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Hello PerthPoms!


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Hi PerthPoms,


I've found this forum really useful recently so I thought I would come and say thanks and hello. Don't worry, I'm not really dangerous, it's just an old nickname left over from my Uni days.


My Wife, 2 year old daughter and I already have visas and validated them on a reccie trip to Perth last April and absolutely loved it. We had both been to Australia several times before we met but this was the first time as a family. Within 9 months of our return we had a new addition to the family, a baby son born just before Christmas! We plan to move permanently in July/August 2015. We'll apply for a child visa later this year.


We are both teachers ( The wife is primary and I teach IT and Business up to A Level and Functional Skills Maths). It looks like it will be tough to get jobs but you never know. I came to teaching late and I'm 5 years in at the moment. I'm quite happy to get a non teaching job. I used to work for a well know Aussie travel company so I may end up back there. I would prefer to stay in teaching though.


It looks like the visa process has changed a bit since I applied but I will try and help out where I can. I've done a fair bit of research on the teaching registration process so I maybe of some use there. It looks like there are a few teachers on here already.


I've got no idea where we are going to live yet. I plan to just go with the flow and see where we get jobs. We stayed in Mosman Park on our reccie trip which was lovely but not somewhere we can realistically afford unless we live in an apartment.


Anyway if you are still with me thanks for reading my post and I look forward to chatting to a few of you soon.




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Thanks for all the welcome messages. I can't wait to get there now. I've visited all the state capitals and a few of the regional towns in Oz as a backpacker and on a couple of holidays. Perth has always struck a chord with me (and the wife!).



Akasully2- great to hear from another teacher. I'll follow your progress with interest. Good luck with the move and the job hunt. You will love Perth.

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Thanks for all the welcome messages. I can't wait to get there now. I've visited all the state capitals and a few of the regional towns in Oz as a backpacker and on a couple of holidays. Perth has always struck a chord with me (and the wife!).



Akasully2- great to hear from another teacher. I'll follow your progress with interest. Good luck with the move and the job hunt. You will love Perth.


I really hope I do. All these people tell me Perth was their favourite, I hope it will be mine too. We did a lot of the main cities but missed out of Perth. From what I saw with my own eyes, I loved tropical Queensland the most. How did they compare for you?


As for teaching, I have the paperwork complete, ready to send off for registration but not sure whether to do it before I leave or wait until I get there. I want to settle my boys in before I start even thinking about working, my OH is the main applicant. Also, from what I have heard, teaching jobs for my subjects may be hard to come by. Not sure whether to just hang on registering to save some dosh and wait to see if I need it. However, another part of me think it might just be better to get it over and done with so if I do see something I can act. What did you do?

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I really hope I do. All these people tell me Perth was their favourite, I hope it will be mine too. We did a lot of the main cities but missed out of Perth. From what I saw with my own eyes, I loved tropical Queensland the most. How did they compare for you?




As for teaching, I have the paperwork complete, ready to send off for registration but not sure whether to do it before I leave or wait until I get there. I want to settle my boys in before I start even thinking about working, my OH is the main applicant. Also, from what I have heard, teaching jobs for my subjects may be hard to come by. Not sure whether to just hang on registering to save some dosh and wait to see if I need it. However, another part of me think it might just be better to get it over and done with so if I do see something I can act. What did you do?


I really enjoyed Queensland but then I was on a WHV and didn't really have any worries. It seemed more of a holiday destination (probably because I was on holiday!) Having said that I could easily live in Brisbane. I quite like the idea of having a couple of months of cooler weather though. I loved Sydney, I was working there during the 2000 Olympics, a great place to be as a young single lad. Now I'm older and have a young family I'm looking for a smaller city so that ruled out Sydney and Melbourne. The wife and I basically narrowed it down to Perth or Adelaide as we did want some sort of winter albeit nothing like the UK. Adelaide was nice enough when I was there but it didn't grab me the way Perth did and our visit last year reinforced this feeling. Perth is very easy on the eye and seemed to be a great place for young families. I like the fact it has a bit of everything nearby, beach, bush, the hills, wineries


I'm the main applicant so I have still got all my paperwork ready from the skills assessment with AITSL. I've not registered with the trbwa yet, I'll do it later this year. We will both be doing it so that'll be $439 each! You can just pay $286 to get your qualifications assessed first and the you pay the remainder if accepted. We should both be ok as we have 3 Year degrees plus PGCE. The plan is to both apply for jobs and see who gets one first and the one that doesn't will stay at home with kids initially. It'll be hard work getting a job I reckon but then it was tough here in the North East when I qualified and I managed to get something. I'd be happy to do non teaching work too to begin with, the wife is less keen. Our dream long term scenario would be to both get 0.8 contracts so we can each have a day with the kids but that is probably wishful thinking. I'm going to register with Smart teachers and a couple of local agencies.

If you are not in a rush I would probably wait until you get to Perth, it takes about 4-6 weeks to get registered I think. You need to get some of the documents certified too which I know you can get done for free at an Aussie police station. In the UK you need a justice of the peace to do it which will cost ££.

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Cheers Dave,


I really enjoyed reading your description of Perth as 'Easy on the eye". Wonderful! I am with all the way on the type of place you want to settle, same with us. We are a family too and are looking for the same type of thing.


As for certifying the docs, we have been very lucky enough to have a policeman friend who has certified everything for us. Poor thing, I think we have given him writer's cramp from all the signing he had to do for us! All it cost us was some bottles of red wine as a big thank you!

Edited by Akasully2
We, not wee
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Hi, A fellow primary teacher here. :) If I can help in any way let me know. I'm not over yet but plan to be in April/May depending on how quickly the house sale goes through. I've registered as far as I can really apart from Working with Children card but as you say I can do that over there.

Good luck!

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Akasully2- I know a couple of people in the police. I'll have to hassle then for some signatures! I want to try and get everything done before I arrive.


aligard - Hi. Thanks for your offer of help. I'm sure I will have lots of questions over the next few months. Good luck with the move and job hunt.


Dangerous Dave, I don't think the warrant sergeant on duty on a Friday night counts!!! :biglaugh: Sorry, your name implies a dodgy past! :laugh:

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Dangerous Dave, I don't think the warrant sergeant on duty on a Friday night counts!!! :biglaugh: Sorry, your name implies a dodgy past! :laugh:


Ha ha. My name does sound a bit dodgy doesn't it. In my Uni and early working days I was notorious for suggesting 'let's go for a quick pint' which quite often turned into a session. I am pleased to report no police were ever involved! The only sessions I have these days are with bottles of milk at 3am.

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