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Moving back


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We don't have a section for it on pp, but, I know several of us are doing so, so, thought I would start a thread where we can share tips and experience.


We we are in the late planning stage at the moment, though likely to actually make the move in the near future.


We have received quotes for shipping and think we are going to use move cube.


We have contated a company - dogtainers - to start the process for moving the little fellow and were pleasantly surprised at the process. No quarantine and just needed a jab for rabies and wait three weeks and he can fly.


Job hunt is on and going very well. Had another interview last night.


We we hope to book flights next week - probably for April.

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My container, 20Ft, fully packed and items disassembled/reassembled all materials/boxes cost us just shy of $10k we could of saved a few hundred $$$ by taking a slower boat but figured less time at my moms house would be better for everyone and worth every cent/penny. Insurance around 600 sterling

We are selling quite a few things here as we don't have so many rooms in the house in UK. Obviously 3 cars to sell, 1 gone already ( thank you nice man from Freo :) )

I'm going to go self employed when back in Blighty and have people throwing themselves at me at the moment which is nice.

Just Paid $550 for 2 weeks car hire in UK to see me through until I buy one. Yet to book one here in Perth for final few days.

One saving grace about 457 visa is your sponsor pays for your flights, which is around $5k saved.

Vacate clean from rental $500, carpet cleaner $180 gardener $50. Furnished accom for 3 nights $400.

Kids are at school right up to day before we fly... so gives me and mrs some breathing space to sort stuff out.

In Uk will have to reunite ourselves with taxman. ALso we have to try and get kids in local school which is going to be biggest headache, as we are over half way through school year and as it is the only 'outstanding' rated school in our area its allegedly over subscribed.

Many nights of tears and heartache and headaches to come....living the dream baby

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My container, 20Ft, fully packed and items disassembled/reassembled all materials/boxes cost us just shy of $10k we could of saved a few hundred $$$ by taking a slower boat but figured less time at my moms house would be better for everyone and worth every cent/penny. Insurance around 600 sterling

We are selling quite a few things here as we don't have so many rooms in the house in UK. Obviously 3 cars to sell, 1 gone already ( thank you nice man from Freo :) )

I'm going to go self employed when back in Blighty and have people throwing themselves at me at the moment which is nice.

Just Paid $550 for 2 weeks car hire in UK to see me through until I buy one. Yet to book one here in Perth for final few days.

One saving grace about 457 visa is your sponsor pays for your flights, which is around $5k saved.

Vacate clean from rental $500, carpet cleaner $180 gardener $50. Furnished accom for 3 nights $400.

Kids are at school right up to day before we fly... so gives me and mrs some breathing space to sort stuff out.

In Uk will have to reunite ourselves with taxman. ALso we have to try and get kids in local school which is going to be biggest headache, as we are over half way through school year and as it is the only 'outstanding' rated school in our area its allegedly over subscribed.

Many nights of tears and heartache and headaches to come....living the dream baby


oh no Plimthing- you're heading back too ?? so sorry to hear this. glad you've got offers of work so far and I truly hope it all works out well for you and the family. safe trip,

bean x

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Have to agree with VS on this. Work seems to be picking up very quickly in Uk and Europe at the moment. With the mining downturn that's been going on for over a year now its effects are slowly filtering down to other sectors. As much as people disliked a certain side of the UK, the willingness for Brits to jump on a plane and chase the sun and sangria, will always ensure that I have a job!

Australia was never going to be my home, it was an adventure, which we took, didn't work out, oh well, on to the next opportunity. Its not the be all and end all of our life and as we didn't sell our soul to get here we can just slip back and get ready for the next adventure! Admittantly it gets more difficult as the kids get older, but we will deal with that as and when.

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Well, my wife was worried about getting of all the "junk" we haven't shipped or sold. The sort of things we all have like board games and old oven trays and general accumulate.


She was particularly worried as she will be here on her own for 5 days and needs to leave the house immaculate and empty.


So, I decided this morning to have a quick and very cheap garage sale. My wife didn't think we would shift anything. Well, most of it went in the first two hours and we pocketed $300 for stuff we were worried about having space in the bin for. At the end there was a lot of the real junk left with a few good bits and we had started discussing asking the neighbours to fit things in their bins. Then a ute pulled up and were keen on a couple of bits. Deal agreed. Take it all for $20. They are going to use it all on a fundraiser stall for charity.


