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Everything posted by 7cdb

  1. 7cdb


    The rays in the touch pool were great. I think we enjoyed it more than the little one. He was only one mind....
  2. Mmmmmm dresses for £4,that is a bargain. Do they have them for a 5ft 10 bold bloke
  3. Start the new year off well ! OFF TOPIC,Steven I've just booked the Chester Residence in Edinburgh for a couple of nights at the end of August,any tips for a good curry house? Cheers
  4. Happy days. Pleased for you fella After completing the practical part of my skills assessment a couple of weeks ago,and after badgering my agent for the last couple of days to log on to vetesses. It has come back as positive:laugh: For my skills assessment. Only ielts to conquer in Sept then getting somewhere!
  5. 7cdb


    Stu, You are getting there then fella! good luck
  6. Can i be the first one to say "you will never take me alive copper" Portlaunay and VS deal in illegal substances...........just sayin and welcome:wideeyed: Good luck with it all
  7. Jo,I don't know you from Adam love (whoever Adam is!) I'm sat here on the raised patio I built with my dad,it's a beautiful evening lovely and warm,we have the radio on with Saturday night tunes,well the 80's so I'm happy! I am overlooking our lovely paddocks watching 3 horses chilling in the evening sun. We have wine,little mans in bed. Life is really good and we have had a lovely day with just us 3 and the dog. Last night we went to my parents and had a BBQ and again loved it. Work is good as it's my time of year to make money.........I could go on and on but you know what life is really really short,we have decided to try OZ as an adventure you ain't here long enough to have regrets. Try it! money although very important (and those who tell you otherwise are talking s...e) is not everything,once it's in your heart you will make it work. chin up,just deck the MIL
  8. I always do conference calls in just my boxers VS you will be telling people to use the phrase "going forward" in every other sentence next! It's and engineering job not some sales job bull. OP always be yourself in any interview,be confident in your ability and most of all good luck
  9. What a great update! If it was easy everyone would try it. Good luck with it and enjoy:cute:
  10. 7cdb

    Tick Tock

    Jason I feel your pain,I failed my first Ielts a couple of weeks back,got average 8 but need 8 across the board,just re booked today for 6/9/14 and ordered loads of practice tackle, its manic with work until then. Comps down and installs everywhere! you know how it is
  11. 7cdb

    Tick Tock

    Jason just a thought would it be an idea to contact north London college of vetassess direct to see when the next course is? Agents never seem to be in much of a rush even with your £2/3k!
  12. Yeh eh just decided to "try before you buy" with this one Dvts came at me from nowhere and no cure but again hey oh,leg looks a mess but it's a good come back when someone is whinging or has thrown a Monday sicky! Something along the lines of "try having 3 dvt's and not having a day off sick in 10 years you whinging wart" I have a picture of you in my head in stockings and shorts that may take a while to be cured!
  13. It it is said that if you pass first or second time you are not actually that bright Good luck
  14. Pah, if 3 dvt's and one marriage 'ain't gonna beat me I'm sure a daft English test won't I hope it all happens soon for you mate,good luck
  15. Alright Keefo,how's it going with you? Hope you and yours are all ok I failed led my first IELTS a few weeks back,hey ho onto the next one in September and at least I know how to practice better now! Also had skills assessment last weekend so waiting for results from that........not brilliant at this waiting lark but work is busy and getting busier for the next few months so in no rush.....
  16. 7cdb

    2 ½ Weeks In

    Hey Bridges You are either mad or genius doing it in your "condition" but you are doing it and not dreaming it! Thanks for the update and glad its all going well. Also thanks for the reply to my e mail re your other half and work....has he taken all his tools with him or has his new company supplied them? Again,best of luck with it and good luck with the new arrival due xx
  17. If you do get stuck and costs are higher than you expected. They do make great burgers apparently
  18. Hiya Assessor from college and vetesses man,couple of measurements on superheat and sub cooling all pretty standard stuff
  19. My midlife started early with a Porsche at 37,had loads of fast bikes in my 20's and finished off with an MV Augusta Hung up up my leathers and did the big house thing,then got the car itch.....mmmm loads of nice toys along the way and all a total waste of money as I could of bought another house with the cash I wasted,reached 40 and got another Ducati after many years without a bike. Realised my balls had shrunk considerably since I was twenty something! Nowhere near quick enough.......sold it when we found out 'er indoors was pregnant. No toys now but enjoy being a Dad more than any Porsche turbo. although did blag an F458 Ferrari for the weekend earlier on this year and would sell the mrs for one of those:cool:
  20. I did if it was at North London college,I will find out result in a couple of weeks. Starts at 8am and we got finished at around 3pm. 5 of us on the assessment and even one bloke as old as me at 42 so there is hope for me yet! Loads of other lads there Plumbers,sparks etc all decent lads and all quite informal Starts with a bit of Q&A with assessor Then go into workshop and get a rigged up with a unit each (copeland con unit and Searle evap) You have a document to log all readings,then reclaim refrigerant from system,pressure test and vac out and finally re charge and commission. Gauges tools Torr gauge etc all supplied,all you need is to make sure you have safety boots on. Assessor wanders around between all of you asking questions,not trying to catch you out just to get a bit of a general feel for how and what you do. All pretty basic stuff if you are a fridge man. But do it correctly,like you should on site Then make up some 3/8" pipe work,flares,swayged joint,pipe benders etc. Braize it up and let him check your work. Then pop to lunch (a shop around the corner) After lunch it's electrical,test a 3ph motor,insulation and measure resistance of windings etc,check a couple of single phase comps,again log info and know what the measurements mean. Start,common,run windings etc. Make up a 1ph and 3ph lead. Finally draw him a simple control circuit,mains in through T/stat to feed Sol valve,make LP,clear HP and feed the coil of a 3ph contractor to put power onto a compressor. Final part is a 30 question multiple choice paper which you have an hour to do (3 of us finished it within 30 mins) so it shows how easy it was! I thought it it was quite easy,so this probably means I have failed miserably and have wasted a grand:shocked: Anything else ask away
  21. Inspirational and well deserved
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