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Scarborough face lift


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So, whilst we where in Oz , we would often have a coffee or smoothie and mooch around scarborough before work ...... Loved the sumer salts festival on a sunday too !

Anyhow whilst there - the development was taking place for bit of a face lift - pool /skate park/ kids climbing wall etc etc . Soooo just wondering has anyone checked it out since its been completed ? 

Anyone been for a swim or a skate ? 

tease me guys, tease me ?

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On ‎09‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 05:36, pegg said:

Anyhow whilst there - the development was taking place for bit of a face lift - pool /skate park/ kids climbing wall etc etc

There's still quite a lot of fenced-off area between the skate park and the swimming pool. But the whale playground, skate park and pool are all open. The surf club and function room building look nearly done too.

Outside Dome is still a favourite for bikers to sit and ridiculously rev their unnecessarily-noisy machines though.

It'll be lovely when it's all done.

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brill !!! Scabs is one of those places where when we first arrived i really couldnt get on with it .... yet by the time we left - we loved the place ! especially when we watched a mum and calf right whales swim by ..... just good memories . 

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