kids ages are 15, 13 and 6 years of age. My son is currently year 10 in the UK, doing his first year of GCSEs, what year would he likely start if he enrolled for October start?
Many thanks. 

You can check academic results of all schools on myschool.gov.au

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