Everyones a winner.


The he house is cleared except what people are collecting tomorrow and our bed and a futon. Salvos will pick up on Thursday before my wife flies.


So, now just going to polish off the last of the wine, relax, grab a shower and head to the airport.

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HVe to also give a good tip here about the fury members of family.


It it is a requirement to use an agent to ship them back to the UK. We are using Dogtainers and they have been fantastic.


It is a lot easier than bring to oz as their is no quarantine. They just need the rabies jabs three weeks ahead of flying.

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House gone, cars gone, container gone, ship about to dock in Fremantle, cases packed, holiday let vacated, friends house hijacked. Drive to airport at 1830! Not quite chilled out yet, just got to check luggage in then I can relax.

Is there a poms in Canada site?


I won't put the link but there is a british expats site with a Canada sub-forum which was very helpful when I moved there many moons ago.

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Just going to sort uk house out first then see which way I want to roll....

Wished id come to oz when I was in air force, then the box would be ticked already! Cost me a fortune doing it at my age with kids in tow.

South America looks fun too!

Snowing at home ... Brilliant!

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I am safely in our little holiday rental and it is wonderful and the pub is better than I imagined!


My brother in law and family met me at the airport and went back to theirs for a wonderful Sunday lunch.


Then a trip with family to the pub and they have deposited me along with a load of home made treats - chicken pie, brownies and things.


Tomorrow I will get mobiles and things for us.


Was also very pleasantly surprised by Qatar air.


The UK countryside is as stunning as I remembered.

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  • 3 weeks later...

HI folks! We are back in blighty and loving it! Kids are in school and doing well. House is in mid decorating phase. Container approaching red sea so won't be too long once it's gone through the cut. Got a fair bit of gardening to do, but I don't mind cutting green grass! Got 2 nice cars for us, sadly no vw yet, but will get one soon! Planning permission in file pending with council for extension to our house so exciting times ahead.

Anyone contemplating the move back, just do it, it's no where near as bad as people like to make out, even in the Midlands!

Right got to take kids to nanny's! Enjoy the sunshine, it's raining here for first time in 2 weeks since we got back. Real ale tonight , yum yum yum.

Good luck!

Tony, Cheryl, Kate and Jessica

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We moved to Perth on 31/1/14 after 7 years of trying and a few failed visa applications. When we arrived the job fell through. Both of us applied for so many jobs, but apart from some cash in hand babysitting for an English family we didnt find any work. After 6 months we decided to apply for jobs back home. We are now back where we came from, both with full time jobs and 3 children in excellect schools. It broke our hearts to leave Perth. But we used most of our savings and couldnt really see an alternative. We no longer own a house and the focus of our lives for so many years has gone. Just bad timing for us I think.

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We moved to Perth on 31/1/14 after 7 years of trying and a few failed visa applications. When we arrived the job fell through. Both of us applied for so many jobs, but apart from some cash in hand babysitting for an English family we didnt find any work. After 6 months we decided to apply for jobs back home. We are now back where we came from, both with full time jobs and 3 children in excellect schools. It broke our hearts to leave Perth. But we used most of our savings and couldnt really see an alternative. We no longer own a house and the focus of our lives for so many years has gone. Just bad timing for us I think.


Timing is everything and I have said on a number of threads during the last 12-18 months there is no way I would be coming here now. Good luck getting back into the swing of it.

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Hey @Arwen ….. yet this down turn in WA excites us ,as in many recessions there are always opportunities ! Infact more than when things are going swell , we like it hot in the kitchen ;o)


This is why where heading over in June with know jobs but with bucket loads of grit n determination .


But hey lifes a journey , enjoy the ride :o)

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Hey @Arwen ….. yet this down turn in WA excites us ,as in many recessions there are always opportunities ! Infact more than when things are going swell , we like it hot in the kitchen ;o)


This is why where heading over in June with know jobs but with bucket loads of grit n determination .


But hey lifes a journey , enjoy the ride :o)


You're braver than I would be. Good luck.

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