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Just a rant really so feel free to ignore it! They say that things are sent to try us, any my word have we had a few weeks of that!


We are due to fly on the 10th November with the packers coming on the 30th Oct and the last 2 weeks have not gone well!:arghh:


Hubbys job fell through, really disappointing, but not the end of the world, we will dust ourselves off and carry on, we will find work somehow.

Then my mum took a tumble (she is not elderly really, just slipped and fell having got soap on her feet from washing the floor!) and has broken her ankle in 3 places and her leg just below the knee, she lives 150 miles away from us at the moment, but I am close to her. She has been in hospital for the last week waiting for an operation to fix her ankle before being allowed home. So I have been there looking after her and my dad (rather than at home packing - no surprise there). I felt awful leaving her today, but I had to come home to look after my kids and get on with things here!

Hubbys grandmother was taken to hospital with chest pains (lives about 100 miles in the opposite direction to my parents!) spend most of a week in hospital, but worse than that while she was in someone broke in to her house and stole all her jewellery (she is 91 for crying out loud!).

My mums fall means that she wont be able to look after my children (aged 7, 5 and 3) while the house is packed as we had arranged. But my brother is around at the moment so asked him if he would be able to help, he agreed initially but has now said he wont do it :arghh: so back to square 1 with what to do with the children while the house is packed up.

I know it will all be worth it in the end, but boy could I give up at the moment, we are doing OK with sorting things out, but still need to paint 2 rooms and lay a new carpet (as we are letting not selling our house) and then of course there is the sort for what is going in the luggage and what needs to be packed. Wish me luck for the next 4 weeks, I have a feeling I am going to need it!

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Thanks everyone, feeling better after a nights sleep at home and spending some time with my hubby again, sometimes you just need to write your frustrations down to help put them into perspective! I know we will work it out and that in the not too distant future it will be just a memory!

Ali - that thought had crossed my mind, we want to be broadly around for the packers but I am sure we could do things with the kids in between, my main concern is what they will sleep on once everything is packed - still I am sure we can tell them that they are camping and that they will enjoy the adventure! We will need to sort out seeing my mum as she will be gutted if she doesnt get to see them before we go, but again I am sure we can work that out.

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It seems everything gets thrown at you before you leave :arghh:


Our story: I ended up being hospitalised with chronic infection due to cellulitus in my leg, missed by a&e doctor, iv antibiotics and fluids in hospital and at home 4 visits a day by district nurses, off work for 6 weeks, didn't have time to apply for career break before coming out so no job to go back to. DH had to have emergency eye surgery for a nearly detached retina 2 weeks before we flew out..


since we've been here (end of june) we've had to pay for emergency dental treatment for myself and son totalling $4000 health insurance doesn't cover it yet, extra $3000 on holiday rental as we couldn't find long term rental or agents were too slow to get back to us (you really have to badger them) and the last thing is that 4 months down the line my youngest son (14) tells me everyday he wants to go home, how much he hates it here and feels he's learning nothing at school - ignore me, rant over...


At least the weather's getting better :smile2:

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It seems everything gets thrown at you before you leave :arghh:


Our story: I ended up being hospitalised with chronic infection due to cellulitus in my leg, missed by a&e doctor, iv antibiotics and fluids in hospital and at home 4 visits a day by district nurses, off work for 6 weeks, didn't have time to apply for career break before coming out so no job to go back to. DH had to have emergency eye surgery for a nearly detached retina 2 weeks before we flew out..


since we've been here (end of june) we've had to pay for emergency dental treatment for myself and son totalling $4000 health insurance doesn't cover it yet, extra $3000 on holiday rental as we couldn't find long term rental or agents were too slow to get back to us (you really have to badger them) and the last thing is that 4 months down the line my youngest son (14) tells me everyday he wants to go home, how much he hates it here and feels he's learning nothing at school - ignore me, rant over...


At least the weather's getting better :smile2:


Aww hugs mummytummy, sounds like you have had a stressful time! will keep everything crossed for you that things start to improve and that you feel more settled, have no more unexpected bills and your son feels happier. xx :wubclub:

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Sounds like a similar story to my departure but slightly worse you will be fine just make sure you dont like i did fall and break your ankle 3 days before flying when the movers had packed the house up good luck xxxxx


Thanks Elfie, I will try my best to avoid any broken bones in the next few weeks! ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just when you think things cant get any worse! To top off having broken her leg my mum has since collapsed with a pulmonary embolism (a massive clot across the top of both lungs) She was very fortunate that my dad was with her at the time and many people have told us how lucky we were not to loose her. Nothing quite like it to up the stress levels! She is still in hospital, but thankfully doing OK. It has not helped my packing though! :arghh: waiting patiently for the up now (as surely we must have hit the bottom now!) :unsure:

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Just when you think things cant get any worse! To top off having broken her leg my mum has since collapsed with a pulmonary embolism (a massive clot across the top of both lungs) She was very fortunate that my dad was with her at the time and many people have told us how lucky we were not to loose her. Nothing quite like it to up the stress levels! She is still in hospital, but thankfully doing OK. It has not helped my packing though! :arghh: waiting patiently for the up now (as surely we must have hit the bottom now!) :unsure:


Bloody hell life really can be a test sometimes eh! But it always amazes me how strong you mums are! Us blokes are crap in a crisis. We work hard then go home to relax. When you lot dont really stop (apart from wine time eh!)


Be strong keep going and life will give you something back in the long run. Good luck

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Thanks for the positive posts people, I know it sounds daft but it is nice to know that people care! I know that this is our journey and that (fingers crossed and a following wind) we will get through it, but it helps to share it at times.

I keep reminding myself that things could be a whole lot worse and that we are very fortunate to be in the position that we are in (even with my mum and her recent stunts!!) my best friend had to bury her dad last month, so right now despite it all I still thank my lucky stars.

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Weston Clan - I so get your angst about how your family issues are affecting your emigration.... but spare a few thoughts for how your parents and grandparents might be feeling through all this. It would have been bad enough for them if they were healthy and well, but to be injured and sick, they are probably not doing too well. I hope your emigration journey continues well, but just be "gentle" with those who are not travelling with you. I make this comment not as a criticism at all.. just an observation with my Grandma hat on!!

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