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Has Perth lived up to your expectations?

Mad Cow

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For everyone that has moved here recently or been here for a long time, is it going well? What did you expect? Has Perth done what it says on the tin, so to speak? For us, we didnt have any fab expectations but its been a good move. I guess, it's satisfied us in respect to being near the beach, a love of ours, we spend weekends together, as a couple, and, of course, the sunshine! It's not for everyone but how's it been for you?

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For us you bet it has, couldnt be better. Just love it


You may have to change your way of thinking in the long run though.


Take one day at a time, realise you will have bad days, it really isnt UK with sun. I didnt understand what was meant by that untill i was here a good few months.


Spoken in the moment after living here 7+ months, but Perth is if you enjoy good weather, great beaches, laidback life, a smaller city vibe, less traffic, less people, just a great place to be

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Guest guest9824

Hey MC...here is my 2 penny worth , been here for 5 years now. Knew Perth very well before we came, so I guess we knew what was install for us. Life has been up and down for us, but that would be the same wherever we were, life throws a few curve balls all the time, that IS life. I guess it's best not to have too many expectations as that has its own pressures, like feeling as though if life isn't brill all the time, then you must be failing, which is not the case. Perth has its good and bad points like anywhere in the world, society is so different now, people don't care as much about their neighbour etc, but we are lucky that mostly the people we meet where we live are still neighbourly and we have a strong community,with a great mix of aussies, poms, nz, south africans etc. I feel that a lot of people coming over in the next few months with very high hopes and dreams of utopia here, might be in for a shock, because of the rising costs of most things, being away from family and jobs not necessirily being available when you get here. That's only my opinion and of course you have to give things a go sometimes to realise this. Sometimes when we are enjoying being outside at Kings Park or just in the back yard watching parrots fly over, I still feel like we have won the lotto, so I guess our view is that Perth is still living up to our expectations.


Pea x

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Well our expectation was that it would perhaps be a little more like living in America than England and I still think it is to some extent - it really doesn't feel like England with Sunshine. We're not beach goers so being near to a beach really wasn't something we had to have - we're about 20 mins away and that suits us fine (think it's about 2 years since we went to the beach if you don't count going to see Sculptures by the sea lol).


Our expectations of the move were that we would work hard and at times it's tough having to re-establish yourself with new friends, in the workplace etc. I expected our standard of living to be the same - I wasn't going to move for anything less and that has been the case. We bought an older property and have over the last 6 years made our own mark on it - but it has always felt like our home.


The biggest bonus for us is the quality of family time we've had together - my children are now 18 and 13 (11 and 7 when we arrived) and my eldest tells me she's so glad to have had her teenage years in Aus - my son remembers snippets about life in the UK.


Like Peanuts, I have to say that the things that make me smile are the simplest things - the train journey into the city along the river always gives me a "god I live here" sort of moment, going to Kings Park, being down at point walter and just enjoying some of the beautiful sights of Perth and WA.


My tip is very much - expect it to be different than what you're used to, expect to miss things that are familiar and come with your eyes wide open.

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Ali i totally agree we have been here a month been several times before on reckies but now we are finally living here it is a pinch yourself moment.We drove 5 mins this morning to our local beach (whitfields) wonderful the children 12,5 love it its paradise for them.

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We are maybe a bit different to most, as we never intended to move here. We were relocated by my employer - my job involves working in different places around the world - i will be FIFO from Perth to Tanzania from next month.


Its a attractive city, clean with good public transport, though a little conservative in its outlook for my taste. Expensive and a little insular.


After 5 years i am pretty much over the beaches - i live opposite the beach and dont think i even got in the water this summer. I couldnt have imagined saying that 3 years ago.


Kings Park is very pretty, but again, its a bit over familiar now.


Ultimatly, it is a city, pretty much like most others in the world.

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We are maybe a bit different to most, as we never intended to move here. We were relocated by my employer - my job involves working in different places around the world - i will be FIFO from Perth to Tanzania from next month.


Its a attractive city, clean with good public transport, though a little conservative in its outlook for my taste. Expensive and a little insular.


After 5 years i am pretty much over the beaches - i live opposite the beach and dont think i even got in the water this summer. I couldnt have imagined saying that 3 years ago.


Kings Park is very pretty, but again, its a bit over familiar now.


Ultimatly, it is a city, pretty much like most others in the world.


Mr Stormy , you going to Africa is bringing on tinnitus in my ear , alarm bells

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Exceeded my expectations.


We just wanted a place with community, somewhere the kids would feel safe, have opportunities and we could slow down. We have so much more, especially some fantastic friends.


We saw Santana, Ben Harper and Paul Simon in concert today. Sat outside with no fear of it raining. Great mates, lovely atmosphere, my son loved it all and then we walked home.

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