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Did anyone else start thinking they wouldn't get visas when they started there visa process? Am so stressed some days just thinking about it!

My husbands a Fabricator Welder (Steel) so we are applying for skilled visa and our migration agent seems very confident but I keep thinking negative thoughts! just wondered if this was normal ha

Hope yous are all enjoying oz weather we in England have had sun, wind, rain, hail and snow all in the same day and it april! x

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Felt like that all the time and didn't quite believe it until I got the email with the visa grant.


Ditto! I used to go and re-read the grant notice letter in case I had misread it. Wasn't even 100% certain as we were entering the country, wondered if they would stop us and say there had been a mistake!

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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this is the wrong time of year to be applying for visas, every June DIAC change the rules, years ago when I first went for my skilled independant through a dodgy migration agent DIMIA in those days changed the rules in June, after that I couldnt make the points for the skilled independant and ended up on a sponsored regional visa, more recently when I arrived the second time around on a 457, i had heard there was a rule change coming in June, so rushed my application through for PR, application went in in March, rules changed in June, if I had waited I would have been stuck on a 457 for 2 years, as it stood I was only on one for 8 months, now with all the mine layoffs, i can see them changing the 457 visa allocation again and maybe editing the SOL. only advice I can offer is make sure you get your application in well before June of each year, and if its an election year, even sooner, every new govt seems to completely mess things up.

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Did anyone else start thinking they wouldn't get visas when they started there visa process? Am so stressed some days just thinking about it!

My husbands a Fabricator Welder (Steel) so we are applying for skilled visa and our migration agent seems very confident but I keep thinking negative thoughts! just wondered if this was normal ha

Hope yous are all enjoying oz weather we in England have had sun, wind, rain, hail and snow all in the same day and it april! x


So so normal!!!! It has taken us two years to get to the stage we are at now! (Medicals completed just waitin on South African police check for my husband) and roller coaster not the word... More like extreme emotional meltdown!!! You should read a thread on here I started a month or so ago called Anxiety taking over which makes you sound completely ok! I have worried about everything start to finish... You just have to have faith, a fab agent and lots of wine! There are so many of us going through/ been through it and so completely understand, but you will only regret not going for it, so go for it! X

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yes I think its normal, we started this process 2 years ago, I never thought we would get to the end of the visa process, but we are finally here, police check certificates arrived Tuesday morning, I wasn't worried about those to be honest, but we are all booked in for our medicals in the morning, and I am worried about those ! its the last hurdle, it has actually flown by these past 2 years, so fingers crossed it will for you too.

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