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Everything posted by elfie

  1. It is very yum use to make it with rabbit but im too tight to pay the price here for a rabbit lolol
  2. Tonight its beef stiffado with greek roast potatos with lemon yummmmmm
  3. Thinking why oh why i let myself to be persuaded to work an extra shift tomorrow. Am normally not a soft touch. Am slacking in my old age
  4. Hi Completion of the sale of our home takes place next week. We lived in it until we migrated here then it was rented for 3.5 years all declared legally here and in the UK regarding tax. Question regarding bringing a large sum of money from the UK into Australia........... Tax issue as this money is going towards paying off Australian mortgage are we to pay tax on this? Its a tad complicated as half the house was an inheritance ... Recommendations of a good tax accountant with a foot hold in the UK would be greatly received or from anyone really thanks in advance
  5. elfie

    UK to perth

    Hey stormy I am the negative one regarding 457 if you remember lol back in the day ouch! I got right slated on occasion with my negativity hence the huge long break from this site .........................
  6. elfie

    UK to perth

    Ahhh the dreaded 457 I harped on about this false hope and promises oh my lord i sound like abbot ....... I digress. We are a success story of 457 gaining our PR ENS 186 - soon to be citizens I will remain Welsh but with Australian citizenship I will never be Australian nor want to be I am Welsh !!!! another of my bug bears ... The people are only advising but it seems to be falling on deaf ears to put it bluntly -- I am not one for mincing words. Take heed of what others are saying. Its all well and good researching online and yes some of the information is good, but its another story being here. Most genuine big companies have their own migration solicitors/agents and pay for the visa the migrant only pays for medical police checks and x rays. So for paying upfront out of your pockets should set the mind winking. There have been a few people who joined this forum came on a 457 sold their homes lock stock and barrel ended up going back home after 6-7 months. Another member came on a 457 with a large company made redundant luckily managed to secure another 457 with a big company realises the route to PR had to start again packed up and went home. There are huge pitfalls just be understanding that actually people on this forum have a great deal of experience and knowledge. You asked for advice now its given its not what your ears want to hear
  7. I feel your pain ..... they may be related
  8. Family Quirks Hmmm dog dictates bedtime so she thinks 8pm on the dot goes to door to be let out for last night widdle ... even if walked at 7 pm then takes herself off to bed when comes back in. If her bed hadnt been taken down to bedroom she waits at bedroom door and whinges.. But if the fridge door open she gets back up .... Why we dont know because she gets nothing. My hubby always crosses his knife and fork on the plate when finishes his food.... Drives me loopy that Me im jyst one big quirk end off so thats us .......
  9. elfie

    UK to perth

    We started our journey in Wannanup loved it there. People are really friendly.
  10. elfie

    UK to perth

    Exactly internet research it sonetimes falsifies things. Take heed of what peole who actual live and have lived here are saying. Its a total different game when your here. On the upside hubby and are are proof of 457 visa success but its not been an easy ride. We gained our,ENS 186 after only being here 16 mnths. Firstly we had redundacy threats then big wake uo call re PR visa all had to be lodged prior to hubbys 50 th birthday. Time was not on our side if we had waited the 2 years. His company and companies emigration solicitor acted pretty darn quick on this. So we are a huge exception to the rule 457 visa holders age against us transitioning to PR. But if your or wifes jobs listed why not apply for a PR visa yourselves straight off. The 457 visa rulings are changing think it will be abolished soon
  11. elfie

    UK to perth

    Yes but in what area?? Mandurah is no 9 on the latest crime report wellard being 10 in the local paper this week. Something to bear in mind. No disrespect but original poster seems to have rose tinted glasses on
  12. elfie

    UK to perth

    Never say never on returning home. Circumstances change verystormy can verify this.
  13. There are light up taps in Perth. It is behind the UK but not that much
  14. No stress as long as you have a deposit all is good .... Oh and jobs ....the larger the deposit the better. If you do not have the full deposit .... I cant remember the % .... You will have to pay lenders insurance a % of the mortgage ... Again dont know this .... This insurance covers the lender encase of default. If you can start paying a regular ammount into your Oz bank account this will stand you in good stead.
  15. You can open an O bank account online then use amoney transfer company such as tranzfers forex to transfer money to and from the uk. Also moneycorp you get better value £/$ and vice versa than the banks
  16. We use tranzfers to transfer money to and from the uk. Also moneycorp you get better value £/$ and vice versa than the banks
  17. Best head to Fremantle all the weird creative wonderful hangabout there >>> i mean that in a nice way before anyone says something
  18. We are too still down under. Ploding on and getting on with it as you do. Inside of house fully renovated in 19 mths. Old wood patio has been taken down. We have an arabian tent sun shelter presently. 2017 brings new guttering new patio and pavers. Not bad for 2 middle age gits on a budget. Dogs body present 4 weeks of the month gaffa 1 week of the month. Ebbz is thriving living her life she will have owned us 3 yrs in May. Friend said how do i cope with hubby away me i dont get time to miss him im too busy. Considering I was going home constantly since being here .... Am still remaining ..... For now <wink> it is still an experience...... Happy new year peoples
  19. On a lighter note there has been adverts for marine engineering jobs in the freemantle area in the last 2 months. Its not all doom and gloom
  20. Hi been with telstra for over 4.5yrs for landline and internet. Hardly use the landline phone its really only for people in the UK to contact .... Mainly inlaws as they refuse to have internet ipad or pc ::sigh:: The landline is an expense we dont need. Any way moving on .... Not a huge internet user either. Looking for another provider other than telstra basically because what we feel we need and what they say we need is different, they want our dollars.. Any suggestions on another company for low internet and phone consumers please
  21. Not sure what yor qualification is but a UK NVQ level 3 can be converted this equates to an Australia Cert 4 this gives good standing when applying for care work. Lot of community based work easy to pick up harder if you want to work in residential or nursing facilities. Lots of jobs working with disabilities community based. Downfall with community base hours fluctuates client illness, appt,s ect. If you have experience in high dependancy this will be good You can also privately advertise your skills to gain private paying clients the money for that is good, you will need a police check for all care work an Oz first aid certificate.
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